We're really pleased to announce the return of TravCon in 2009. TravCon09 will, once again, be held in Sawtry at Redwing Lodge on the weekend of the 13-15th March 2009. You can download details of the con and information on how to book here on the website:
This is the UK's only Traveller focused convention. You can see pictures of TravCon08 here :
Important information: if you book before 6th December 2008 you can save money! Prices rise after that date; you can find full details on the booking form.
This is the UK's only Traveller focused convention. You can see pictures of TravCon08 here :
Important information: if you book before 6th December 2008 you can save money! Prices rise after that date; you can find full details on the booking form.