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the reprints

I was wondering how good are the reprints to the originals? Also what excatly is included in them?

also is there plans to release the rest of the books for it also?
According to Marc's website, the first reprint includes:

The original Version 1.0 rules
Free City of Krakow (adventure)
Pirates of the Vistula (adventure)
Ruins of Warsaw (adventure)
Black Madonna (adventure)

Some of the stuff on the website is interesting.

Did anyone know there were modules in Finnish??

Originally posted by Gunner:
According to Marc's website, the first reprint includes:

The original Version 1.0 rules
Free City of Krakow (adventure)
Pirates of the Vistula (adventure)
Ruins of Warsaw (adventure)
Black Madonna (adventure)

Some of the stuff on the website is interesting.

Did anyone know there were modules in Finnish??

Nice I will probably have to pick it up. How is the quality of the reprints and how easy is it to photcopy maps and the like out of them for use?
quality is excellent, as best as I can tell. It just is said that we are not getting MORE, MORE reprints. As nobody has heard anything from Marc in a donkey's age...