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TNE Sourcebook


SOC-14 1K
The TNE Sourcebook will be a systemless mileu book published by Quiklink Interactive.

Best guess on timing would be late 2002.
Good news, MJD! Congratulations for having your project accepted.

By systemless you mean that it will be like Milieu 0, where no stats were provided to the NPCs? I known that this is not very important, but I would like to have them anyway.

Considering a previous post of yors, would be now a good time to tell us your ideas regarding this project?

[This message has been edited by Ron (edited 02 October 2001).]
Systemless: As far as possible we will not be publishing stats, simply becuase we'd have to do about 6 sets for each personality, ship etc.

Less stats means more room for content, and we'll need plenty of that.
Nice setup Martin,

I am concerned with the so called "sufficient interest" needed. Your previous post clearly stated that Quicklink Interactive would publish the book. If this is not a closed deal, can you tell us what is the kind of public manifestation of interest the publishers are expecting to go forward with the book? I don't like the idea of playing in the past of Traveller's fictional timeline, your book looks like a solution to my needs.

I look forward to see your and Marc's vision of the The New Era. I hope we are going to see it, at least a little bit, in your site soon.
First, COOL! Well done MJD. To repeat a question I asked elsewhere: Are we talking here about a sweeping broad brush look at known space, or a more detailed focus on the Regency and / or RC areas? I suppose what I'm asking is where the emphasis will fall between purely narrated history and regional gazeteer type information. As ever, I worry about making a supplement genuinely helpful to gamers, rather than just doodling in fine detail in the background that whilst fascinating, doesn't help the beleaguered Ref actually run a game...

Still, there are some pretty cool things you can look at which should work well for many campaigns. Given your (probably on balance very shrewd) decision to go systemless in the sourcebook itself have you given any thought to developing stats etc as Web-enhancements? Just a thought
The book will detail the events of 1130-1248 as backstory, somewhat broad-brushedly (? is that a word?). It will detail the 4th Imperium and its borders as a full adventure setting, and have a campaign area in some detail. I'm not telling where that is just yet.

Stats on the web? Hmm. I'm happy for someone to do it, but time rather precludes that being me.
Popular support and such....

well, basically the project will get scotched if one of certain things happen:

1. An outpouring of apathy and disinterest
2. A mass "butitsnotDave'sanswerssoitsnotrealTNE!" response
3. Everyone starts mudslinging because THIS TNE doesn't fit their vision of what should have been done etc.
The deal is more or less done. What can kill the project is Trav-fan divisiveness or a lack of interest.
Clarification: this book will explain what has happened in and to the Regency/RC regions, but that will not be the main focus of the setting.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
Popular support and such....

well, basically the project will get scotched if one of certain things happen:

1. An outpouring of apathy and disinterest
2. A mass "butitsnotDave'sanswerssoitsnotrealTNE!" response
3. Everyone starts mudslinging because THIS TNE doesn't fit their vision of what should have been done etc.
The deal is more or less done. What can kill the project is Trav-fan divisiveness or a lack of interest.

Urmm, whilst I wouldn't want to cast aspersions at my fellow Traveller fans, I do hope that you are prepared to be moderately thick-skinned... "Fan" is after all a shortening of "fanatic" and by doing anything you are tampering with an object of veneration!

Seriously, I think a certain robustness and faith in your work is required: if you and MWM are happy and confident, then don't let carping from the sidelines put you off.

As for the net-stats, it just occured to me that a)its one of WotC best ideas doing little extras on the net and b) its something that the online Trav community could almost do for you and then it could be pulled together and posted up as a PDF.

[This message has been edited by Gallowglass (edited 03 October 2001).]
I agree with both points.

Basically, though, if it seems that the project will be ignored because it's the "wrong" TNE, then it's not worth pursuing. As to player whinges... am I not used to those....
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
I agree with both points.

Basically, though, if it seems that the project will be ignored because it's the "wrong" TNE, then it's not worth pursuing. As to player whinges... am I not used to those....

I will certainly not be ignoring the project. I've liked TNE from the begining and look forward to getting this tome in my grubby hands!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
I agree with both points.

Basically, though, if it seems that the project will be ignored because it's the "wrong" TNE, then it's not worth pursuing. As to player whinges... am I not used to those....

As I allways thought that the right TNE was the wrong Traveller, I am eager to see yours efforts.

Although I was previously concerned about the lack of NPC and Patrons stats, I reconsidered and I don't think that this is important. However, I wonder about the technological advances the Fourth Imperium might reach. Even if none would be the answer, old TNE introduced several TL16 pieces of equipment that are not readily translated into Traveller terms (CT, MT, T4-5). Any chance of a forthcomming Fourth Imperium equipment guide?
An equipment guide, great idea. Though if it is to be system independent it makes things harder. FFS1 would certainly be useable, FFS2 did not seem to have the same distribution and was more buggy, also given that many TNE players are also gear heads (or is that just me?) a revised FFS1 would be useful too.
Oh yeah, a revised FFS 1! I would certainly be looking forward to that (as there seems to be no way of getting the old FFS 1 anymore). I would even settle for a reprint, but revision sounds good. It could be made systemless even by using Real World (tm) attributes as much as possible.

Wasn't the original FFS 1 designed by Greg Porter (the man behind 3G3 and VDS)?
I was not thinking on a new system design book. This, perhaps, could be handled by an add on to the current versions of FFS to cover TL16 or more. I'll leave the idea to the gearheads. I was thinking in something less ambitious, just a list of basic equipment and a few ships in use by the Fourth Imperium. A think it would be a nice acessory to the TNE sourcebook.
Thats true but one of the things that always bugged me was the fact that equipment for a given Traveller edition could not be built with that edition. I seem to remember an old Murphys Rules that had a picture of a Traveller ship, probably a Kinunir rushing back to the starport. The caption was something like an imminent rule change.

That aside I would certainly support any products which continued the storyline forward, and certainly some things should remain mysterious.

Here in the Alston League (over in the Banners sector) we will certainly pay attention to any reformed 4th Imperium, but they cannot have their ships back, they misjumped here and there ours.
I enjoyed TNE and unlike many people, didn't see it as neccesarily "non-Traveller", having the opinion that Traveller is essentially what the people making it says it is. That having been said, I would have no problem with a TNE that retroactively is changed to mesh with Marc's vision of the Traveller universe. For example, if HEPLar goes away and the RC uses reactionless drives, oh well..that is not and never was the main focus for me. I DO like Virus; it added an element of mystery and a good enemy for players to deal with. Scientifically accurate? probably not...but neither is jump drive.

I say go for it; I will definitley purchase this book.
