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the great smiley controversy of "02"

trader jim

SOC-14 1K
at the bottom of my posts i use a lot of smileys to show i am happy and laughing. vargr and i have had a lot of fun throwing around a lot of trash latly, and i used alot of smileys to show no harm is or was ment. a person has objected (mildly i will add) but this is a free forum and that is his right!! he has a point (i guess??). QUESTION -
have i been annoying to all you other readers??
i am courious. feel free to cast your vote, and voice your opinion. thank you
My take on the "smilies" was that they were just an updated graphic for the ancient "emoticon" symbols that have been around since the dawn of the public version of the internet.

Its easy enough to confuse the intent of people when you can see them face to face... much more so on the internet. Emoticons just make it easier to tell what the person was intending (or in this case, that good natured jests were being exchanged).

I can't speak for the others on the list, but I've been rather impressed with the generally polite tone of this board. And being a somewhat annoying person myself, I really can't find fault with your use of "smilies"... at least you don't string them 20 in a row or anything.

Besides, your willingness to open this topic in the first place is ample proof of your character.
I think it's been fun! Even if I was just kidding you about doing it to up your sociability. *grin*
The ultimate point is, those who don't want to read the silly banter between you and the doggy ;) can just SKIP those posts.
They are not being FORCED to read them.
They have a choice.
So if you want to be somewhat silly and have fun and it's not interfering with some 'cannonistas' fun, then more power to you!
And yes, I say 'cannonista' with my tognue planted firmly in cheek, so don't don't go getting your photons in a twirl!!!

The Man Behind the Curtain
Originally posted by Darth Sillyus:
I really can't find fault with your use of "smilies"... at least you don't string them 20 in a row or anything.
Oh but he might have if he could have ;) The board thoughtfully (?) has a limit of (I think) 8 emoticons, smilies, graemlins or whatever you care to call them per post. Now how would I know this you ask? Well by trying to use too many of them in replying to a Vargr vs Trader Jim thread of course
p.s. I saved as many as I could (2) before the Vargr could eat them

Originally posted by Darth Sillyus:
Besides, your willingness to open this topic in the first place is ample proof of your character.
And with this I totally agree. When you and Vargr started the "fight" thread I wasn't 100% sure you two weren't just having fun, but I decided to wait and see, and was rewarded with more than a couple laughs. You even asked for and received Hunter's blessing after playing for a while. I hope you haven't minded my attempts to 'pay-back' some of your jest in kind. So in short, I've quite enjoyed your little diversions, thanks.

Dan "far-trader" Burns
Originally posted by trader jim:
at the bottom of my posts i use a lot of smileys to show i am happy and laughing. vargr and i have had a lot of fun throwing around a lot of trash latly, and i used alot of smileys to show no harm is or was ment. a person has objected (mildly i will add) but this is a free forum and that is his right!! he has a point (i guess??). QUESTION -
have i been annoying to all you other readers??
i am courious. feel free to cast your vote, and voice your opinion. thank you
I find them quite amusing. Not the mention the UBB coding. It makes formatting messages more versatile and eye catching

What you expect from someone that was given their first PC when DTP was the big thing :D