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TNE Websites?


SOC-14 1K
Hello, All,

My T20 campaign is in the early planning stages. One of the players I've found is a TNE fan, and is very interested in playing in that time period. I lack the funds to buy all the books and background. However, I know that there are probably a number of good TNE websites that can serve as reference for me in planning adventures for a small pocket empire struggling their way back into the spacelanes after a Virus-enforced rest.

So here's the question: Can anyone recommend some good TNE websites that will give me some core information on this period of time in OTU history, and perhaps provide some insight into the kind of adventuring challenges that await brave, young explorers scouting out beyond the little interstellar breadbasket they call home?

Thanks in advance,
You'll not do better than the exhaustively detailed BARD site, cataloguing almost a decade's worth of work from several very dedicated individuals. The rules have been out of print for years and many 'mainstream' Traveller fans still look down their noses at it, but anyone who claims that TNE is dead, or even sleeping, just hasn't been paying attention.
Mr T Foster is dead on there...www.downport.com/BARD is the TNE-haven site of those of use who still remain holding onto the time line wishing it forward (and now, with MJD, it shall go forward!).
Also Tne-silenttower is the list. folks post ship designs and other stuff there. (moderated by Lewis Roberts, who maintains the BARD web site.). Heck I'm subscribed, and I'm a heretic (Long story)!I've had stuff Put up on the BARD site...So go for it!
is another Tne site, Antony of this list, is a good place fer ideas.
Originally posted by daryen:
Another great site (which I am surprised Liam didn't note as his name is all over it) is:
Ah Daryen lad, that would be braggin. ;) Many of the sectors posted by DED there were done by Chris Griffen/Starpilot here on CoTI. Pete Gray of BARD site fame has a lot of stuff there as well, but its DED's site nonetheless. I'm just pickeled Tink to be able to put stuff up there as I have no site of my own.
I feel so proud, having had my name mentioned. Incidently I have just posted some updates to my website (I'm still working on the Megatraveller vehicles, and Banners sector stuff.) Suggestions as to what additional items to put up will be welcome, though I am almost at my 10MB site limit.

Also is there any information at all on the sectors rimward of Ahkiweahl, Banners, and Hanstone? The people of the Czarate of Delsun and Alston League would like to know.
Originally posted by Antony:
I feel so proud, having had my name mentioned. Incidently I have just posted some updates to my website (I'm still working on the Megatraveller vehicles, and Banners sector stuff.) Suggestions as to what additional items to put up will be welcome, though I am almost at my 10MB site limit.

Also is there any information at all on the sectors rimward of Ahkiweahl, Banners, and Hanstone? The people of the Czarate of Delsun and Alston League would like to know.
Ya do good stuff Antony, ye should be proud (tisn't braggin', if'n ye can do it, as Dad sez)of it! I HAVE it bookmarked, why not share the knowledge that I do?
As fer sector stuff to SPinwards of Banners...dunno. There was a site fer the Hierate, once upon a time. Haveta check & see if its still "active".
Somewhere out there there is also Harold Hale's comprehensive Children of Earth website, while much of it is going to conflict with MJD's project...it is really interesting stuff.
Or you can get yer hands on old Traveller Chronicle issues 10-13 that cover the whole topic of the "Children of Earth" series of articles...like Mine!
Sites like these make me "nervous"...i look, study,question....start thinking....what if??...
i mean "why not"???...an ENTIRE ERA to LOOT!!!
A TRADERS DREAM!!!......Wide Open Markets!!!...sell, loot, steal...EVERYTHING!!!

Be a KING!! or DESPOT!!!...DICTATOR!!!...

Wait a minute....already those.....hmmmnnnnn...still has possiabilitys!!!
:eek: :eek:
Originally posted by trader jim:
Help help...think i gotta bug!!! (get it BUG) hehehehe....boy i am good....hehhehehe
I should think you'd be more cautious with AI-Virus abounding these parts! Good way to wind slaved to a robot instead of the reverse! ;)
Don't forget the freelance traveller site. It has a few adventures that can be used for the TNE era.

And as for Trader Jim, a few poor trade deals with the average xenophobic TED will cure those dreams of endless riches, besides the guild has the dubious merchantile trade bit covered - and they don't like competion.

I hate to show my ignorance but "the exhaustively detailed BARD site" web link doesn't appear to work for me. All I get is a "file not found on this server" message.

Any hints? Appreciate your assistance. :D