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Trader Jims Oxygen Extractor

trader jim

SOC-14 1K
Newly invented and patented MOUTH held O2 extractor....extracts O2 directly from ocean and fresh water....heavy air tanks no longer needed in o2 rich waters...consists of fitted mouth piece..and 8 in cylinder...4 in on each side of mouth....military and civialian applications!!!....you figure it out....ADDED BONUS...can be used on land in tainted atmosphears....

TRADER JIMS a trillionair once again!!!.... :D ;) :cool:
Originally posted by trader jim:
Newly invented and patented MOUTH held O2 extractor....extracts O2 directly from ocean and fresh water....heavy air tanks no longer needed in o2 rich waters...consists of fitted mouth piece..and 8 in cylinder...4 in on each side of mouth....military and civialian applications!!!....you figure it out....ADDED BONUS...can be used on land in tainted atmosphears....

TRADER JIMS a trillionair once again!!!.... :D ;) :cool:
Sounds like a great deal.

What's the duration before recharge or replacement?

It's good to see you in the black again. :D
One wonders what this new "Hotter than fresh donuts" item will cost per unit as well? And how is this superior to the masked respirator-style mask used on thin and tainted atmospheric worlds.

I can see it as smaller, and more compact-but goggles for eye irritants will probably be 'extra", eh? ;)

And let us say, after the recent unpleasantness, its good to see you back.(or was it, you're back?; or was it, we see your back?)
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
GAB, it IS the REAL Trader Jim!!! No clone could do that as well... :D ;)
May it's a stand in, like what Strephon used for getting more time waterskiing. ;) :D

Also where's the Vorpal Bunny and Coffee Juice references? :confused:
Ya know,

by the title of this thread, all I could think of was the Death maid from spaceballs... Then I come here and it's an actual idea. Letting me down TJ.... (shakes head as tail slumps)

RV ;)
Trader Jim Enterprises inc. WILL NOT be held responsipal for the incorrect use of the O2 extreactor!!!....and....NO....the crystals used in said item ARE NOT freeze dried COFFEE JUICE!!!!

Boink!!! light go off in head!!!! WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!! Freeze Dried COFFEE JUICE!!!!....INSTANT COFFEE JUICE!!!!...COFFEE JUICE in ALL MREs also on ALL stores shelves.....RICH....RICH....hahahahahah heheheheh!!!

Thanks George....and NO...you dont get any split of the PROFITS!!!!! hahahahahahhaha
Originally posted by trader jim:
Trader Jim Enterprises inc. WILL NOT be held responsipal for the incorrect use of the O2 extreactor!!!....and....NO....the crystals used in said item ARE NOT freeze dried COFFEE JUICE!!!!

Boink!!! light go off in head!!!! WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!! Freeze Dried COFFEE JUICE!!!!....INSTANT COFFEE JUICE!!!!...COFFEE JUICE in ALL MREs also on ALL stores shelves.....RICH....RICH....hahahahahah heheheheh!!!

Thanks George....and NO...you dont get any split of the PROFITS!!!!! hahahahahahhaha
Instant Coffee Juice!
Yuck! :mad:

It's not the same! You lose the potency!
Originally posted by trader jim:
Oh Yeah...i bet you just drink that old weak Earth coffee ...made from Beans....no real KICK!!!
Hey. Earth coffee beans are the real thing! They have plenty of kick if you do a batch correctly.
Sir...Trader Jim,Sir.....people are staring to complain that after 2 or3 uses of your O2 extractor...well ....they say its starting to smell and tast kinda like VORPAL BUNNIE PELLETS!!!....what are we gonna do about it Sir????

Keep the money son and RUN, RUN, RUN!!!!..... :eek:
Originally posted by trader jim:
Sir...Trader Jim,Sir.....people are staring to complain that after 2 or3 uses of your O2 extractor...well ....they say its starting to smell and tast kinda like VORPAL BUNNIE PELLETS!!!....what are we gonna do about it Sir????

Keep the money son and RUN, RUN, RUN!!!!..... :eek:
I hate to think what uses would make the O2 extractors smell like Vorpal Bunny pellets. :eek: :confused:
Originally posted by trader jim:
and just what are you thinking of if i may ask???
could it be somthing NASTY????......boy ...some people!!!!
I just want know how they got into that condition.

"something NASTY" was your words not mine! :rolleyes: