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The Frontier


SOC-14 1K
The following details the worlds of the America Sector, a large part of which is the Stellar Federation of America. I've removed this setting from the fringes of the OTU Map and placed it in my own. Unlike the OTU there is FTl communications in the form of a tachyon radio and the FTL drive in use is the Warp Drive, see the Warp Drives in the Fleet.

The America Sector
The United States of America
California Subsector Data Table
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 0913 B604634-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Frozen 704 K0
Alabama 0914 A753644-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Normal 414 F0
Alaska 0916 A755544-C 6,500 miles, 0.75-G Chilly 103 F5
Unnamed 0919 D8A0464-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Infernal 311 G0
Arizona 1011 A771644-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Hot 504 G0
Unnamed 1012 B720564-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Chilly 804 G5
Unnamed 1015 B200464-C 1,500 miles 0.17-G Cool 813 K0
Unnamed 1017 B300164-C 2,500 miles 0.25-G Cool 905 K0
Arkansas 1019 A748644-C 7,000 miles 0.97-G Cool 202 G0
Unnamed 1111 B200563-C 1,500 miles 0.15-G Frozen 604 F0
Unnamed 1115 B834563-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Cool 824 K0
California 1116 A883744-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Normal 304 F5
New Terra 1214 A867645-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Normal 104 G0
Colorado 1220 A754643-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Normal 420 G0
Connecticut 1316 A684644-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Cool 314 F0
Unnamed 1320 E6A8000-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Normal 410 F5
Delaware 1414 B554543-C 5,000 miles 0.82-G Chilly 824 F0
Indiana 1416 A686644-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Cool 604 F0
Unnamed 1419 D100311-C 1,000 miles 0.11-G Frozen 721 M5
Georgia 1511 B893643-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Warm 803 K5
Illinois 1512 A864744-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Normal 110 K5
Idaho 1513 A680641-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Tropical 101 F5
Unnamed 1516 D731100-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Cool 803 K5
Hawaii 1519 A768645-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Normal 104 K5
Florida 1616 A7D7744-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Hot 113 G5

Lincoln Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Iowa 1714 A797643-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Normal 323 F0
Kansas 1715 A672643-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Cold 225 F5
Kentucky 1811 A671641-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Tropical 400 F0
Maine 1812 A666643-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Cool 124 F0
Unnamed 1817 B200563-C 2,000 miles 0.23-G Infernal 712 F0
Maryland 1914 A745644-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Warm 513 G0
Unnamed 1918 C7A3111-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Warm 110 K5
Unnamed 2012 C200563-C 1,500 miles 0.15-G Cool 713 F5
Unnamed 2017 E100100-C 1,000 miles 0.10-G Normal 424 M5
Louisiana 2112 A666643-C 5,500 miles 0.69-G Tropical 411 G0
Unnamed 2113 C825311-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Normal 122 G0
Massachusetts 2213 A745645-C 7,000 miles 0.97-G Normal 600 K0
Michigan 2313 A665744-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Cool 112 G0

New York Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 1022 D828542-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Chilly 304 F5
Missouri 1025 A795641-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Warm 520 K0
Unnamed 1030 A635541-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Cool 302 G5
Unnamed 1127 B200212-C 2,000 miles 0.25-G Infernal 712 M5
Unnamed 1128 B625541-C 6,000 miles 0.61-G Cool 515 G0
Unnamed 1129 C738542-C 6,500 miles 0.90-G Chilly 812 F0
Mississippi 1222 C766641-C 6,500 miles 0.90-G Chilly 204 K5
Unnamed 1228 C731263-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Normal 700 K0
Minnesota 1321 A773644-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G warm 503 K5
Montana 1329 A776541-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Cool 904 F0
Nevada 1425 A866641-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Warm 221 F5
Nebraska 1426 B788640-C 7,000 miles 0.71-G Cold 121 K0
Unnamed 1430 B000200-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Frozen 403 F5
New York 1522 A666742-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Warm 104 K5
Unnamed 1524 A000510-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Frozen 905 M0
Unnamed 1525 B100511-C 1,000 miles 0.10-G Infernal 404 K0
Unnamed 1529 D7A6121-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Tropical 904 F0
New Jersey 1626 A748643-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Cool 812 F0
New Mexico 1628 A743642-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Tropical 103 G0
New Hampshire 1630 A682644-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Cool 101 G0

Washington Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Carolina (North/South) 1723 (B/A)652(6/6)(4/4)(3/3)-(C/C) 6,000 miles 076-G Warm (8/4)13 F0
Dakota (North/South) 1725 (A/B)761(5/5)(4/4)(3/3)-(C/C) 6,500 miles 0.74-G Cool (6/7)01 F5
Ohio 1726 A746744-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Chilly 110 F5
Unnamed 1727 E726400-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Cool 904 F0
Oregon 1729 A756643-C 6,500 miles 0.90-G Cool 404 G0
Oklahoma 1822 A685641-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Tropical 302 G5
Pennsylvania 1823 A759744-C 7,000 miles 0.71-G warm 113 F0
Washington 1824 A782643-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Chilly 601 F0
Unnamed 1827 A000500-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Cold 403 G5
Texas 1828 B686741-C 6,000 miles 0.83-G Normal 213 K5
Unnamed 1921 A410220-C 4,000 miles 0.45-G Infernal 912 G5
Utah 1922 B792642-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G warm 201 G0
Unnamed 1923 E410000-C 3,500 miles 0.44-G Cool 320 F0
Unnamed 1924 E625000-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Warm 900 K5
Unnamed 1925 C720542-C 7,000 miles 0.97-G Normal 302 K0
Unnamed 2024 B728413-C 7,000 miles 0.97-G Warm 520 G0
Vermont 2028 B857541-C 7,500 miles 0.76-G Cool 613 F5
Unnamed 2030 E739542-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Normal 504 K0
Virginia (/West) 2124 (B/A)796(6/6)(4/4)(3/3)-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Normal (7/1)03 F5
Rhode Island 2221 A743642-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Tropical 100 G0
Unnamed 2225 E7B6541-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Warm 103 K0
Unnamed 2230 C2B3100-C 1,500 miles 0.15-G Frozen 203 G5
Wisconsin 2326 B742643-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Cool 510 G0
Wyoming 2327 A765540-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Cool 523 K0
Columbia 2328 A764542-C 7,000 miles 0.97-G warm 500 K0
Tennessee 2422 B965641-C 8,500 miles 0.96-G Tropical 503 G5
Unnamed 2425 E510310-C 4,500 miles 0.45-G Infernal 704 F5
Guam 2426 B952544-C 9,000 miles 0.90-G Warm 120 F0

The Frontier Subsectors
Columbus Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 0101 E736300-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Normal 504 G0
Unnamed 0102 C755541-C 6,500 miles 0.90-G Normal 724 K5
Unnamed 0109 E757000-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Tropical 704 G0
Unnamed 0110 E100100-C 1,000 miles 0.10-G Normal 912 K5
Unnamed 0201 E6B0100-C 5,500 miles 0.55-G Frozen 804 G5
Unnamed 0209 E6A6200-C 5,500 miles 0.76-G Tropical 702 K0
Unnamed 0305 C643541-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Normal 701 F5
Unnamed 0306 E734200-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Warm 313 G5
Unnamed 0307 E775000-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Normal 914 G0
Unnamed 0308 E756441-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Warm 702 G5
Unnamed 0309 E000200-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Normal 614 K0
Unnamed 0401 E836200-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Normal 523 G5
Unnamed 0504 E862000-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Chilly 800 G0
Unnamed 0506 D649540-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Chilly 901 F5
Columbus 0507 C755541-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Tropical 912 G5
Unnamed 0607 E83A000-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Cool 004 K0
Unnamed 0608 E88A300-C 7,500 miles 1.00-G Warm 303 K0
Unnamed 0705 C664541-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G warm 522 G5
Unnamed 0709 E849000-C 8,000 miles 0.91-G Warm 802 K0
Weston 0710 X583870-4 4,500 miles 0.74-G Normal 500 G0
- has a population of 500 million humans, this Mars-sized planet has several isolated oceans of varying salinity. One notable feature of the planet Weston is its density. At tech level 4, the Westonians make use of the telegraph, the steam engine, and so forth. Beasts of burden are still the primary form of transportation, sail boats cruise the oceans, but because the planet is mostly land, most land travel is on the backs of beasts of by steam locomotive on rails. The name Weston was coined by the American surveyors because much of the landscape looks like the American West with vast canyons, seemingly endless prairies, and deserts. Mountains are higher than on Earth and there is plenty of volcanic activity despite the planets small size. Most notable of all is the relative local abundance of platinum group metals, so much so that the Westonians use silver wires for the telegraph lines.
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 0805 E784300-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Cold 223 F5
Unnamed 0807 E643200-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Normal 423 G5
Unnamed 0808 E200300-C 2,000 miles 0.20-G Normal 114 F5
Unnamed 0809 E7D2300-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Cold 213 G0
Unnamed 0810 E766200-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Chilly 703 F5

Boone Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 0118 E772300-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Normal 100 G5
Unnamed 0120 E783200-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Very Cold 821 F0
Unnamed 0211 C7A0440-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Frozen 503 M0
Unnamed 0213 E757000-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Warm 900 F5
Unnamed 0215 E774000-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Chilly 303 K5
Unnamed 0218 D565541-C 5,000 miles 0.63-G Normal 923 G0
Unnamed 0219 B969540-C 9,000 miles 0.91-G Normal 401 G5
Unnamed 0220 C695540-C 6,000 miles 0.83-G Hot 311 A0
Unnamed 0313 E727100-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Cool 510 K5
Unnamed 0318 D853542-C 8,000 miles 0.81-G Chilly 104 F0
Unnamed 0416 E72A200-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G warm 503 G5
Unnamed 0419 A6A0541-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Frozen 723 G5
Unnamed 0420 A761540-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Chilly 711 F0
Unnamed 0513 E7A0540-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Frozen 603 K5
Unnamed 0516 A625441-C 5,500 miles 0.76-G warm 305 G0
Unnamed 0611 E000300-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Cold 904 K0
Unnamed 0614 E731200-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Tropical 625 F0
Unnamed 0615 E775300-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Normal 910 K0
Unnamed 0713 C856540-C 7,500 miles 0.76-G Cool 502 F5
Unnamed 0716 E751000-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Tropical 403 F5
Unnamed 0717 E835000-C 7,500 miles 0.76-G Normal 004 G5
Unnamed 0812 E843300-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Cool 104 K5
Lawrence 0815 X752970-5 6,500 miles 0.66-G Tropical 104 K0
Lawrence is a dry tropical planet populated by 1 billion Tech Level 5 Lizardmen, they are at approximately the same level of technological development as the Earth was during World War I. These lizardmen rely on primitive automobiles, steam trains to move about on the planet’s surface.
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 0820 E7A6441-C 6,500 miles 0.73-G Hot 311 G0

Armstrong Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 0121 E645440-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Warm 113 F5
Unnamed 0122 C922440-C 8,500 miles 0.96-G Normal 805 K0
Unnamed 0125 E887999-C 8,000 miles 0.91-G Tropical 105 G5
Unnamed 0126 E200100-C 2,000 miles 0.23-G Normal 925 K0
Unnamed 0129 E785000-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Cool 004 F0
Unnamed 0221 E653300-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G warm 105 F0
Unnamed 0226 E510300-C 4,500 miles 0.51-G warm 903 K5
Unnamed 0229 E410200-C 3,500 miles 0.57-G Cold 304 K5
Terrene 0230 E867972-7 8,000 miles 1.00-G Normal 411 G2
Cybrill _240 radii from Terrene X868670-1 7,500 miles 0.91-G Warm satellite of Terrene.
The Terrene system has proven to be a headache for the Federal Authorities. The Terrenians are human, there are about 4 billion of them and they have rudimentary space travel capabilities and they are no in the process of colonizing their natural satellite Cybrill, which is nearly the same size as Terrene. No one knows why the two members of this double planet system aren’t tidal locked, but they aren’t and bother worlds have rotation rates close to 24 hours. Scientists think the same agency that is responsible for placing humans on these two worlds is also responsible for spinning them up. Terrene is a human planet with a technology similar to Earth in the 1970s, it has similar hydrographics percentage and a similar spread of continents as the Earth has.

Cybrill is a stone age/ Bronze age planet populated by humans and lizardmen, who are native to nearby subsector. The fact that Terrene is interfering with Cybrill’s population is something of a quandary for the Americans, technically they are violating the Prime Directive, but how to tell them that without making contact and violating the Prime Directive themselves is a bit of a problem. Cybrill’s population is in the millions, Terrene is due to be contacted soon anyway, but they are broken you into over 200 nations with two large superpowers armed with nuclear weapons vieing for control, this is not an easy matter, in the meantime the Federal Government tries to keep the existence of this planet secret so merchants don’t try to ply their wares and exacerbate the situation. Also of interest are the dinosaurian creatures on the surface.

NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 0327 E643000-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Cool 413 G0
Unnamed 0421 E000442-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Cold 804 F0
Unnamed 0424 E935200-C 9,000 miles 0.91-G Cool 903 F0
Unnamed 0425 B676441-C 6,000 miles 0.61-G Normal 722 G5
Unnamed 0426 C7B0443-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Frozen 824 G5
Unnamed 0529 E200200-C 1,500 miles 0.15-G Hot 314 K0
Unnamed 0530 E658200-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Warm 104 G0
Unnamed 0623 E778200-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Warm 220 K0
Unnamed 0625 E200200-C 1,500 miles 0.17-G Frozen 924 G0
Unnamed 0626 E000100-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Frozen 613 K0
Unnamed 0628 D864541-C 8,000 miles 0.91-G Cool 713 K0
Unnamed 0630 E840300-C 7,500 miles 0.76-G Normal 113 G5
Unnamed 0723 E755440-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Normal 104 G5
Unnamed 0727 E755541-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Tropical 103 G5
Unnamed 0728 E820200-C 7,500 miles 1.00-G Cool 413 F0
Unnamed 0730 E4A5300-C 4,000 miles 0.55-G warm 214 G0
Unnamed 0827 E6A0000-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Frozen 602 F5

Sagan Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 0134 E767000-C 6,500 miles 0.69-G Very Hot 702 G5
Unnamed 0139 E857200-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Tropical 804 G5
Unnamed 0140 E756200-C 6,500 miles 0.66-G Chilly 303 A5
Unnamed 0231 B200441-C 1,500 miles 0.19-G Frozen 203 F0
Unnamed 0233 E5C6100-C 5,000 miles 0.88-G Infernal 102 G5
Unnamed 0236 A763542-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Cold 924 F0
Unnamed 0332 B884541-C 8,000 miles 0.81-G Tropical 802 F0
Unnamed 0333 E310000-C 3,000 miles 0.42-G Cold 703 G5
Unnamed 0334 E4B0100-C 3,500 miles 0.44-G Frozen 902 K5
Unnamed 0335 E410200-C 4,000 miles 0.45-G Warm 700 F0
Unnamed 0337 E780300-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Cool 403 K0
Unnamed 0340 E727000-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Warm 100 K0
Unnamed 0432 E841300-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Normal 823 F5
Unnamed 0433 E200000-C 1,500 miles 0.19-G Normal 612 F0
Unnamed 0434 E687200-C 5,500 miles 0.55-G Hot 520 G0
Unnamed 0435 E870441-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Chilly 601 K0
Unnamed 0533 E865200-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G tropical 205 K0
Unnamed 0538 A660442-C 6,000 miles 0.83-G Cool 613 K0
Unnamed 0539 E637000-C 5,500 miles 0.69-G Warm 014 G0
Unnamed 0632 D6A0441-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Frozen 904 G5
Unnamed 0633 E6B3000-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Hot 020 G0
Yern 0637 X765770-1 7,000 miles 0.88-G Chilly 403 F0 Population consists of 40 million Weren from D20 Future.
Unnamed 0638 A848542-C 8,000 miles 0.91-G Cool 904 G0
Unnamed 0734 E633200-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Cool 512 K5
Unnamed 0735 A862441-C 7,500 miles 1.00-G Warm 704 G0
Unnamed 0736 E733200-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Cool 512 F0
Unnamed 0738 E677442-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Warm 203 G5
Unnamed 0831 E410543-C 3,500 miles 0.49-G Very Cold 704 F5
Unnamed 0832 A837441-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Normal 205 F5
Unnamed 0834 E510100-C 4,500 miles 0.51-G Warm 314 G5

Roosevelt Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 0901 C855543-C 7,500 miles 0.95g Normal 802 K0
Jorone 0902 Large Gas Giant Size (89,000 miles or 143,000 km), Atm. Exotic-A (hydrogen/helium) 2.5g Norm at 1 Atm. layer
_ 2 Ring System XR00000-0
_ 6 Cisero X685870-3 6,000 miles 0.68-G warm 105 K0 (population consists of 100 million Sesheyans – See D20 Future)
(Orbital period and hence the day length of Ciserol is 1 day, 18 hours, and 30 minutes)
Unnamed 0905 E825000-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Normal 204 F5
Unnamed 0907 E6A7000-C 6,000 miles 1.00-G Warm 702 K5
Unnamed 0908 E832100-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Warm 702 K0
Unnamed 1003 E670100-C 6,000 miles 0.61-G Warm 114 K0
Unnamed 1004 C610444-C 6,000 miles 0.50-G Cold 302 K5
Unnamed 1005 E647000-C 6,000 miles 0.61-G Normal 502 F5
Unnamed 1006 B741444-C 7,000 miles 0.71-G Normal 703 F0
Unnamed 1010 B793442-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Cool 510 G0
Nonethal 1109 E856973-7 7,500 miles 0.95-G Normal 604 K5 (population consists of 6 billion humans in 250+ nations, 3 Superpowers)
Unnamed 1201 B675542-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Normal 700 G0
Donal 1207 X865600-0 7,500 miles 0.95-G Warm 211 F0 (population consists of 2 million Aarokcra “Bird People” See Forgotten Realms MM)
Unnamed 1208 A723441-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Chilly 203 K5
Unnamed 1302 E200000-C 1,500 miles 0.17-G Normal 003 F5
Unnamed 1308 D867541-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Cool 903 F0
Unnamed 1402 E833200-C 7,500 miles 0.76-G Chilly 704 K0
Unnamed 1404 E000000-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Cool 314 K0
Unnamed 1406 E6A6000-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Normal 805 K5
Unnamed 1407 E735200-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Normal 924 G0
Unnamed 1409 E854000-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Cool 613 F5
Unnamed 1410 E410200-C 3,500 miles 0.49-G Normal 913 K5
Oceanus 1503 A76A741-C 7,000 miles 0.97-G Warm 414 G0 (population consists of 40 million Merfolk, brought up to TL 12 from outside)
Unnamed 1504 A944542-C 8,500 miles 0.85-G Cool 523 G5
Unnamed 1506 E77A200-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Cool 701 F5
Unnamed 1508 E764300-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Chilly 202 F0
Unnamed 1602 E8D7200-C 7,500 miles 0.76-G Cool 225 K5
Unnamed 1604 C777544-C 6,500 miles 0.90-G Chilly 513 K5
Unnamed 1605 B667543-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G normal 600 K5

Franklin Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 0931 A444440-C 3,500 miles 0.83-G Normal 304 K0
Unnamed 0932 E200300-C 1,500 miles 0.15-G Hot 213 A5
Unnamed 0933 E877200-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Cold 404 K5
Unnamed 0936 E834000-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Normal 813 K0
Unnamed 0938 E8A4100-C 7,500 miles 0.88-G Chilly 205 K5
Unnamed 0939 E776100-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Chilly 504 F5
Unnamed 1032 E6A6100-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Tropical 314 K5
Unnamed 1033 E867300-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Chilly 103 K5
Unnamed 1034 E776200-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Cool 824 G0
Unnamed 1035 E878000-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Cool 801 K5
Unnamed 1037 E792300-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Normal 800 K0
Unnamed 1039 E740540-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Chilly 613 K0
Unnamed 1131 C200540-C 1,500 miles 0.21-G Normal 114 K0
Unnamed 1132 E000200-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Cold 200 G0
Dernal 1139 E885870-2 7,500 miles 0.85-G Normal 703 F0 (700 million human inhabitants)
Unnamed 1140 B770442-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Tropical 114 K0
Unnamed 1231 E7A0300-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Frozen 901 K0
Unnamed 1234 E732100-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G warm 705 G5
Unnamed 1236 E4B0000-C 3,500 miles 0.44-G Frozen 504 F5
Unnamed 1238 C645441-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G warm 923 F0
Unnamed 1240 E6B0100-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Frozen 603 G0
Unnamed 1335 E7A7300-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Normal 104 G5
Unnamed 1338 C7B5541-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Cool 910 G0
Unnamed 1340 E200000-C 1,500 miles 0.17-G warm 902 G0
Unnamed 1431 B859543-C 7,500 miles 1.10-G Hot 201 K0
Yoth 1433 E859970-4 7,500 miles 1.00-G Normal 124 F0 (1 billion Vrusk Inhabitants, see D20 Future)
Unnamed 1435 E863542-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G warm 102 G5
Unnamed 1436 C676542-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G warm 423 G0
Unnamed 1437 E834200-C 8,000 miles 0.81-G Warm 503 G0
Unnamed 1532 C863541-C 8,000 miles 1.10-G Cool 900 G5
Unnamed 1533 E410000-C 4,000 miles 0.50-G Frozen 903 F5
Unnamed 1535 E759300-C 7,000 miles 0.71-G warm 914 K5
Unnamed 1536 E868000-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Cold 204 G0
Unnamed 1537 E410200-C 4,000 miles 0.45-G Infernal 122 F0
Unnamed 1540 E836000-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Cool 204 G0
Unnamed 1631 E631200-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Cool 813 K0
Unnamed 1632 C7A7441-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Warm 802 F5
Unnamed 1637 E410000-C 4,000 miles 0.50-G Frozen 923 K0
Unnamed 1638 E620000-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Chilly 723 F0

Jefferson Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 1701 E410000-C 4,000 miles 0.50-G Infernal 302 F0
Unnamed 1704 B693441-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Tropical 512 G5
Unnamed 1706 E100000-C 1,000 miles 0.13-G Normal 304 K5
Unnamed 1707 E410300-C 3,500 miles 0.44-G Infernal 804 A5
Unnamed 1710 B754541-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Tropical 405 G0
Unnamed 1805 E756000-C 7,000 miles 0.71-G Normal 710 G5
Unnamed 1903 E739300-C 6,500 miles 0.90-G Cool 203 F5
Unnamed 1908 E200000-C 1,500 miles 0.19-G Cold 603 G5
Unnamed 2003 E775300-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Warm 202 B5
Unnamed 2006 E6B0300-C 5,500 miles 0.69-G Frozen 300 F0
Unnamed 2008 C744441-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Tropical 905 G0
Unnamed 2104 E888100-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Tropical 223 G0
Unnamed 2107 D100542-C 1,000 miles 0.11-G Warm 714 G5
Unnamed 2203 E410000-C 3,500 miles 0.40-G Warm 913 G0
Unnamed 2206 E853100-C 7,500 miles 0.76-G Chilly 404 A5
Unnamed 2208 B833541-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Cool 903 G0
Unnamed 2210 E656000-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Hot 602 A5
Unnamed 2305 B7D5441-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Cool 520 G0
Unnamed 2307 E763100-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Cool 212 F0
Unnamed 2308 C510541-C 4,500 miles 0.51-G Normal 500 F5
Unnamed 2309 E667300-C 6,000 miles 0.91-G Chilly 915 K5
Unnamed 2401 E654300-C 6,000 miles 0.83-G Warm 101 G0
Unnamed 2403 C7A0542-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Frozen 602 B5
Unnamed 2405 C658441-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Chilly 612 K5

Clark Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 1735 E200000-C 2,000 miles 0.25-G Frozen 503 K0
Unnamed 1738 B100550-C 1,000 miles 0.10-G Normal 915 G0
Unnamed 1832 E856300-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Warm 400 F5
Unnamed 1833 E641001-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Warm 712 K0
Unnamed 1836 E746100-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Normal 202 K0
Unnamed 1931 D840430-C 8,000 miles 1.10-G Chilly 423 G0
Unnamed 2033 D6A0333-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Frozen 302 G0
Unnamed 2038 C746487-C 7,000 miles 0.71-G Normal 914 F5
Unnamed 2039 E7A7110-C 7,000 miles 0.97-G Chilly 800 F5
Unnamed 2131 D741466-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Warm 802 K0
Unnamed 2132 E771200-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Cool 702 F5
Unnamed 2135 E721100-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Warm 404 K0
Unnamed 2139 D642462-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Normal 913 F5
Unnamed 2231 E644100-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Cool 910 F5
Unnamed 2236 E862202-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Warm 124 G0
Unnamed 2237 E929158-C 8,500 miles 1.10-G Cool 520 G0
Unnamed 2240 E7A6313-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Tropical 903 K0
Unnamed 2331 E865000-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Cold 422 K0
Unnamed 2332 B000420-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Frozen 200 F5
Unnamed 2335 A863564-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Cool 611 G5
Unnamed 2336 E000302-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Chilly 120 K0
Unnamed 2339 C655456-C 5,500 miles 0.55-G Warm 603 K0
Unnamed 2431 E666336-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Cool 910 K0
Unnamed 2433 E695103-C 5,500 miles 0.69-G Chilly 105 G5
Unnamed 2434 E7A6212-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Cool 213 G0
Unnamed 2436 E788332-C 6,500 miles 0.90-G Chilly 714 G5

Jackson Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 2501 C646422-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Warm 304 K0
Unnamed 2508 E765356-C 7,000 miles 0.71-G Cool 201 F5
Unnamed 2510 B410458-C 4,000 miles 0.55-G Infernal 124 G5
Unnamed 2601 E6AA221-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Tropical 902 G5
Unnamed 2602 B300440-C 2,500 miles 0.25-G Infernal 201 G5
Unnamed 2604 E664574-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Cool 100 G5
Unnamed 2606 E8A3120-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Hot 512 G5
Unnamed 2610 E76A237-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Warm 520 G0
Unnamed 2701 D744489-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Chilly 523 K0
Unnamed 2702 E833000-C 8,000 miles 0.91-G Normal 904 G5
Unnamed 2704 E677325-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Chilly 414 K0
Unnamed 2802 E300266-C 2,500 miles 0.31-G Infernal 403 G5
Unnamed 2804 B925552-C 9,000 miles 0.91-G Normal 610 G5
Unnamed 2805 E898300-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Normal 314 F5
Unnamed 2810 E100123-C 1,000 miles 0.11-G Frozen 801 G5
Unnamed 2901 E6B0300-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Frozen 913 G5
Unnamed 2903 E64A000-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Chilly 704 F5
Unnamed 2904 E300200-C 2,500 miles 0.28-G Normal 504 G0
Unnamed 2905 E410200-C 4,000 miles 0.50-G Cool 402 G0
Unnamed 2908 A895567-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Warm 401 G0
Unnamed 2909 E890466-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Warm 621 F5
Unnamed 3003 E734200-C 6,500 miles 0.90-G Cool 104 G0
Unnamed 3004 E784364-C 6,500 miles 0.66-G Normal 324 G5
Unnamed 3005 A747567-C 7,000 miles 0.97-G Cool 421 F5
Unnamed 3007 E777367-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Tropical 905 G0
Unnamed 3110 E643266-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Tropical 802 G0
Unnamed 3201 D410420-C 3,500 miles 0.49-G Cold 210 G0
Unnamed 3202 E7D2113-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Cool 903 G0
Unnamed 3204 E857374-C 7,500 miles 0.76-G Normal 920 K0
Unnamed 3205 E666000-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Normal 304 F5
Unnamed 3208 000345-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Frozen 104 G0
Unnamed 3209 755235-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Normal 612 F5

Wilson Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 2513 A634455-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Tropical 505 G0
Unnamed 2514 C637441-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Warm 604 G5
Unnamed 2515 C856513-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Chilly 713 F5
Unnamed 2520 E410000-C 3,500 miles 0.44-G Frozen 304 G0
Unnamed 2613 E756221-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Chilly 304 G0
Unnamed 2615 C100564-C 1,000 miles 0.10-G Cool 605 F5
Unnamed 2618 B761488-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Cool 700 K0
Unnamed 2712 E868010-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Normal 200 F5
Unnamed 2714 E784200-C 6,500 miles 0.66-G Warm 110 K0
Unnamed 2718 E6A0100-C 5,500 miles 0.69-G Frozen 511 G0
Unnamed 2814 E88257C-C 8,000 miles 0.91-C Tropical 505 K0
Unnamed 2815 E777000-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Cold 104 F5
Unnamed 2911 C895469-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Normal 600 K0
Unnamed 2914 E773374-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Cool 312 G0
Unnamed 2917 E100300-C 1,000 miles 0.10-G Frozen 502 G0
Unnamed 2920 C6A7486-C 5,500 miles 0.69-G Normal 625 F5
Unnamed 3014 B699520-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Chilly 703 G0
Unnamed 3015 E845000-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Chilly 604 G5
Unnamed 3017 E7A0533-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Frozen 722 G5
Unnamed 3113 E410000-C 4,000 miles 0.50-G Normal 303 K0
Unnamed 3117 C956562-C 8,500 miles 0.86-G Chilly 212 G0
Unnamed 3212 E6A0000-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Frozen 904 F5
Unnamed 3217 E300212-C 2,500 miles 0.32-G Warm 512 G0
Unnamed 3219 E740211-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Normal 100 G0

Edison Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 2521 B737446-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Warm 713 G5
Unnamed 2522 D7A4487-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Hot 924 F5
Unnamed 2523 E661000-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Chilly 203 G5
Unnamed 2526 C745513-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Cold 900 K0
Unnamed 2528 B6A2000-C 6,000 miles 0.91-G Cool 424 G0
Unnamed 2621 E86359B-C 8,000 miles 0.91-G Chilly 204 G0
Unnamed 2624 B936434-C 9,000 miles 0.91-G Hot 504 G0
Unnamed 2625 E744100-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Tropical 302 F5
Unnamed 2628 E675120-C 6,000 miles 0.61-G Chilly 500 G5
Unnamed 2629 E747000-C 7,000 miles 0.97-G Tropical 111 G5
Unnamed 2721 D625422-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Chilly 504 G5
Unnamed 2723 E788000-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Normal 901 G5
Unnamed 2725 E695100-C 6,000 miles 0.83-G Tropical 704 K0
Unnamed 2726 A850548-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Tropical 622 G0
Unnamed 2729 E832000-C 7,500 miles 1.00-G Chilly 204 K0
Unnamed 2822 E884244-C 7,500 miles 1.00-G Warm 402 F5
Unnamed 2824 E410100-C 4,000 miles 0.45-G Cool 802 K0
Unnamed 2825 E661000-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Normal 105 G5
Unnamed 2826 E7A5454-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Warm 112 G5
Unnamed 2827 E758100-C 6,500 miles 0.90-G Tropical 805 G5
Unnamed 2828 C773545-C 6,500 miles 0.66-G Chilly 710 K0
Unnamed 2830 E694000-C 6,000 miles 0.61-G Normal 804 G0
Unnamed 2923 E76548C-C 6,500 miles 0.66-G Cool 500 F5
Unnamed 2927 D737551-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Hot 804 G0
Unnamed 2930 C796544-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Warm 710 F5
Unnamed 3021 E200358-C 2,000 miles 0.23-G Infernal 122 K0
Unnamed 3022 E200430-C 2,000 miles 0.25-G Warm 911 K0
Unnamed 3023 E633100-C 5,500 miles 0.62-G Normal 124 F5
Unnamed 3026 E779210-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Warm 324 F5
Unnamed 3029 B832522-C 7,500 miles 0.76-G Hot 402 K0
Unnamed 3122 E654159-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Tropical 703 F5
Unnamed 3123 A310400-C 3,000 miles 0.53-G Infernal 301 G0
Unnamed 3223 A853484-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Chilly 900 G5
Unnamed 3224 E510200-C 4,500 miles 0.57-G Frozen 214 G0
Unnamed 3226 C000543-C Asteroid Belt 0.00-G Frozen 304 K0
Unnamed 3230 A767434-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Chilly 602 K0

Von Braun Subsector
NAME Hex UWP Size Grav Climate PBG Type
Unnamed 2535 B300458-C 3,000 miles 0.34-G Cool 231 G0
Unnamed 2538 C854414-C 7,500 miles 0.85-G Normal 700 G5
Unnamed 2539 E73437A-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Chilly 221 F5
Unnamed 2540 E632321-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Chilly 600 G0
Unnamed 2633 E766345-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Warm 441 G0
Unnamed 2635 E200331-C 1,500 miles 0.17-G Frozen 920 G5
Unnamed 2639 E786000-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Tropical 311 K0
Unnamed 2735 E775543-C 6,500 miles 0.90-G Normal 141 G0
Unnamed 2738 E873597-C 7,500 miles 0.95-G Warm 620 G5
Unnamed 2834 E667113-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Warm 512 G0
Unnamed 2836 E74A100-C 7,000 miles 0.97-G Chilly 231 F5
Unnamed 2837 D510452-C 5,000 miles 0.50-G Normal 820 G0
Unnamed 2838 C779464-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Cool 732 G0
Unnamed 2839 B542464-C 5,000 miles 0.69-G Normal 201 K0
Unnamed 2840 E797000-C 6,500 miles 0.82-G Cool 942 K0
Unnamed 2931 E761000-C 6,500 miles 0.90-G Normal 410 G0
Unnamed 2934 C878489-C 8,000 miles 1.00-G Cool 121 G0
Unnamed 2937 C689511-C 6,000 miles 0.76-G Normal 432 F5
Unnamed 2938 D623499-C 5,500 miles 0.69-G Normal 721 G0
Unnamed 3032 E733314-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Cool 300 G5
Unnamed 3037 E410144-C 4,000 miles 0.55-G Cool 621 G0
Unnamed 3038 E4B0000-C 3,500 miles 0.59-G Frozen 431 G0
Unnamed 3131 E751376-C 6,500 miles 0.74-G Chilly 721 K0
Unnamed 3134 E756000-C 6,500 miles 0.65-G Normal 211 K0
Unnamed 3138 E795256-C 7,000 miles 0.88-G Tropical 330 G0
Unnamed 3140 C749400-C 7,000 miles 0.79-G Cool 551 G0
Unnamed 3238 E510143-C 4,500 miles 0.45-G Tropical 722 F5
Unnamed 3239 E653222-C 6,000 miles 0.68-G Warm 430 G0
Wow that is an impressive amount of work. Looks like you are putting a lot of effort into your campaign.

I take it with it listed as a froitier and all those unnamed planets you will be running an exploration game?

I love some of the sector names, but why on earth did you name a secor after Michael Jackson. ;)

Looking good so far!

A little question, though: what is the reason for all worlds, including the unexplored ones, being of TL12? I understand that the interstellar USA has relatively uniform technology, but is there a reason why unexplored worlds are TL12 as well?
Greetings and salutations,

Nice work, Laryssa!

Question: Why do worlds with a Pop. 0 have a tech level of C?

Rover, I think Jackson is named after Andrew Jackson. And if it isn't, then Janet Jackson would be more appropriate if it has to be someone from the Jackson family. She's has committed less evil than the King of Pop.

Or Nelly Furtado would be my choice at the moment.
Originally posted by Marquis-General Deadlock:
Rover, I think Jackson is named after Andrew Jackson. And if it isn't, then Janet Jackson would be more appropriate if it has to be someone from the Jackson family. She's has committed less evil than the King of Pop.
Come on now, Janet showed boob on national TV, the super bowl no less. Aside from the occasional dangling baby MJ does his evil behind closed doors. At least he didn't dangle the baby over a hungry crocodile like that Steve Irwin guy.

And yes I new it was Andrew Jackson, that was what the wink was for. ;)

Now let's stop distracting from the good Laryssa's excellent work.

Oops! I didn't see the wink. My apologies.

"I'm sorry Miss Jackson. After reviewing the incident, we the jury find that since you like to expose your flesh to the public, you must do a photo layout in Playboy. Not just any issue, mind you. A Superbowl issue... where the exposed breast is covered... during the entire photo shoot."

*bangs gavel*

"This court is adjourned."

As far as SI is concerned, that crocodile should have grabbed his ankle and beat him senseless for teasing it with the tasty morsel.

We're not distracting. We're providing short stints of comedy and relaxation. All great creators need it. Or something like that. :)
Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
Looking good so far!

A little question, though: what is the reason for all worlds, including the unexplored ones, being of TL12? I understand that the interstellar USA has relatively uniform technology, but is there a reason why unexplored worlds are TL12 as well?
Most worlds are colonies of the Star Federation or the Stellar Federation of America more formally, I changed the name to avoid confusion. Since most of the Worlds are colonies of Americans, if their are just a few of them with tech level 12 technology, and it could be just a handful living on an entire planet, the planet by that definition has a tech level of 12. Other planets have native humans or other alien species that were born their and didn't arrive by spaceship, so their tech level could be anything. The prevalient spacefaring technology for the sector is 12 however so all colonized worlds have that tech level.
Originally posted by Marquis-General Deadlock:
Greetings and salutations,

Nice work, Laryssa!

Question: Why do worlds with a Pop. 0 have a tech level of C?

Rover, I think Jackson is named after Andrew Jackson. And if it isn't, then Janet Jackson would be more appropriate if it has to be someone from the Jackson family. She's has committed less evil than the King of Pop.

Or Nelly Furtado would be my choice at the moment.
A pop 0 planet may have a population from 0 to 9, if they arrived by a Tech Level 12 starship, then that becomes the planet's tech level since their is no one else living their. if they land on a primitive world where the primitives outnumber the people on the spaceship, then the overall tech level of the planet remains the same.
Originally posted by Marquis-General Deadlock:
Oops! I didn't see the wink. My apologies.

"I'm sorry Miss Jackson. After reviewing the incident, we the jury find that since you like to expose your flesh to the public, you must do a photo layout in Playboy. Not just any issue, mind you. A Superbowl issue... where the exposed breast is covered... during the entire photo shoot."

*bangs gavel*

"This court is adjourned."

As far as SI is concerned, that crocodile should have grabbed his ankle and beat him senseless for teasing it with the tasty morsel.

We're not distracting. We're providing short stints of comedy and relaxation. All great creators need it. Or something like that. :)
If I have time, I'd like to map out this sector, If I wanted to display it here, how would I go about it? All the information needed to make the map is in the listing above if anyone else would like to give it a try. I have a hand drawn map at home, but I'd like to draw a bit map sector map and convert it to a jpeg. Ive seen some illustrations here in this board, also I'd like to put the sector map information in a more permanent place so that it may be referred to, this place is of course only temporary and the info will eventually be buried under layers of postings or it will sink to the bottom and die when people stop discussing it. The sector information is final except for the names of the unnamed worlds.
There are two sectors rimward of this mapped America sector. The closest one is the Europa sector and the further one is the Imperial sector. The Europa sector is like a version of Europe in space. I don't go into alot of detail about it at this momemt as the action is in the America sector, but their is some action brewing in Europa, the Imperium is making incursions into Europa first taking over several Russian Republics, basically they are republics where the language spoken is Russian, and lately they've took over a country called Czeckia and are now on the border of Polonia another space nation. The rest of the nations in Europa are New Britian, Frankovia, Germania, Italia, Hispania, Gaellia, Nordia, Grecia, and Portia plus a number of smaller one-planet states.
The frontier just expanded. To the left of the America Sector (Spinward) is the Pacific Expanse, it is a rift that goes rimward (down) until it meets the rimward Expanse joining with it. Rimward of that is the Asiatic Sector with two great Empires, the Nippon Empire and the Peking Empire. The Nippon Empire is currently attacking the Peking Empire and has grabbed hold of some of the later's territory. the Nippon Empire is smaller but more militarily aggressive than the Peking Empire, and Nippon is also in alliance with the Imperium.