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The Unpublished Stuff

Border Reiver

SOC-14 1K
Before the demise of GDW and the decision of DGP to ignore Traveller to concentrate on AI there were all kinds of tasters for things that never were. The first that comes to mind was i think called Flashback and told the story of Terran commandos in cold sleep awakening at crisis points in galactic history. Another favourite (though not Traveller but T2000) was Armor 21.

MJD has let us know the state of play with the rest of the Gilded Lily for TNE but has anyone out there got any details for the above or anything else.
Flashback was advertised in the Rebellion Sourcebook. If one looks up the interview that was done with Marc, a while back, one can find a few more details.

I am still really hoping that MJD is going to complete the Regency Combat Vehicle Guide as part of the 1248 project...
Found it in the adverts at the back of the COAAC MT sourcebook.

Can you remember where that interview with Mark can be found???
Wasn't there also the Onesium Manhunt trilogy or something or was that a DGP project? I can't recall exactly as my books aren't here.
Regency Combat Vehicle Guide?
I thought that one was published or was there loads of material missing, it was quite a slim volume.
I think I'm going to have to drag out my megatraveller journal issue 3 for the round up of stuff dgp were planning. They had there own baddies from the core project going too.
I own the Regency Combat Vehicle guide - so it was published.

The interview was William's interview on the MT threads.

IIRC, the Onesium Quest product was dropped by DGP because they didnt like the way it came out.

They also advertised the Black Duke sourcebook - concentrating on Dulinor's realm. Never saw the light of day and is probably now but a set of notes in Roger Sanger's possession.

What was then advertized at the back of Regency Combat Vehicle Guide, as I seem to recall the Regency was set for a major expansion of products...

However, it does not invalidate the point, I think it would still be nice if the 1248 sourcebook had all sorts of Hi Tech goodies that were promised but not delievered TNE Mk 1.
Looking at it the last of the TNE products (RC equipment guide, guilded lilly,etc) the projected TNE modules would have been:

The Zhodani and the non Imperial States
The Low Tech and Wilds Vehicle Guide
RC vehicle guide
Regency Starship Guide
RC Players Handbook
Guilded Lilly 2 and 3
The Regency Starship Guide could have been interesting, lots of high tech crunchy stuff - or shold that be stuff to make things go crunch ;)
DGP had Alien books for Zhodani and Droyne, K'kree and Hivers, Robots and Cyborgs, Humans and Non-humans, plus the Onnesium Quest all as future projects...
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
DGP had Alien books for Zhodani and Droyne, K'kree and Hivers, Robots and Cyborgs, Humans and Non-humans, plus the Onnesium Quest all as future projects...
I weep for their loss... :(
I really liked the aliens books. Was most annoyed to discover that they weren't doing the rest. I had to wait til GT:Alien Races 3 to find out pretty much anything about the K'Kree!!!
And if they'd continued to produce an adventure book for each Aliens book...

I would have liked to have seen their AI game as well.

Any chance that your 1248 universe of supplements would include any of the following:

Originally posted by Elliot:
The Zhodani and the non Imperial States
The Low Tech and Wilds Vehicle Guide
RC vehicle guide
Regency Starship Guide
RC Players Handbook
Guilded Lilly 2 and 3
We know that the Gilded Lilly 2 & 3 are coming out for TNE/TNE 1248. I don't think the vehicle guides and starship book are coming out, unless some industrious soul gets involved and writes them up as TAs. I don't see the Players Handbook being re-released specifically for a single region, but again I could see someone making a pitch for a TA to that effect. Ultimately, if it's something you feel strongly about, make a pitch and write it if accepted. That's how Gilded Lily 2 & 3 are getting done.

Hope this helps,
The Spinward States for 1248 will cover the Zhodani, non-Imperial States, former Regency States, and Aslan. And even though the Imperial Regency is the stick that stirs the drink, so to speak, all of the states will get fairly equal billing.

I doubt there will be many starship designs. That said, it might include some T20 conversions of some of the more unique designs (like the sub-100 dton jump boats).
I've researched this topic before, without a lot of luck.

Years ago Roger Sanger tried to launch AI himself using online kibblitzers as a resource. There was no material on AI in the DGP archives Roger got, he was having to reinvent everything from scratch!

And when I asked about lost supplements on the TML, IIRC, Loren said that there was little more than a half page of scribbled notes on each project. The only thing that did come about was some half finished Keith Brothers manuscripts were put into print (under the title "The Lost Supplements").

All in all, this was rather surprising: I'd have expected developement to be quite far advanced before advertised to the public.

Regards PLST
Originally posted by Hemdian:
And when I asked about lost supplements on the TML, IIRC, Loren said that there was little more than a half page of scribbled notes on each project. The only thing that did come about was some half finished Keith Brothers manuscripts were put into print (under the title "The Lost Supplements").

All in all, this was rather surprising: I'd have expected developement to be quite far advanced before advertised to the public.
Somewhere on my PC (unless it's been lost along the way) I have a synopsis for The Black[*] Duke, the planned sourcebook about Dulinor and his faction. I don't remember how and why I got it, but I remember stumblig across it while browsing through my files a few years ago.

[*] The adjective may not be 'black'; my memory is not 100% reliable.
