One of my players did these Traveller Haikus and gave me permission to post them. Hope you enjoy them. These were inspired after their ship was disabled and they were plunging toward a planet which was in the amber zone (frozen water world).
Attack for honor
defending a Lady's land
Dmn, hit their hold.
Falling from the sky
stuffing the lifeboat with aid
no shopping down there.
a forzen gulag
I hear a shipyard calling
we wait for a ride
Icy, musing man
ponders why he is shipless
what the Hell happened?
Titan impotent
shaking my fist heavenward
stuck on a frozen bitch.
- Hope you enjoyed them. Shar_leigh
Attack for honor
defending a Lady's land
Dmn, hit their hold.
Falling from the sky
stuffing the lifeboat with aid
no shopping down there.
a forzen gulag
I hear a shipyard calling
we wait for a ride
Icy, musing man
ponders why he is shipless
what the Hell happened?
Titan impotent
shaking my fist heavenward
stuck on a frozen bitch.
- Hope you enjoyed them. Shar_leigh