I was wondering how people handle themes in the different areas of YTU. For example, the different Domains IMTU are handled like this:
Domain of Sylea - highly technological and cosmopolitan
Domain of Sol - Battle-hardened and slightly facist
Domain of Ilelish - basically Fading Suns, but without the um, er, fading suns. Lots of religion and tradition and some ideas from Dune.
Domain of Vland - Elvish/Faery stylings
Domain of Antares - as Alien as I can get
Domain of Deneb - war-torn and frontierish
Secretagent had a really neat campaign idea in his last post (Victorian/Edwardian), and I think I might look more into adding some new styles into MTU. What else could I add that wouldn't make it too much like Battlestar Galactica.
Looking for a new path to Scout,
Domain of Sylea - highly technological and cosmopolitan
Domain of Sol - Battle-hardened and slightly facist
Domain of Ilelish - basically Fading Suns, but without the um, er, fading suns. Lots of religion and tradition and some ideas from Dune.
Domain of Vland - Elvish/Faery stylings
Domain of Antares - as Alien as I can get
Domain of Deneb - war-torn and frontierish
Secretagent had a really neat campaign idea in his last post (Victorian/Edwardian), and I think I might look more into adding some new styles into MTU. What else could I add that wouldn't make it too much like Battlestar Galactica.
Looking for a new path to Scout,