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Traveller 2300AD Design Rules


SOC-14 1K
Hello all,

I am curious about how the equipment for Traveller 2300AD was designed. Unfortuantely, I haven't been able to find the design rules. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
Hi Tom,

I don't recall ever seeing a 'technological architecture' book for 2300AD. Were any tech design sequences even released at all?
Lo Evil Dr Ganymede,

You are truly evil by asking me basically the question I asked. I've got acouple of books for the game. One being the Ships' of the French Arm, I think thats the title any. The best I can tell is that the design system is based on weight and not volume, unlike the majority of Traveller variants. Anyway, thanks for the reply, now I don't feel lonely about not knowing about Traveller 2300 A.D and 2300 A.D design sequences.

Originally posted by Evil Dr Ganymede:
Hi Tom,

I don't recall ever seeing a 'technological architecture' book for 2300AD. Were any tech design sequences even released at all?
The main design source for 2300AD was the Star Cruiser boxed set, which covered starships and smallcraft. It was mass rather than volume based.

There was also a fan based document called 2300AD Technical Architecture (or something similar). IIRC it also covered computers and vehicles. I've got a copy on my home PC so will have to have another look at it.
Originally posted by Takei:
There was also a fan based document called 2300AD Technical Architecture (or something similar). IIRC it also covered computers and vehicles. I've got a copy on my home PC so will have to have another look at it.
Hmm, the document you're referring too comes from this site: www.caco.demon.co.uk/2300ad/2300ad.html

It is unofficial, and I haven't looked through the whole thing so I don't know how functional it really is, but it might be worth looking at.
Hello Takei,

Thank-you for the information, I'll fire up the old search engine and go a hunting. Also thanks for confirming that weight is used instead of volume.

Originally posted by Takei:
The main design source for 2300AD was the Star Cruiser boxed set, which covered starships and smallcraft. It was mass rather than volume based.

There was also a fan based document called 2300AD Technical Architecture (or something similar). IIRC it also covered computers and vehicles. I've got a copy on my home PC so will have to have another look at it.
Hello Borodin,

Thank-you for the link, my search engine links appreciate not having to be dusted off. At this point any site that explains how to create a 2300AD or Traveller 23300 AD design is helpful. Part of my desire for this knowledge is someone, can't remember if the post is on one of the boards here or somewhere else, was trying to convert vehicles over to the Traveller based system. Again thanks a lot for the link, which has been added to my favorites/bookmarks.

Originally posted by Borodin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Takei:
There was also a fan based document called 2300AD Technical Architecture (or something similar). IIRC it also covered computers and vehicles. I've got a copy on my home PC so will have to have another look at it.
Hmm, the document you're referring too comes from this site: www.caco.demon.co.uk/2300ad/2300ad.html

It is unofficial, and I haven't looked through the whole thing so I don't know how functional it really is, but it might be worth looking at.
Evening Evil Dr. Ganymede,

Well, I have answer to the question about design sequences for 2300/Traveller 2300 AD. That answer is yes there are design sequences for starship/spacecraft and vehicles. Star Cruiser has the "Naval Architect's Manual" and from the "Director's Guide." I am sure of the Naval Architect's Guide, I just got Star Cruiser, and the other one I am not sure about. Anyway, Andy Brick is or was working on a web based combined design sequence titled "2300 Technical Archtecture."

Here is the url to the main web page: 2300 AD

From this page you can select the link with the title of "2300 AD Technical Architecture."

The only 3 links that work from this many page are for Pentapod's World, The WARP Homepage, and Andy Goddard's 2300AD.

And Goddard has a link that you might find useful so here it is too: astro tools

Originally posted by Evil Dr Ganymede:
Hi Tom,

I don't recall ever seeing a 'technological architecture' book for 2300AD. Were any tech design sequences even released at all?
There never was an official vehicle design system for 2300AD. Andy Brick's Technical Architecture made a good start, but it was never finished.

The Naval Architects Manual, part of the Star Cruiser boxed set, contained the starship and small craft design rules, but was rather limited for options.

2320, well, it will use the T20 design rules, with modifications. I'm still working on it.
Evening Colin,

Thank-you for the additional post and clarification, which I missed in my post. Can you give me an idea of what the Director's Guide covers? Is this guide part of the core rules for 2300 AD?

I agree that the Naval Architect's Manual (NAM) is very basic, but so is CT: Book 2 Starships, T4 Core rule book Quick Ship Design System, and GURPS:Traveller 2e. However, at least with the NAM I don't have to guess at how the vessel and some equipment was built, now I have the sequence. Of course this can be just as confusing for other reasons;). Again thank-you for your helpful comments.

Originally posted by Colin:
There never was an official vehicle design system for 2300AD. Andy Brick's Technical Architecture made a good start, but it was never finished.

The Naval Architects Manual, part of the Star Cruiser boxed set, contained the starship and small craft design rules, but was rather limited for options.

2320, well, it will use the T20 design rules, with modifications. I'm still working on it.
The Director's Guide is one of the two Core book in the boxed edition of the game. The referee's manual. It contains world and animal generation rules, combat and aliens.
Morning (PDT) Colin,

Thank-you for the information about the Director's Guide. I should have gotten back here sooner, another discussion board member, William to be exact, made a very kind offer to sell his 2300 AD boxed set, which of course I had no intention of passing up
. I now own the core rules of 2300 AD and several resource books for 2300 AD and Traveller 2300 AD. I wish to again thank-you Colin for the information in your post and to thank everyone who responded to my post here, you all have been a big help.

Originally posted by Colin:
The Director's Guide is one of the two Core book in the boxed edition of the game. The referee's manual. It contains world and animal generation rules, combat and aliens.
The main design source for 2300AD was the Star Cruiser boxed set, which covered starships and smallcraft. It was mass rather than volume based.
I was pretty sure the NAM (Naval Architect's Manual) would be considered volume based. The only thing mass was an issue with was Warp Efficiency. Most ship components have mass based on volume, things like the hull and living quarters.