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the traveller movie


SOC-14 5K
(this probably already has been covered, but) michael taylor over in "why don't new people play traveller? " says "I am talking to my producer (who co-produced the star wars trilogy) about a traveller movie."

so. what should a traveller movie be? what tale should it tell?
I presonally feel Traveller would make a better TV series than a movie. A movie would need to be big, dramatic and changing, something the Third Imperium isn't good at.
It's basically been done - it's called Firefly :D .

(at least, in the sense of who the characters are and what they do and most of the plots that happen to them. The background is obviously different).
I'd be VERY afraid of a Traveller movie. It'd most likely be the "kiss of death" for MY gaming...and might very well do nothing more than disenfranchise every other variant GM out there.
Books...I can live with books. But a movie?...naaah.
The Riddick line may also prove to be good for Traveller... and since the producer appears to be Vin Diesel, it may be possible to get a license on the cheap... He's an unrepentant gamer, FTF, console, and computer all.
It would be great to have a Traveller film.I see it more of a character flim. Sort of a Cohen Brothers film in space with a group of misfits crewing a tramp freighter. That would give it a different feel than most sci fi. (in my opinion closer to Traveller) Some other referaces to think about. Han Solo what was he doing before Luke and the gang getting into trouble with Jabba, Loosing a ship in a bet etc.
Outland and Alien are examples of films that have the Traveller feel. Shotguns in space tramp freighters and all. I woudl not try to make somethign all encompassing or involving nobility because that is the bacground of the game not the thrust of it. Just my 2 cents.
A movie would need to be big, dramatic and changing, something the Third Imperium isn't good at.
how 'bout a merchant crew caught up in the spinward marches fourth frontier war? big fleet actions, small character storylines, vargr privateers, perfideous mind-raping zhodani, imperial marines in action, planetary assaults, behind-the-lines covert action. lots of opportunities for powers, love stories (i.e. babes), and things that blow up.
I have a plot for you, if you need one, about finding an old ship. It's from an adventure I wrote up...
love stories (i.e. babes),
Love stories?

Come on it's a man's movie, it'll have guns and spaceships and people getting their teeth kicked in. Oh i see "babes" got ya.

I'm not sure what's to say they dont make a pigs ear of it. Hasn't anyone seen that Dungeons and Dragons film (my wife bought it for 2 quid with another film) it was shite. Seriously it could have sucked a golf ball through a garden hose.

On the otherhand if it was really good...
what's the problem?
its a great setting (need to make sure it's obsessively consistent like star trek). the best / most realistic thing is the range from low tech to high tech. this is good movie fodder.

just need a great plot and some good characters.
Originally posted by hirch duckfinder:
what's the problem?
its a great setting (need to make sure it's obsessively consistent like star trek). the best / most realistic thing is the range from low tech to high tech. this is good movie fodder.

just need a great plot and some good characters.
Sure, and like I said two posts earlier, I have a great plot...
Originally posted by Jame:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by hirch duckfinder:
what's the problem?
its a great setting (need to make sure it's obsessively consistent like star trek). the best / most realistic thing is the range from low tech to high tech. this is good movie fodder.

just need a great plot and some good characters.
Sure, and like I said two posts earlier, I have a great plot... </font>[/QUOTE]and like i said two posts ago , great .......this could get tedious......
Originally posted by eclipse:
One is already in production, except they are calling it "Firefly" and Marc and Loren aren't getting a dime. :(
Actually it's called "Serenity". But it's based off the Firefly series.
Originally posted by Spiderfish:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Come on it's a man's movie, it'll have guns and spaceships and people getting their teeth kicked in. Oh i see "babes" got ya.
</font>[/QUOTE]Get Angelina Jolie, and you can have *all* of that!
I propose:

A one-hour Action/Adventure Anthology series, on cable, that shifts focus from week to week on elements and personages within the Traveller Universe. For a comparison and reference: Like Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, or Night Gallery.

1. Actors, good actors, like to do this sort of stuff to add to thier resume, because it doesn't cast them in as being "Captain Kirk" for the rest of thier lives. (Charlton Heston was on an Outer Limits show once, one of the new ones, it was a clip show, but There he was.) It would defeat the "Star Trek" or "Magnificent Seven" model that way. You wouldn't have Ensemble actors asking to Direct. New Actors would be more likely to "dig it out" if they saw it as a chance to showcase thier talent.

2. You could convey the enormity of the OTU. One week could be about Zhodani, The other week could be "free trader Beowulf" or whatever.

3. Anyone could write Scripts, even you. (and that's a general "You")


1. Whoever is wwriting scripts has go to be able to think on thier feet, and convey important, topical ideas in a one hour format. It would be challenging, but worth it, if done right.

2. Production Costs. Sets and backgrounds would have to be cleverly done, changeable and reusable with only slight redressing. A composite Technique of real and "virtual" sets could make this possible, though hard.

3. Anyone could write Scripts, even you. (and that's a general "You" )
Baron I like that idea. It is somethign that could be done. some standardised consoles that culd be arranged as far as sets go. Get a digital stock of the standard ships like scouts, patrol cruisers, far traders. A cool intro like there are 1100 worlds in the imperium and a million stories.
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
New Actors would be more likely to "dig it out" if they saw it as a chance to showcase thier talent.
You mean like the ones in Firefly?

2. You could convey the enormity of the OTU. One week could be about Zhodani, The other week could be "free trader Beowulf" or whatever.
I think you're missing a point here. Shows like the Outer Limits work because they're mostly one offs set in a familiar world. That sort of format won't work for an entirely fictional world, because viewers will get the background thrown at them piecemeal and not follow how things are supposed to work. They could have made Babylon 5 or Star Trek like that, focussing on different ships and worlds and characters every time, but they chose instead to focus on specific characters and locations. It gives the opportunity to have some continuity and stability rather than hopping around all over the place and having the viewer relearn stuff about the setting.

And remember, the Outer Limits and the Twilight Zone are basically design from scratch to be TV versions of the "Short Story" - which usually don't have a common background.

And to be honest, although Traveller is a specific setting, it's so broad that it's generality would work against it if done that way. There's so much choice over what you could potentially use in a plot for a given episode that you may as well be watching a generic scifi short story show set in space. (heck, Star Trek was like this in places, with nothing specific about the plots of some episodes tying them to the ST universe).

1. Whoever is wwriting scripts has go to be able to think on thier feet, and convey important, topical ideas in a one hour format. It would be challenging, but worth it, if done right.
This isn't particularly unique to Traveller.

2. Production Costs. Sets and backgrounds would have to be cleverly done, changeable and reusable with only slight redressing. A composite Technique of real and "virtual" sets could make this possible, though hard.
What, in the same way that Outer Limits doesn't ;) ? (I've recognised several rooms/props that are obviously the same between totally unrelated episodes) In Firefly, they basically built the ship as one whole, huge set that people could move freely through - but you can do that there because most of the action is on the ship.