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The Hinterworlds...


I have used the Hinterworlds for most of my Traveller campaigns. Thinking about setting a game in that sector during the TNE time frame. Does anyone have info (either official or personal) on the Hinterworlds at that time? (note: I have the Challenge #39(?) with the basic Hinterworlds info (rebellion era). Thanks!

I've mucked about with the Hinterworlds in TNE a bit. Essentially, if you apply the standard collapsing procedures in TNE to it, you will get similar results to what I did: a lot of worlds will die, most of the rest will be low-tech and lowish pop, but there will be lots of surviving starports, as many of the low-tech worlds were low-tech to start with, and the rules for determining starport survival are driven by the amount by which the TL dropped!

Where it gets tricky is deciding why these starports are still open. Who, if anyone, is using them...

I was never able to find a location for a pocket empire that I was really happy with. What I would probably look for these days would be a world with a starport and a reasonable population, _preferably_ ruled by a TED, and assume that the TED cuts a deal with some free traders. That way, the world's actual TL isn't too big a deal, as "its" ships actually belong to outsiders.

The obvious base for PCs, however, is the Hiver Client state down the bottom. In the last(?) issue of Challenge there was an article on collapsing worlds, which gave guidelines on how to create such Client States.

These things would be sufficiently like the RC to allow you to liberate a lot of RC material, but are "offstage" from the main plotlines, and could vary enough from the RC for you to do whatever you feel like with them.

On the TML in the past, I've run into people that tend to assume that the Client States are completely dependent on the Hivers, and are incapable of independent initiative. I can't see any logic in this argument, at least to a degree that would prevent these states from sending out small expeditions to surrounding worlds. Sure, they aren't as powerful as the RC, but then, neither are most Pocket Empires...

In short, I agree with you that the Hinterworlds are an interesting setting for TNE. I have done a little bit of work on it myself, but not enough to make it really useful to you. If you want to discuss it further, feel free...

Alan Bradley
That's actually one of the reasons my current PE campaign is set over in the Banners sector. The stellar arrangement combined with the collapse procedures allowed for the emergence of a number of pocket empires. Though the collapse pretty much wiped out the former Aslan states of Woal Warliyir and Aioftu Roakh.

There is also plenty to do in the sector, from the standard RC type missions to something like the planned by the Regency with long range re-contact missions.
allow me to steer you towards these two sites:

www.downport.com/BARD site.
Under OPAL section, check out collpase data for Hinterworlds Sector.

For more UPP information, DED's site
Carries the same. The Hiver PE stepping stone The "Ring pact" is there (taken from BARD site, linked actually).


Hope these help.

Agreed, Hinterworlds is rife with possibilities of PE's. Remnants of the Nullian League worlds, those who opposed Margaret's trade deal with the Hivers in the mid 1120's, ought to have some worlds still about. They were last listed as "Outlands" in the 1125 Hard Times map, IIRC.

Had you seen the various adventures / mini plots in the challenge magazine. There were several adventure nuggets and a huge adventure set on Riies (challenge 49 to 51).

This was all rebellion era / hard times stuff, but it is useful background.

There was also a rather strange alien minor race call the Outcasts of the Whispering skys - they could hear radio waves and though the stellar background noise was the universe conversing, but it was too faint to understand.

Originally posted by RichardP:

Had you seen the various adventures / mini plots in the challenge magazine. There were several adventure nuggets and a huge adventure set on Riies (challenge 49 to 51).

This was all rebellion era / hard times stuff, but it is useful background.

There was also a rather strange alien minor race call the Outcasts of the Whispering skys - they could hear radio waves and though the stellar background noise was the universe conversing, but it was too faint to understand.

No, I hadn't known of those. Thanks for the tip! Now if only I can find them... :D

As far as the Outcasts of the Whispering Sky, They were in the basic Sector info in Challenge #39(?). Trying to figure out what I'm going to do with them that would be interesting...and frightening to my players.

I'll post what I come up with. Just in a holding pattern waiting for my copy of T20 to arrive.

Originally posted by Solo:
As far as the Outcasts of the Whispering Sky, They were in the basic Sector info in Challenge #39(?). Trying to figure out what I'm going to do with them that would be interesting...and frightening to my players.
I basically declared them to be "Hiver Contact Only", because I wasn't sure what to do with them.

This seemed reasonable enough given that they have a reputation for xenophobia, which I doubt the Collapse would have softened. I figure that they would be particularly wary of humans, and possibly a bit less so of Hivers.

Of course, this isn't a completely adequate solution, since it is really just an exercise in avoiding the issue. The real problem is that we don't have any actual detail on them, so we have to make it all up.

Alan B
"The Hinterworlds" (Challenge 39, which you have. Mr Solo.). Bob Caswell,Karl Johnson authors.pp29-52. All 16 subsectors detailed, listed UWP's.

"The Nullian League" (of Hinterworlds main), charles E Gannon, Challenge 44,pp36-37 describes the political power of the Nullia and Bruia subsectors.

Challenge 47, Adventure: "The Bakers Dozen" (margaret's PCs vs Nullian League agents).
pp32-36.Thomas MacCarrol-author.

Challenge 48, Adventure: Pt 1, "Behind Blue Eyes"-Charles E Gannon. pp34-41. AN assassination draws in Margaret faction PCs vs the Nullian league on Riies.

Also CH 48: Riies world write up. pp42-45. Charles E Gannon, author.

Adv. BBE, Pt2, Challenge 50. pp 28-40
World of Essex, a medieval world. (Lances not lasers article in CH 49 maybe useful in this adv, btw). Charles E Gannon.

Adv, BBE Pt 3, CH 51,pp20-28. the conclusion of the thre epart adventures, recovering the Star of Ilarir. Charles E Gannon.

Portfolio of Patrons: For Intelligence contracts in the Hinterworlds. Charles E Gannon (again), Challenge 44, pp38-39.
Set to work with Nullian league article same issue.

Thats what the Trav Bibliography has fer you Solo.
Here is some of what I've come up with. Please realize that I'm working with the TNE Handbook, Survival Margin and the Hinterworlds supplement from Challenge #39 as source material. My version of the Hinterworlds isn't even close to cannon. I have several goals in designing this TNE version of the Hinterworlds.

1) Leave enough of the Imperium and former gaming environment to make implementing T20 easy. Particularly character generation.

2) Change enough to make the OTU a little different from the regular fare, such as introducing biotech, ai's and artificial life forms.

Anyway here is my first go-round. Enjoy! :D


The Hinterworlds had always been a backwater of the Imperial domains. The shattering of the Imperium by civil war and the destruction wrecked by the AI Virus changed forever the nature of the Hinterworlds. No longer the undeveloped, technologically inferior, stepchild of the surrounding empires, the Hinterworlds were put on equal footing with these once bastions of high technology and culture.

The very nature of the Hinterworlds, being distant from any of the high-tech empires, saved it from feeling the most devastating effects of the Virus. That and having a pocket empire, The Anubian Trade Coalition (ATC), composed of naturally talented psions as major players in the region. For it was discovered, quickly, by the ATC that they could identify and either destroy or render inert the psychic infestation known as Virus. This has of course given them the upper hand in the region.

There are several pocket empires or cultures in the Hinterworlds:

Former major player in the region, the Ral Ranta, have been forced back to a small coalition of worlds. Only the, by fallen Imperium standards, primitive technology of the Ral Ranta saved them from complete destruction by the AI Virus.

They have swallowed worlds in the 80 years since the Virus release. Trading with most of the remaining civilizations either in goods or in PSI know how.

The AI Virus overran the Unity but their already dual society quickly integrated the Virus and has now become a triad society. Partly Human artificials with cybernetic implants have become the de Facto rulers of the CU. The Unities faith has been twisted into a desire to expand and bring all life under the umbrella of the Unity.

Virus ravaged the great worms. Their civilization decimated for the most part they have reverted to a primitive level and are an extreme danger to any traveler on their former worlds. Many Gniivi vampire ships stalk the stars.

The CLP’s technology, built on biotech, was particularly resistant to the effects of the AI Virus. It was they who helped the Hivers, their former masters and now partners, recover from the devastation quickly.

All contact was severed from the outside when the "light storm, which invades" was brought into the Sky by a research vessel from the Imperium. Only the strangeness of OWS technology prevented the Virus from causing a similar catastrophe as befell the Imperium. Any and all ships that invade OWS territory are destroyed. A great project was begun to build larger, military vessels to eradicate the poison from the skies. Even now the OWS is constructing their fleet, perhaps the largest ever built.

In the Adar sub-sector the single, true Imperial base having warning of the oncoming Virus, sealed itself off from the outside in an aggressive manor. First protecting the station at Adar and its deployed forces on Venad. Once sure of its inoculation the construction of the SE began by eradicating the Ral Ranta presence in the region. Now a small, militarily controlled version of the Imperium rules the Adar sub-sector.

The worlds that were once independent have either fallen under the rule of one of the pocket empires or still remain independent but more than likely fallen to pre-space levels by Virus. Those worlds, which had not reached a high level of technology, were spared the effects of Virus.

The Bruia Diagonal now called the “Lifeline” runs between the Star Empire and the remaining Hive Federation. This trade route has kept the Star Empire alive. But it is a dangerous run, flowing between enemy states and plagued with ships from the Pirate Nation.

Trade is conducted between the states with no outside trade with the K’Kree or the Solomani. The only former major empire with which some trade is conducted is the Hiver Federation.

Planet to planet trade is more common and dangerous. Pirates, T.E.D.’s and Vampire Ships make living rough on merchant traders. A combine of former megacorporations and noble houses has formed the Hinterworlds House Combines (HHC). Three major families or Houses rule the HHC.

Originally posted by Solo:
Here is some of what I've come up with. Please realize that I'm working with the TNE Handbook, Survival Margin and the Hinterworlds supplement from Challenge #39 as source material. My version of the Hinterworlds isn't even close to cannon. I have several goals in designing this TNE version of the Hinterworlds.
Well, heretically speakin' of course, yer in friendly territory lad, as far as "canonista" go!
1) Leave enough of the Imperium and former gaming environment to make implementing T20 easy. Particularly character generation.
Kewl, good move there...
2) Change enough to make the OTU a little different from the regular fare, such as introducing biotech, ai's and artificial life forms.

Anyway here is my first go-round. Enjoy! :D


The Hinterworlds had always been a backwater of the Imperial domains. The shattering of the Imperium by civil war and the destruction wrecked by the AI Virus changed forever the nature of the Hinterworlds. No longer the undeveloped, technologically inferior, stepchild of the surrounding empires, the Hinterworlds were put on equal footing with these once bastions of high technology and culture.

The very nature of the Hinterworlds, being distant from any of the high-tech empires, saved it from feeling the most devastating effects of the Virus. That and having a pocket empire, The Anubian Trade Coalition (ATC), composed of naturally talented psions as major players in the region. For it was discovered, quickly, by the ATC that they could identify and either destroy or render inert the psychic infestation known as Virus. This has of course given them the upper hand in the region.

There are several pocket empires or cultures in the Hinterworlds:

Former major player in the region, the Ral Ranta, have been forced back to a small coalition of worlds. Only the, by fallen Imperium standards, primitive technology of the Ral Ranta saved them from complete destruction by the AI Virus.

They have swallowed worlds in the 80 years since the Virus release. Trading with most of the remaining civilizations either in goods or in PSI know how.

The AI Virus overran the Unity but their already dual society quickly integrated the Virus and has now become a triad society. Partly Human artificials with cybernetic implants have become the de Facto rulers of the CU. The Unities faith has been twisted into a desire to expand and bring all life under the umbrella of the Unity.

Enter the "Borg"! I can see them and God Virus' types moving this "religion/belief system" to the stars...Good one!

Virus ravaged the great worms. Their civilization decimated for the most part they have reverted to a primitive level and are an extreme danger to any traveler on their former worlds. Many Gniivi vampire ships stalk the stars.

The CLP’s technology, built on biotech, was particularly resistant to the effects of the AI Virus. It was they who helped the Hivers, their former masters and now partners, recover from the devastation quickly.

Pete Gray's work on quantum computers, and biological computer systems in the Regency bears this out as anti-silicon computer systems vs the silicon AI virus, IIRC.
All contact was severed from the outside when the "light storm, which invades" was brought into the Sky by a research vessel from the Imperium. Only the strangeness of OWS technology prevented the Virus from causing a similar catastrophe as befell the Imperium. Any and all ships that invade OWS territory are destroyed. A great project was begun to build larger, military vessels to eradicate the poison from the skies. Even now the OWS is constructing their fleet, perhaps the largest ever built.

A crusade to cleanse the Stars...Possible star battles etc. Great!
In the Adar sub-sector the single, true Imperial base having warning of the oncoming Virus, sealed itself off from the outside in an aggressive manor. First protecting the station at Adar and its deployed forces on Venad. Once sure of its inoculation the construction of the SE began by eradicating the Ral Ranta presence in the region. Now a small, militarily controlled version of the Imperium rules the Adar sub-sector.

Sort of a mini Sufren PE. Yeppurs..
The worlds that were once independent have either fallen under the rule of one of the pocket empires or still remain independent but more than likely fallen to pre-space levels by Virus. Those worlds, which had not reached a high level of technology, were spared the effects of Virus.

The Bruia Diagonal now called the “Lifeline” runs between the Star Empire and the remaining Hive Federation. This trade route has kept the Star Empire alive. But it is a dangerous run, flowing between enemy states and plagued with ships from the Pirate Nation.

Trade is conducted between the states with no outside trade with the K’Kree or the Solomani. The only former major empire with which some trade is conducted is the Hiver Federation.

Planet to planet trade is more common and dangerous. Pirates, T.E.D.’s and Vampire Ships make living rough on merchant traders. A combine of former megacorporations and noble houses has formed the Hinterworlds House Combines (HHC). Three major families or Houses rule the HHC.

I like it. Sounds Great Solo. I think that even TL-10 worlds would still be viable there (due to primitiveness of computers unable to completely manifest/ awaken"). (I did a two step collapse-from 1117 data to 1128 data, then to TNE collapse. Pretty much the whole Hinterworlds was Outlands classified by 1125. Good thesis and PE study there.
Still, TL-7-9 worlds would be able to maintain some insystem space travel as well.
Originally posted by Solo:
[QB]My version of the Hinterworlds isn't even close to cannon.QB]
It looks like juicy goodness.

I was always a bit fond of the Hiver Client State rimward of the OWS, but I guess it's a bit redundant in your setting.
