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The Gateway's Best Commercials/Jingles

In another thread here, I was describing the merits of a particularly good brand of SDB built in the Ley Sector. One of its features was an oversize powerplant, for which I threw in the plant manufacturer's jingle, "Fighting your way out of a Gravity Well? No problem with Makhudire!"

Imagine a media campaign featuring a grimy, hard working bunch of spacehands stuck in low orbit and trying to intecept a corsair making a run for a jump point....

I'd be interested in getting a few more ideas for ads/commercials/posters and such to use as filler for campaigning in the Domain of Gateway.

Any takers?

Paul Nemeth
Assoc. VP Marketing, T'Kada L4 Shipyards,

"Fight to Win, Fly T'Kada"

I didn't invent the product, nor did the lady who made this phrase. Its fer Havacola (tm):

"I Havacola! Do You?"

--EaK, on Lonestar Chat/Msn.Chat this past weekend.
We agreed (CPT BL, Me, Kentares, Mink, ELLros, Chron, Dr Skull) she should contribute it to the ADvert campaign.
"We know your a hard working spacer, but some times you just can't find that little something you need to keep you going in the local Spacer Pub or Commisary?
Looking for Those Solomani Nachos? Or Vargyr Barbeque?
Need that part for your Hydrogen filter?
Then come on down to The Starbase Quik-Stop. We provide fast, courtious service with access to all the little odds and ends that we know you spacer need.

StarBase Quick-Stop: We're on Every Planet, Every
Starport, We're Everywhere."

Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
Tag line for ad campaign for the IISS X-boat message system: "Next week? No problem!"
Or maybe: "when it absolutely positively has to be there next week."
Scene - a generic disaster scene. A rescue team is pulling an injured civilian out from under a pile of rubble.

A Virushi paramedic in SuSAG livery opens his medkit, revealing several packages of meds and some diagnostic equipment, all displaying the SuSAG logo. The paramedic begins treatment as the camera pans over the concerned faces of the rescue team members.

The poignant scene ends with the patient regaining consciousness and smiling up at the Virushi.

Voice-over: "Schunamann und Sohn - for life."

Paul Nemeth
Regional Manager - Ley Sector
SuSAG Medical Services Division
Kewl, Paul..Nice touch with the voice over...
Advertisement: Scene (any Starport, with a merchant ship), SPA hauling away a ship's purser.
"HAs this hapened to your crew, or ship? Can't trust anyone with the books? The Get yourself a Ship's Clerkbot! ClerkBot 3rd Petty Officer, is competely self propelled, and safer than someone you hired but don't know really well. Your financal records and transactions are kept safe and secure with its Model 1bis computer, and anti-tampering software pkg. included, at no extra cost!
Grav powered, this TL-12 Naasirka, LIC. Model CL-3PO is a vast improvement over the earlier CL-1 & -2 series Starship AIdes 'bots, featuring a variety of Languages, and comes in semi-humanoid form for easy ID from our similar line of Cargo Bots, our bestelling Loadmaster Bots. Grav or Bipedal mode of locomotion options available."

Voice over-said quickly...
<see Licensed Naasirka dealers only! Some options may be void and prohibited on some worlds. All Robots displayed are built within Shudusham Accords regulations>

A group of mindless thugs harrassing a lovely young lady, chasing her with weapons blazing. Suddenly a man in Imperial Battledress lands between them and proceeds to teach the thugs the error of their ways. The soldier goes to the woman and stands over her. As she looks fearfully the armor opens and a handsome man steps out, clad in an Imperial Marine dress uniform bearing the rank of Colonel and medals out to here. The woman smiles and takes his hand, suddenly cleaned and in a gown. They step through glass doors immediately to their right into a fabulous lounge and restaraunt.

Voiceover : "Your local Traveller's Aid Society. For those who know the difference between dressing for battle, and dressing for dinner."
Originally posted by N.I.C.E. Labs:

Voiceover : "Your local Traveller's Aid Society. For those who know the difference between dressing for battle, and dressing for dinner."
I like it! For the discriminating Traveller!

Actually, this could be a theme for a whole series of TAS commercials. You know, the archeologist hacking his way through the remote jungles, evades restless natives, trekking wearily onward. Suddenly, the foliage parts in front of him to reveal a spa with pool, complete with bathing beauties and percies with trays of icy drinks and dressed in white jackets. When challenged, the archeologist produces his TAS membership, and walks away with a bikini-clad maiden on his arm.

Voice-over: "Your local Traveller's Aid Society - For those who like to rough it, ... or not."

Paul Nemeth
Originally posted by N.I.C.E. Labs:

A group of mindless thugs harrassing a lovely young lady, chasing her with weapons blazing. Suddenly a man in Imperial Battledress lands between them and proceeds to teach the thugs the error of their ways. The soldier goes to the woman and stands over her. As she looks fearfully the armor opens and a handsome man steps out, clad in an Imperial Marine dress uniform bearing the rank of Colonel and medals out to here. The woman smiles and takes his hand, suddenly cleaned and in a gown. They step through glass doors immediately to their right into a fabulous lounge and restaraunt.

Voiceover : "Your local Traveller's Aid Society. For those who know the difference between dressing for battle, and dressing for dinner."

That's good!


That deserves a 5 star!

Here's another :


The camera is looking on a vast plain on a pastoral world. Suddenly with thudding hooves something rushes by. The camera pulls back to see a reptilian eight-legged Ponii running like the wind with carrying a rider wearing an outdated, almost frontier IISS uniform. The Ponii and rider are joined by another and another ...soon there are thousands of riders racing along the plain, the Ponii's hoofbeats rolling like thunder. One by one they turn to light as the entire group streams into the sky. Out in space the lights rush towards the camera, coalescing into an X-boat coming out of jump.

There is no voice-over but coming on the screen silently are the words "The Imperial Interstellar Scout Service"
Originally posted by N.I.C.E. Labs:

Out in space the lights rush towards the camera, coalescing into an X-boat coming out of jump.

There is no voice-over but coming on the screen silently are the words "The Imperial Interstellar Scout Service"
Where can I sign up?!! :D

If MJD, Hunter or any of the gang are looking for inspiration for sidebars in any of the future pubs, I think we've found our man.

Paul Nemeth
Another TAS ad:

Stirring music plays while the scene shifts from time to time showing men and women in various worthwhile occupations... A doctor healing a sick child...a Marine major defending a town...A merchant captain of a 1000 ton freighter... A nobleman arguing his case in the government house. Then it shows them all in dinner dress enjoying drinks and conversation as a voice over plays:

"To those with Great Responsibility come Great Rewards.....Traveller's Aid"
Originally posted by Antares Administration:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by N.I.C.E. Labs:

Out in space the lights rush towards the camera, coalescing into an X-boat coming out of jump.

There is no voice-over but coming on the screen silently are the words "The Imperial Interstellar Scout Service"
Where can I sign up?!! :D

If MJD, Hunter or any of the gang are looking for inspiration for sidebars in any of the future pubs, I think we've found our man.

Paul Nemeth
</font>[/QUOTE]I'd be honored
Thanks for the recommendation
A VERY old aging televid actress stands in front of a bunch of obviously generedd good looking youths and starts singing some insipid tv-tag song reworded as an add for cheap mass produced clothes aimed at the less than affluent consumer.

"Old IMEPRIAL Navy carpenter pants come in all sizes and colors for him, her or it!"
Though not from Traveller it works

Scene 1:
A beautiful multi-story house overlooking the edge of a canyon gourge. The large atrium windows are shuttered.

Voice Over: Has this ever happened to you?

<A small cruise missile slams into the house and explodes>

Voice Over: Are the neighbors getting a bit bossy? Local militia harassing you? Did you tick off one too many megacorporation regional managers?

Then choose the Better Home Bunker Designs of Borderline Security Services. Our team of skilled ex-military and industrial engineers, architects, and security specialist will help you design a home that is both comfortable, roomy and secure. Besides the house, your own BHBD team will layout and program the security, defense, EMS, and housekeeping functions of the your own central computer sytem that monitors you home 24/7.

Every Better Home Bunker Designs house is made to withstand assault from all small arms and most munitions. We can even give you the option of actives defense measures, including machines guns, point defense gatling guns, claymore mines, gas, and napalm throwers. For a slight charge, we can even Biochem seal your dreamhome.

Scene 1:
Smoke clears to reveal the empty shell of the house with all the windows blown out.

Voice Over: As you can see, the cruise missile did penetrate the armoured shutters of the atrium window, but the walls and roof are still intact. Using the latest laminent materials and proven military and industrial bunker practices, the explosion was contained and direct back thru the atrium windows towards the canyon. This technique can mean the difference between life and death for yourself and you loved ones.

So contact your local Better Home Bunker Designs today. Talk to one of our security sales representatives for defining your home security needs. They will show you all the components and options available includings these popular design styles:

Photo 1:
A 19th Century Style fort.
Voice Over: The Fort McHenry

Photo 2:
A french manor house.
Voice Over: Le Chateau Securitie

Photo 2:
An English castle.
Voice Over: The Norman Defender

Photo 3:
A Mad Ludwig type castle.
Voice Over: The Bavarian Stronghold

Photo 3:
A southwestern adobe brick house
Voice Over: The popular La Hacienda

Photo 3:
A romanesque country house
Voice Over: and our latest the Partician Villa

The BorderLine Securities and the Better Home Bunker Logo
Voice Over: BorderLine Securities, Your safety is our success.

Originally posted by N.I.C.E. Labs:
Another TAS ad:

Stirring music plays while the scene shifts from time to time showing men and women in various worthwhile occupations... A doctor healing a sick child...a Marine major defending a town...A merchant captain of a 1000 ton freighter... A nobleman arguing his case in the government house. Then it shows them all in dinner dress enjoying drinks and conversation as a voice over plays:

"To those with Great Responsibility come Great Rewards.....Traveller's Aid"
That's even better!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D