Is the Moot described anywhere in CT, particularly its ability to dissolve the Imperium? I thought there was something in one of the Library Data books, but other than a stray reference to "moot election" in the Emperor's List, I've got nothing.
Well, for a lot of CT's run (until MT came along), the setting was always along the fringes of the 3I ... Spinward Marches, Solomani Rim ... far away from the center of power at Capital.Well, to be fair, I don't think CT gave a realistic motivation for the political development of the 3I
Agreed.the idea that the 3I is an absolute monarchy is far-fetched.
Not for nothing, but the "Tyranny Of Distance" affects the bad guys too.Agreed.
The Emperor is not an absolute dictator.
For one thing, the Tyranny Of Distance (and thus, Lag) between Core and outlying sectors makes such an aspiration almost entirely unworkable in practice.
So I don't think we have a disagreement in substance, just in semantics. When you write "this still falls into the category of an Absolute Monarchy... because the power is "delegated", not shared." you are making a (correct) point about the legitimacy of rule in the 3I. I don't dispute that.I would agree that no single person could rule the 3I alone.
...any "power sharing" would also come with "safe guards'
The shared power would have it's limits
In that case, this still falls into the category of an Absolute Monarchy.
That is because the power is "delegated", not shared
My impression is that the Emperor is more of a Constitutional Monarch, rather than an Absolute Monarch.The Emperor is an absolute monarch.
The Imperium is a feudal autocracy but just falls short of dictatorship for one reason.
Travellerwiki links:There has to be a founding document/treaty that defines basic relations between the Imperium and joining planets and the function/power of the moot
To be excessively fair, during the run of CT these kinds of questions were quite literally out of scope of the OTU setting that was being published. It is very likely that details such as the power to dissolve the Imperium (your question) were fleshed out much later on when such issues became important (starting with MT and the fractured sunburst following the assassination of Strephon). The OTU then moved towards a new era of civil war(s) ... only to get roflstomped by Virus, followed by the Empress Wave to roflstomp whatever was left EVEN HARDER in order to bring on a new Long Night and do a (yet another) Setting Reset™.Is the Moot described anywhere in CT, particularly its ability to dissolve the Imperium? I thought there was something in one of the Library Data books, but other than a stray reference to "moot election" in the Emperor's List, I've got nothing.
So I recalled correctly; we don't see eye to eye on this.The Emperor is an absolute monarch.
The Imperium is a feudal autocracy but just falls short of dictatorship for one reason.
The subsectror dukes.
Subsector dukes are the first tier of Imperial authority, they are granted their patents from the Emperor.
TL;DR - the emperor is the Don and dukes are made men.