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Timeline for New Material?


OK...has anyone seen or does anyone know when the new material, ie GM Screen or adventures will hit the shelves. I live in a small and out of the way place. So I don't get to stores often and the ones I do get to don't always carry what I am looking for. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

I have seen the artwork for the GM Screen (sweet) and I would rather wait if it won't be too long. Otherwise I will make my own.
Patience is a cultivated art amongst Traveller fans. So I think if they just let us know what is coming down the pipe, that is more than enough...

Having said that...Here's hoping that Hunter and the Gang will at least post some more previews, as a way of getting our mouths, watering again before GenCon releases.
I hope Hunter releases some news soon.

I know that Hunter suggested the release of the following:

Travellers Aid 1 = early April 2003 :confused:
Travellers Guide for players = Befor Gen Con 03

There must be a delay with printing. ;)
Actually, I just downloaded and printed out the Travellers Aid #1 today. Just click on the TravellerRPG.com link at the top of the page and you can find lots of Traveller stuff for sale. I am looking for the GM screen and perhaps some other items that may be coming out for T20.
Martin recently posted that TA1 has just come been shipped to the printers. A typical print run based on most d20 publisher updates, from being shipped off to the printer to arrival at the warehouse for distribution and sale seems to be three to six weeks, depending on the publisher and the size of the manuscript. I'd venture to guess that TA1 will be available by May 20th, if I had to name the earliest time it could be available.

Shortly after that, the Gateway Domain sourcebook gets sent off to the printer. Assuming the high end of six weeks for the print run, Gateway won't even be available until July 7th, at the earliest. (Gateway should be the big T20 book for GenCon, then.)

The Starfall Cluster comes immediately after that, since it too is near ready for print. So six weeks later, around August 18th or so, should be the shipping date for Starfall Cluster, assuming that other TAs don't slip in there between print runs and push it back.

That's my best guess. At the beginning of the year, I also made the guesstimation that the Gateway Domain book would be ready sometime in April, so understand that, while these dates are the earliest I would guess we'd see these books, delays happen and can push the schedule even further back.

However, when they arrive, I will be eagerly awaiting them, because T20 has allowed me to return to Traveller gaming. That is a Good Thing(tm).

Until then, Happy Travellin',
TA1 will be available next week. It shipped to the distributors on Friday.

Thank You to all who responded.

Hunter, If I paid for the PDF version of TA1 do I get a printed and bound copy sent to me as well?

Flynn thanks for all the info. I too have been able to get folks to play, who would not have until the T20 rules. The group I game with was a playtest group for the DnD D20 rules and I find that I buy the new D20 style books more often than any other. I also recently picked up some old but, near mint copies of some T4 books. Emporers Vehicles and Starships.
Great stuff with Chris Foss art work. Who I have always admired.
Bumpetty Bump... and a Question....

Would the Player`s Handbook have "Extended" Prior History? As in more than 5 choices for terms, more than 6 for Mishaps and more than 7 for mustering out benefits?

I was thinking of doing that myself, but I won`t go to the trouble of making all those for every classes if it`s going to be done in the PHB...

Originally posted by Wulfere:
I also recently picked up some old but, near mint copies of some T4 books. Emporers Vehicles and Starships.
Great stuff with Chris Foss art work. Who I have always admired.

Foss is good, just some of it got flack for being out of place as "non-Travllerish". YMMV. I liked the Emperor's Arsenal book a lot and now regret selling it. Just remember T4 tech is back just a tad.

And make sure to look for T4 errata. <shudder>

Also to respond to the post directly above, some sort of expanded Prior History ala Books 4+ etc. would be great, if not in the new book, perhaps part of a Options TA. (i.e. where each year was potentially different and there were more options)

Originally posted by Wulfere:
Hunter, If I paid for the PDF version of TA1 do I get a printed and bound copy sent to me as well?
No, they have to be ordered separately.

Originally posted by Sandman:
Bumpetty Bump... and a Question....

Would the Player`s Handbook have "Extended" Prior History? As in more than 5 choices for terms, more than 6 for Mishaps and more than 7 for mustering out benefits?
No, but as Casey mention that would be a good idea for some new Traveller's Aides. Any volunteers to write em?

Originally posted by hunter:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Would the Player`s Handbook have "Extended" Prior History? As in more than 5 choices for terms, more than 6 for Mishaps and more than 7 for mustering out benefits?
No, but as Casey mention that would be a good idea for some new Traveller's Aides. Any volunteers to write em?


Unfortunately, seems like I'll have to scrounge around some time from my schedule to do something for my players... but certainly won`t be finished t'ill a long time!
Originally posted by hunter:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Wulfere:
Hunter, If I paid for the PDF version of TA1 do I get a printed and bound copy sent to me as well?
No, they have to be ordered separately.

</font>[/QUOTE]Thanks for the answer Hunter. I was kind of expecting that to be the answer. Not a problem.

Casey, since most of the Traveller I run is on the more...backward...worlds the tech isn't really a problem. I also run things with a lower than tech 15 environment most of the time. They have a copy of the T4 Emporers Arsenal at The Dragons Lair in Omaha. I might have to pick that up next time I am there.

Sandman, Hunter, how about some service schools instead or in addition to expanded Prior History. Command School, Tactics College, Survival School, Diplomacy Institue and the like. That way it would only be a few different charts that could have a use in multiple professions. They could be available for any charater who has Training or some other such Mission on their Prior History Chart. They could also give skill bonuses for the particular skills promoted by said school in place of rolls on the Mustering Out Tables. They could be voluntary for the players when they roll Training or Shore Duty etc...What do you think? I have been playing with the idea of developing these for my campaign. I might even set enough time aside to do it right. :D

When we signed up for the 12 issue subscription of the Travellers Aides, way back when the first one came out, it was said we'd be getting once a year a best of print edition included in the price. Is this still happening now that you are printing the Travellers Aides normally?
Originally posted by Wulfere:
They have a copy of the T4 Emporers Arsenal at The Dragons Lair in Omaha. I might have to pick that up next time I am there.
Cool. Oh and as for getting T20 products at your FLGS I'd recomend a special order through the store. They should get their game stuff through a distributor(s) like Alliance. All you need to do is tell them the name/Company but I like to give them the exact codes. (less margin for error)

Go to the Alliance Games website, click on Guests, Search the Catalog, Q under Search by Company, Quiklink Interactive, Inc.,.

Hum I see a possible double entry

NYA QLI T20000R Traveller20 Referee Screen $19.95
NYA QLI T20001 Traveller Rpg Referee's Screen (d20) $12.
I assume the later is the correct one, since the CT Ref screen follows. TPTB?

You should be able to do preorders and the codes are likely to be the same regardless of distributor except for perhaps the Company code (QLI in this case) since the distributors use the game company's numbers.
