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TML Archives from WAY Back.


SOC-14 1K
I've managed to locate various archives of the TML.

The modern one hosted by the same folks who host CotI (thanks, Hunter, MJD, etc.).


The archives of the TML pre-TravellerCenteral (as far as they go):


However, these records seem to begin around Aug 1994. From the minimal evidence, this is when the TML split into the TNE advocate side, and the XBoat pre-TNE advocate side.

What I can't locate is anything from before this.

Does anyone have an archive of the TML from before mid Aug 1994 tucked away on a hard drive somewhere?

I crossposted this over to the TML.
Dang. There isn't an author index there is there? I'd be curious to see old posts from certain people...
No, the currently available archives appear to be stored in their daily digest formats, with header information.

No &#147indexes&#148 of the type I know you&#146re asking for are available (at least, not with the archives themselves, anyway).


Chris O.
Hey Mal (Constantine):

One way I know of to look up posts by Author is...

Go to someone's profile
Click on "View Recent Posts"
Then, after it loads, click "All Posts"

Hope this helps.

Originally posted by dancha:
Hey Mal (Constantine):

One way I know of to look up posts by Author is...

Go to someone's profile
Click on "View Recent Posts"
Then, after it loads, click "All Posts"

Hope this helps.

TML posts, the variety under discussion, cannot be located in this manner.
Dave Golden at one point commented he'd backed up several years worth of the TML, including pre-split.

My floppies of the 95-96 era are deceased. I didn't think to start backing up until then, myself, as the archives had been maintained by the server....
I'm happy to host any older versions of the archives anyone might have.

Also note the CotI Forums and the TML are not linked. Messages from one are not archived with the other.

Originally posted by Aramis:
Dave Golden at one point commented he'd backed up several years worth of the TML, including pre-split.

My floppies of the 95-96 era are deceased. I didn't think to start backing up until then, myself, as the archives had been maintained by the server....
Does anyone know Dave Golden? Can he be contacted?

I found links to two webpages with Dave's name on them, and, in fact, there are links to Dave Golden's Traveller webpage all over the place. Just no webpage! :(

and . . .
are both dead. :(

Before I randomly fire an email at the remaining address I found, does anyone else know him or how to contact him?


But the wayback machine comes up empty. :(


Chris O.
Is Dave Golden still among the living?

(I can't remember if it was Dave G or Doug B that was quite ill...)
Well I know Doug Berry has had and continues to have health problems but as of at least the 25th he's still among the living. As he puts it, "this has forced me to make drastic changes in my life, but it also has given me a new appreciation of what I have. Eat dessert first." :D :cool:

TML Archive search here on CotI doesn't work at all for me and never really has. No idea on Dave Golden. Perhaps someone who's on the TML and CotI would know or could ask on the TML?

Originally posted by Casey:
TML Archive search here on CotI doesn't work at all for me and never really has. No idea on Dave Golden. Perhaps someone who's on the TML and CotI would know or could ask on the TML?

Sometimes the TML search feature works, sometimes it doesn&#146t.
Originally posted by Aramis:
Is Dave Golden still among the living?
By strange coincidence Dave Golden has just reappeared on the TML!

Posted by David J. Golden on TML (27-Oct-2004 03:20):
Greetings all ... just thought I'd pop back in for a long hiatus and see what's happened in Traveller-land, and see if I still recognized anybody on the list ...
Over on the TML, it also turns out that Jeff Zeitlin & Bruce Johnson might have possible archives (they actually posted replies back on the 25th, but I did not see them until today).
<opens bandwidth pipe>
chugging along at about 129KB/sec!

Kudos to Bruce! The amount of text is a little staggering even just leafing through the zipfile.
:cool: Over 4000 files... :eek:

Hmmm some of the later archives are in HTML.

Casey (setting big ole file aside for later perusal)