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The Dominate = 2000 Worlds


Well guys, now that Martin has let slip that the Dominate are the K'Kree 2000 Worlds, we can start imaginging what hasty K'Kree reactions might have been to the Rebellion and then later the Virus.

Here's some quick ideas:

They must have seen this as the ultimate result of a society of meat-eaters running amok.

The fact is the K'kree's computer systems would probably be vulnerable in some part to this. I would imagine they would view the Virus as the digital equivalent of a holy plague, sent as a result of the righteous ones (the K'kree of course) not ridding the universe of meat-eaters.

The solution is to take up the reins of Holy War, kick those favourable to peace and/or afraid of Hivers and take the war to the enemy.
I said the Dominate rules the 2000 words. There's a slight difference.

Not all the 2000 worlds are under Dominate, well, domination. The actual power is held by an alliance of some Virus strains and certin K'Kree.

Are you allowed to develop the hidden cannon of The Lords of Thunder Campaign?

Which brings me to an idea...would it be possible to integrate your Third Imperium Sourcebook (as the light version of Traveller epics set in 1100s); a reprint of The Lords of Thunder (to represent the Grey times of MT/Hard Times) and finally your dark TNE Mk II (Milieu 1248 sourcebook)?

What do others think of this idea? I would happily slap down even Cnd$100 for such a book...
Such a book would probably just be TOOOOOO BIIIIIG! Though it's an intriguing idea.

And, what hidden cannon do you mean?
Lords of thunder was published in MTJ4, which was a GDW publication (though by DGP). It's not forbidden canon.
Lords of thunder was published in MTJ4, which was a GDW publication (though by DGP). It's not forbidden canon.
Well, I for one think that Seeker may be holding on the reprint rights. But if Quicklink were to team up with Seeker, surely the product might be do-able...

I agree Seeker has all sorts of problems but is still essentially a shoestring operation without shoes.

Would other on the boards endorse a single sourcebook that would encompass the light/optimistic years of the Third Imperium (circa 1100s); a grey zone that would encompass the Lords of Thunder plus some filler about years of MT, Hard Times, TNE MkI and a very Dark Milieu (circa 1248)?
Originally posted by kafka47:
Would other on the boards endorse a single sourcebook that would encompass the light/optimistic years of the Third Imperium (circa 1100s); a grey zone that would encompass the Lords of Thunder plus some filler about years of MT, Hard Times, TNE MkI and a very Dark Milieu (circa 1248)?
No. I would like the different periods dealt with individually.

If QLI is going to do a 1105 sourcebook, it will either be a very high level overview or very thick all on its own. Heck, doing just a sourcebook on the Spinward Marches c1105 would be a $40 book by itself.

For the Rebellion, I would see one book covering MT, Hard Times, LoT and the Rebellion in general, covering from 1116 to 1130 (release of Virus).

Finally, I want to see TNE covered as a comprehensive whole. I don't want to see TNE Mk I and TNE Mk II. I want to see TNE. DN's "vision" is dead; leave it there. It is now time for MJD's vision, and that is the TNE I want to see.

So, I don't see how all of that history can be covered in a meaningful way and fit into a single volume. Quite frankly, the three volumes I described above will each probably cost $50-80, assuming they have any depth to them at all.

BTW, why do you keep referring to MJD's TNE as "very dark"? Granted there are some very dark times on the way there, but everything I have seen him describe shows that TNE c1248 is NOT dark, but in fact on the road to recovery.
There is no realistic way to do it all in one volume, and many problems with trying.

As to 1248 being Dark, I have to agree. There are/have been some dark times, but this is a story of triumph and rebirth. Painful, but glorious.

It's not about darkness. It's about finding light.
Originally posted by kafka47:
Would other on the boards endorse a single sourcebook that would encompass the light/optimistic years of the Third Imperium (circa 1100s); a grey zone that would encompass the Lords of Thunder plus some filler about years of MT, Hard Times, TNE MkI and a very Dark Milieu (circa 1248)?
Nah, way too much to cover in one sourcebook. And then the price point would be way too high. Best to leave it in digestible chunks.