Earth and Mars
051827 EARTH --------------------
Starport: A ----------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 8 ---------------------------------------- 12,756 km
Atmosphere: 6 ------------------------------- Standard
Water Coverage: 7 -------------------------- 70%
Population: 9 --------------------------------- Billions of inhabitants
Government: 7 ------------------------------- Balkanization
Law Level: 3 --------------------------------- Weapons of a strict military nature (machine guns, automatic rifles) prohibited.
Tech Level: F -------------------------------- Average Imperial
Scout Base, and Naval Base
Population Multiplier: 4 -------------------- 4,240,000,000 people
Period of Rotation: 23.93 hours
Maximum Number of Orbits: 9a ----------- Orbit 0 = 0.2000 A.U., Orbit 1 = 0.3871 A.U., Orbit 2 = 0.7233 A.U., Orbit 3 = 1.0000 A.U., Orbit 4 = 1.5237 A.U., Orbit 5 = 2.8000 A.U., Orbit 6 = 5.2028 A.U., Orbit 7 = 9.5388 A.U., Orbit 8 = 19.1914 A.U., Orbit 9 = 30.0611 A.U., Orbit 9a = 29.6470 A.U. +
Empty Orbits: 1 ------------------------------ Orbit 0 (0.2000 A.U.)
Planets: 4 ------------------------------------- Mercury - 3 (4,879 km), Venus - 8 (12,104 km), Earth - 8 (12,756 km), Mars - 4 (6,794 km)
Planet Orbits: -------------------------------- Orbit 1 (0.3871 A.U.), --- Orbit 2 (0.7233 A.U.), - Orbit 3 (1.0000 A.U.), Orbit 4 (1.5237 A.U.)
Asteroid Belts: 2 ---------------------------- Orbit 5 (2.8000 A.U.), Orbit 9a (29.6470 A.U. +)
Gas Giants: 4 -------------------------------- Jupiter - Large gas giant (142,984 km), Saturn - Large gas giant (120,536 km), Uranus - Small gas giant (51,118 km), Neptune - Small gas giant (49,572 km)
Gas Giant Orbits: --------------------------- Orbit 6 (5.2028 A.U.), ------------------- Orbit 7 (9.5388 A.U.), -------------------- Orbit 8 (19.1914 A.U.), ---------------- Orbit 9 (30.0611 A.U.)
Satellites: 3 ---------------------------------- Distance: 384,400 km, ------------------- 384,400 km, ------------------------- 384,400 km
Satellite Names: ---------------------------- Lagrangia 4, ------------------------------- Luna, ---------------------------------- Lagrangia 5
Satellite Starports: -------------------------- A – Excellent Quality, ------------------- A – Excellent Quality, -------------- A - Excellent Quality
Satellite Sizes: ------------------------------ 0 (50 km by 10 km by 10 km cylinder), 2 (3,476 km), ------------------------ 0 (50 km by 10 km by 10 km cylinder)
Satellite Atmosphere: ---------------------- 0 – Vacuum, ------------------------------- 0 – Vacuum, ------------------------- 0 – Vacuum
Satellite Water Coverage: ----------------- 0 – 0%, ------------------------------------- 0 – 0%, ------------------------------- 0 – 0%.
Satellite Population: ------------------------ 6 – millions of inhabitants, -------------- 7 – tens of millions of inhabitants, 6 – millions of inhabitants
Satellite Governments: --------------------- 6 – Captive Government, ---------------- 6 – Captive Governments, ---------- 6 – Captive Government
Run by: --------------------------------------- North America,-----------------------------, North America/Eurasia, ----------- Eurasia
Satellite Law Levels: ----------------------- 3, -------------------------------------------- 3, -------------------------------------- 3
Satellite Tech Levels: ---------------------- F, -------------------------------------------- F, ------------------------------------- F
Satellite Population Multiplier: ---------- 6 – 6,000,000 people, ---------------------- 5 – 50,000,000 people, ------------ 8 – 8,000,000 people
The Fleet: Amounts subtracted from available forces of host nations on Earth.
Fighters: ------------------------------------- 1,000,----------------------------------------- 1,000/1,500, ------------------------- 1,500
* Heavy Fighters: --------------------------200, -------------------------------------------- 200/200, ----------------------------- 250
Scout/Couriers: ---------------------------- 200, -------------------------------------------- 200/200, ----------------------------- 200
Express Boats (Jump-4) ----------------- 200, --------------------------------------------- 200/200, ----------------------------- 200
Mercenary Cruisers: --------------------- 100, --------------------------------------------- 100/100, ----------------------------- 100
Patrol Cruisers: --------------------------- 100, --------------------------------------------- 100/100, ----------------------------- 100
Star Type: G2 V ---------------------------- Yellow Main Sequence, Luminosity = 1.000, Radius = 1.000, Mass = 1.000, Habitable Zone = 1.0000 A.U.
Orbital Period: 1.000 years.
There are 11 countries on old Terra, or Earth as the inhabitants now call it. Each country speaks the same language, but they have different regional accents. Here are the Nations of Earth.
North America (The continent minus California and Mexico, and Cuba)
Starport: A –----- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards. Location: Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
Navy Base : ----- Cape Canaveral Florida
Population: 8 ---- 340,000,000 people
Government: 4 -- Representative Democracy (Federal Republic)
Law Level: 3 ----- Weapons of a strict military nature (machine guns, automatic rifles) prohibited
Tech Level: ------ F --- Average Imperial
Capital: ---------- Washington D.C.
Currency Unit: -- North American Dollar = 1 Imperial Credit
GDP: $12,000,000,000,000 (12 trillion Credits)
States of North America: Alaska, Yukon, Northwest, Nunavut, Greenland, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Labrador, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massasachusetts, Rhode Island, Nevada, Utah, Northern Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Deleware, New Jersey, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansaw, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, The Bahamas, and Cuba.
Defense Budget: $600,000,000,000 (600 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------- 5,000
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): 1,000
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 1000
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 1,000
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 500
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 500
Total number of troops under arms 4,636,549
* The Gladiator (Heavy Fighter)
Class: --------- Fighter -------- EP Output: ---------- 15 (0.5 excess) --------- Turret: Pulse Laser USP-5
Tech Level: -- 14 ------------- Agility: ---------------- 0 ------------------------ Damage: ------- 5d10
Size: ---------- 50-tons -------- Initiative: ------ 0 ---------------------- Crit. ----------- 19+
Streamlining:--Airframe------AC:------------- 19---------------------- Crit. Dmg.------ x2
Jump Range:-- 0 -------------- SI:--------------- 87 --------------------- Range Incr.----- 45,000km
Acceleration:--3-G------------ Main Computer: Model/5
Fuel:----------- 1-ton LH2------- Sensor Range: 240,000km
Duration:------ 1.86 days----- Comm. Range: 240,000km
Crew:---------- 1---------------- Cost:------------ Mcr 115
Couches:------ 1----------------Atmospheric Speeds: NoE = 1,325kph
Low Berths:---1----------------Cruising = 3,975kph Maximum = 5,300kph
Cargo Space: 0.5-tons
TAS Form 3.1 (Condensed)
Design Specifications
Installed Components----------------- Tonnage--------- Cost---------- EP---Build Time
50-ton streamlined wedge hull-----------50---------6.00---------7 months
TL14 Armor USP 9-----------------------(5)--------0.70
Bridge --------------------------------------(5)
Computer Model/5------------------------(0.5)---------------(3)
Sensors Very Long Range---------------(1.5)
Communications Very Long Range----(1)
Computer + Sensors + Comm.----------------------------27.50
Fiber Optic Backup-----------------------(3)------27.50
3-G Maneuver Drive Unit---------------(4)-------2.00------(1.5)-----Fuel Consumption
TL13 Fusion Power Plant-------------(15)------45.00 ------15--------15-tons of LH2 per 4 weeks
Fuel LH2----------------------------------------------------(1)
Fuel Scoops--------------------------------------------------0.05
Hard point----------------------------------------------------0.10
Pulse Laser USP-5---------------------(10)--------5.00-----(10)
Small Craft Couch-----------------------(0.5)
Low Berth------------------------------ -(0.5)----- 0.05---- 0.0
Totals--------------------------------------+0.5--Mcr115.00 0.5
Mexafornia (California, Mexico, Central America and Columbia)
Starport: A –----- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards. Location: Panama City, Panama
Navy Base : ----- Panama City
Population: 8 ---- 250,000,000 people
Government: 4 – 3 --- Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
Law Level: 0 ----- No Prohibitions
Tech Level: ------ E --- Above Average Imperial
Capital: ---------- Mexico City
Currency Unit: -- Mexafornian Peso = 0.1 Imperial Credit
GDP: $1,200,000,000,000 (1.2 trillion Credits)
Defense Budget: $60,000,000,000 (60 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------- 500
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): 100
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 100
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 100
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 50
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 50
Total number of troops under arms 2,000,000
Brazilia (Northern South America includes the west coast and Andies but not Columbia)
Starport A: ---- Excellent quality with refined fuels, overhaul, shipyards. Location: Guiana
Navy Base: Rio de Janeiro
Population: 8 --- 300,000,000 people
Government: A --- Charismatic Dictator
Law Level: 4 --- light assault weapons Prohibited
Tech Level: E Above average Imperial
Capital: Brasilia
Currency Unit: --Brasilian Real = 0.4 Imperial Credits.
GDP: $4,000,000,000,000 (4 trillion Credits)
Defense Budget: $200,000,000,000
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------------ 1,600
*Heavy Fighters: --------------------- 300
Scout/Couriers: ----------------------- 400
Express Boats: ------------------------ 300
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------------ 200
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------------- 100
Total number of troops under arms: 1,500,000
Argentchile (Argentinia Chile and any other South American countries I haven't mentioned yet.
Starport B: ---------------------------- Good Quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards for non-starships. Location: Santiago
Navy Base: Santiago.
Population: 8 --- 100,000,000 people
Government: B --- Non-Charismatic Leader
Law Level: 2 Portable energy weapons (laser carbine, laser rifle) prohibited. Ship’s gunnery not affected.
Tech Level: E Above Average Imperial
Capital: Buenos Aires
Currency Unit: Dollar = 0.05 Imperial Credits
GDP: 1,000,000,000,000 (1 Trillion Credits)
Defense Budget: $50,000,000,000
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------------ 800
Heavy Fighters: ---------------------- 80
Scout/Couriers: ---------------------- 100
Express Boats: ----------------------- 75
Mercenary Cruisers: ----------------- 50
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------------- 25
Carribeia (The Carribean minus Cuba)
Starport C: --------------------------- Routine quality with unrefined fuel, some repair facilities. Location: Santo Domingo.
Navy Base: Santo Domingo
Population: 7 --- 50,000,000 people
Government: 1 --- Company/Corporation
Law Level: 0 --- No prohibitions
Tech Level: E Above average Imperial
Capital: Santo Domingo
Currency Unit: Dollar = 0.5 Imperial Credits
GDP: 100,000,000,000
Defense Budget: $5,000,000,000
The Fleet:
Fighters: ---------------------------- 80
Heavy Fighters: -------------------- 8
Scout/Couriers: -------------------- 10
Express Boats: --------------------- 8
Mercenary Cruisers: --------------- 5
Patrol Cruisers: -------------------- 2
Mediterreania (Coincides mostly with the borders of the Ancient Roman Empire (North Africa, Southern Europe, the Middle East)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: Rome
Navy Base: Rome
Population: 8 --- 400,000,000 people
Government: 5 --- Feudal Technocracy
Law Level: 5 --- Personal concealable firearms (pistols, revolvers) prohibited.
Tech Level: F --- Above average Imperial
Capital: Rome
Currency: Deneri – 1 Imperial Credit
GDP: 12,000,000,000,000
Defense Budget: $600,000,000,000 (600 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------- 5,000
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): 1,000
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 1000
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 1,000
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 500
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 500
Total number of troops under arms 5,700,000
Northern Europe (North of Mediterreania, includes Scandinavia, the Baltics, Poland, Ukraine and other slavic countries reaching as far south as Romania)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: London
Navy Base: London
Population: 8 --- 300,000,000 people
Government: 4 --- Representative Democracy
Law Level: 6 --- Most firearms (all except shotguns) prohibited. The carrying of any type of weapon openly is discouraged.
Tech Level: F --- Above average Imperial
Capital: London
Currency: Euro-Credit = 1 Imperial Credit
GDP 10,000,000,000,000
Defense Budget: $500,000,000,000 (500 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ----------------- 4,000
*Heavy Fighters: -------- 800
Scout/Couriers: ---------- 1,000
Express Boats: ----------- 1,000
Mercenary Cruisers: ----- 300
Patrol Cruisers: ---------- 300
Total number of troops under Arms: 3,000,000
Eurasia (The borders of the Old Soviet Union and Mongolia)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: Moscow
Navy Base: Moscow
Population: 8 --- 300,000,000 people
Government: 3 --- Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
Law Level: A --- Weapon possession is prohibited.
Tech Level: E --- Above average Imperial
Capital: Moscow
Currency: Ruble = 0.25 Imperial credits
GDP 6,000,000,000,000
Defense Budget: 1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: -------------------- 8,000
*Heavy Fighters: ----------- 2,000
Scout/Couriers: ------------- 2,500
Express Boats: -------------- 2,000
Mercenary Cruisers: -------- 1,000
Patrol Cruisers: ------------ 1,000
Total number of troops under arms: 10,000,000
East Asia (China, Indonesia, Korea, Indochina)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: Beijing
Navy Base: Beijing
Population: 9 --- 1,000,000,000 people
Government: 3 --- Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy
Law Level: A --- Weapon possession is prohibited
Tech Level E --- Above Average Imperial
Capital: Beijing
Currency: Chen = 0.10 Imperial Credits
GDP 4,000,000,000,000
Defense Budget: 400,000,000,000 (4 billion credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------- 500
Heavy Fighters: ----------- 200
Scout/Couriers: ------------ 100
Express Boats: ------------- 100
Mercenary Cruisers: -------- 100
Patrol Cruisers: ------------- 100
Total number of troops under arms: 30,000,000
Austro-Pacifica (Australia, Antarctica, Japan, and most of the Pacific Ocean)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: Sydney
Navy Base: Sydney
Population: 8 --- 200,000,000
Government: 4 --- Representative Democracy
Law Level: 4 --- Light assault weapons (sub machineguns prohibited)
Tech Level F --- Above Average Imperial
Capital: Sydney
Currency: Austro = 2 Imperial Credits
GDP 8,000,000,000,000 (8 trillion Credits)
Defense Budget: $40,000,000,000 (40 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: --------------------------- 300
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): ---- 300
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 30
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 30
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 33 Troop Capacity 566
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 33
Total number of troops under arms 1,333,333
Africa (Africa South of the Sahara Desert, includes Madagascar)
Starport: A ---------------------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, ship yards. Location: Cape Town
Navy Base: Cape Town
Population: 9: ------------------------------ 1,000,000,000
Government: 4 ----------------------------- Representative Democracy
Law Level: 0 -------------------------------- No Prohibitions
Tech Level: E --- Above Average Imperial
Capital: Pretoria
Currency: Rand = 5 Imperial Credits
GDP: 12,000,000,000
Defense Budget: $600,000,000,000 (600 billion Credits)
The Fleet:
Fighters: ------------------------- 5,000
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): 1,000
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 1000
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 1,000
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 500
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 500
Total number of troops under arms 5,000,000
In addition we have Lagrangia 4, Luna, and Lagrangia 5, the details have been stated above.
Combined Earth Force Fleets:
Fighters: ------------------------- 30,780
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): --- 6,788
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 7,240
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 6,613
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 3,238
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 3,110
Total number of troops under arms: 63,169,882
Starport: A --------------------- Excellent quality with refined fuel, overhaul, shipyards.
Size: 4 ------------------------- 6,794 km
Atmosphere: 5 ---------------- Thin
Water Coverage: 4 ----------- 40%
Population: 9 ----------------- Billions of inhabitants.
Government: 5 --------------- Feudal Technocracy
Law Level: -------------------- 1
Tech Level: F ----------------- Imperial Maximum
Population Multiplier: 3 ------ 3,200,000,000 people
The Fleet
Fighters: ------------------------- 47,058
*Heavy Fighters (Gladiators): 9,411
Scout/Couriers: ----------------- 9,411
Express Boats (Jump-4): ------- 9,411
Mercenary Cruisers: ------------ 4,705
Patrol Cruisers: ----------------- 4,705
Total number of troops under arms 47,058,800