• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

No... some folks are still around. The primary problem as I see it is that we don't actually 'schedule' anything anymore... specially with the chat room open 24/7 there's no planned meeting time so people have no idea when to show up to see folks.
Eak? you are around?

Originally posted by E. A. Kinser:
No... some folks are still around. The primary problem as I see it is that we don't actually 'schedule' anything anymore... specially with the chat room open 24/7 there's no planned meeting time so people have no idea when to show up to see folks.
Why yes Cap'n B! I am around. I'm also ahigh and awide... i.e. I occupy athree-dimensional space.

Sorry though. I havn't 'really' been around much the last year. I have sorta gone into lurk mode and quit posting for a while. Though I've been feeling talkative lately. So I may at least post a little more.
Been reading some of the discussion board on a Traveller rpg on irc. I already have IRC on this comp (listed under my ex's name). I would like to join the group. just let me know when, what irc server and the channel name. In fact I wouldn't mind just cahtting with some of you for a little while!
