Sylean Chess, aKa "Empire" or "Imperium" Chess.
(NOTE: I am going to actaully make this)
A one meter diameter hexagonal board with flat gameboard tiers, similar to chess squares, but may be hexagons. The board looks like a hexagonal step pyramid.
You must have at least three players, but it is better with six.
The board has a round outer ring, which is the players start point as "Personas" (the player's piece) This represents Space.
The first Tier, populated by Knights, is the Land Tier. Players in thier moves must try to get past the other players as they control the Knights to block the moving player in a team effort. All Knights can do is Delay progress of the Persona.
Knights are this game's pawns. Traditionally, this has a world surface map motif. Knights can move two hexes.
The Second Tier, populated by Barons, is the World Tier. Barons function like Knights, and can only Delay or Block Personae. This Teir has a planetary motif. Barons can move three hexes in any direction
The Third Tier, populated By Marquis, is the System tier. Marquis peices are few, but they can potentially Destroy a Persona when properly used in force. This tier has a Star System motif.
Marquis can move 4 hexes.
The Fourth Tier, Populated by Counts, is the County Tier. Counts can easily Destroy a Persona, if two can be put into the right position to strike by the opposing players remaining.
Counts can move Five hexes
The Fifth Tier, Populated by Dukes, Is the Chart Tier, Dukes can alone Destroy a Persona if in position. This teir should have subsector map like motifs. (planets connected by trade routes, say...) Counts can move six hexes.
The Imperial Tier is Populated by whoever makes it through the Peerage to become Emperor. The Imperial Sunburst is in the center of the top Tier. If only one Persona Remains, that person wins. If more than one, they must fight, with losers being Destroyed.
The last one Standing is "Emperor" of the game.
Destroy = YOu lose. Out of the game.
Delay = a move or series of moves designed to slow the progress to the Throne.
Sylean Chess is a social game, it combines chess with chinese checkers and a bit of "Odd man out". It is a children's game designed to familarize them with the workings of the Moot, indirectly.
Traditional Persona Piece Colors are Black, White, Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow
Moot pieces are commonly all Maroon, and the shape denotes the piece.