As I've gotten badly bitten by the 1248 bug, I've been scrounging all of the various materials that I never had the first time around. This also allows me to make some sense of the various things that with only the main book and "S&G" made me go "huh?" to more than a few threads here.
So, I've scrounged up copies of PoT, VF, and RSB over the past few weeks (hoo boy, especially VF and RSB - there's a nasty mess waiting to explode), along with a copy of WTH that is in the mail somewhere between Wisconsin and China IIUC... These have already illuminated this grasshopper greatly, but I'm curious if the various bits I'm missing add much to the back story (Read this as - I'd prefer to make semi-coherent comments about the draft when it comes out at xmass or whenever). So, as I look over my list all that is missing from the official material are the 2 equiptment guides, Battle Rider, and Guilded Lily. Are any of these critical to forming an understanding of TNE as it existed and as MJD picks up the pieces?
Also, MJD, how will the bits in the BARD site be handled? Canon, apocryphia, tossed on the trash? At this point I have no vested interest, so I'm a good one ask about it...
I'm putting together a pocket empire campaign that I'm going to try to meld into the 1248 material as it comes out and I'd simply rather avoid material that will be diplaced. If you'd rather not say at this point that's understood, I'm just asking out of essential laziness anyway...
Thanks all,
So, I've scrounged up copies of PoT, VF, and RSB over the past few weeks (hoo boy, especially VF and RSB - there's a nasty mess waiting to explode), along with a copy of WTH that is in the mail somewhere between Wisconsin and China IIUC... These have already illuminated this grasshopper greatly, but I'm curious if the various bits I'm missing add much to the back story (Read this as - I'd prefer to make semi-coherent comments about the draft when it comes out at xmass or whenever). So, as I look over my list all that is missing from the official material are the 2 equiptment guides, Battle Rider, and Guilded Lily. Are any of these critical to forming an understanding of TNE as it existed and as MJD picks up the pieces?
Also, MJD, how will the bits in the BARD site be handled? Canon, apocryphia, tossed on the trash? At this point I have no vested interest, so I'm a good one ask about it...

Thanks all,