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The Character Dump


Absent Friend
Here is a place to dump you PC's/NPC's at, that are, well, not ready for prime time. Any character, any system, just post it here.
My initial contribution to the character dump:

Imperial Military types wearing Red Shirts:

Name: Sergeant Major Agi Amshur
Imperial human male
Home World: Efate / Spinward Marches
77B9D4 age: 38 apparent age: 38
Career: Army Cavalry branch
Rank: E9 Sargent Major Pension: 10000
Awards: MCG, MCUF, Purple Heart, Combat Ribbonsx5,
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Energy Weap - 2,Heavy Weap - 4, Mechanical - 3, Liaison - 1, Gambling - 1,Tactics - 3,
Leadership - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Property: 1xmid passage Credits: 45000

Name: First Lieutenant Arvin Snape
Imperial human male
Home World: Efate / Spinward Marches
6876CC age: 26 apparent age: 26
University grad OTC
Career: Army Cavalry branch
Rank: O2 1st Lieutenant
Awards: MCG, MCUF, Purple Heart, Command Clusters, Combat Ribbonsx2,
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Commo - 1, Electronics - 1,Leadership - 1, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Heavy Weap - 1, Energy Weap - 2,Forward Obs - 1, Tactics - 1, Handgun - 1,
Property:none Credits: 0

Name: Eneri Nicholson Imperial human male
Home World: Efate / Spinward Marches
674578 age: 22 apparent age: 22
Career: Army Infantry branch
Rank: O2 1st Lieutenant
Awards: none
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 3, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Energy Weap - 2,
Property: Gauss Rifle Credits: 0

Name: Gamm Uduki Imperial human female
Home World: Rhylanor / Spinward Marches
87BA58 age: 22 apparent age: 22
Career: Army Cavalry branch
Rank: E2 Lance Corporal
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 0, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Laser Weap - 1,Heavy Weap - 1,
Property: Middle Passage, Credits: 0
My next contribution to the dump.

Aliens, any aliens:

Name: Bwapa-awpapa-a-wawaker Newt
Home World: Regina / Spinward Marches
5A4824 age: 22 apparent age: 22
Career: Merchant/Makhidkarun-Arean Transport
Rank: O3 Steward
Steward – 3, Admin – 3, Liaison – 1, Trader – 1, Legal – 1,
Vacc suit – 0, Computer – 0, Grav vehicle – 0, Snub Pistol – 0,
Property: Snub Pistol, Travellers Aid Society Member Credits: 1000

Name: Verianisha Virushi
Home World: Mora / Spinward Marches
C7FBF3 age: 38 apparent age: 38
Career: Scouts 5Terms
Rank: E5 Asst. Team Leader
Special: Ship Schoolx2
Pilot –3, Ships Boat – 2, Navigation – 2, Gambling – 3, Streetwise – 2,
Commo – 1, Engineer – 1, Vacc suit – 1, Grav vehicle – 0,
Property: Detached Duty Scout ship Credits: 150000

Name: Jaeyahiji Ael Yell
Home World: Vipach / Gushemege
778CB8 age: 38 apparent age: 38
Career: Scouts
Rank: Asst. Team Leader
Special: Field Trainingx3
Pilot –3, Navigation – 2, Survey – 7, Riflebird – 3,
Vacc suit – 1, Grav vehicle – 0, Artisan – 1, Herding – 2, Linguistics – 1,
Property: Detached Duty Scout ship, Tranq Rifle, Credits: 9000

Name: Oueth Vargr male
Home World: Pandrin / Gvurrdon
686782 age: 30 apparent age: 30
Career: Militia
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, SubMG - 2,
Infighting - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Gambling - 1, Recon - 1,
Electronics - 1, Mechanical - 1,
Property: SMG Credits: 0
The next contribution.

Medical/Emergency Professional types:

Name: Eneri Bennet D.O. other human male
Home World: Rhylanor / Spinward Marches
9976BB age: 38 apparent age: 38
Career: Doctor Pension: Cr14000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Laser Weap - 0, Medical - 5,
Mechanical - 1, Admin - 1, Gambling - 1, Legal - 1,
Biology - 1, Interview - 1,
Property: Laser Scalpel, Travellers Aid Society, Credits: 160000

Name: Angyl Hulagga Imperial human female
Home World: Inthe / Spinward Marches
6889A8 age: 26 apparent age: 26
Career: Army Support branch medic
Rank: E5 Sargent
Awards: MCUF, Combat Ribbons,
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Grav Vehicle - 1,
Laser Weap - 1, Medical - 2, Brawling - 2, Tactics - 1,
Leadership - 1, Recruiting - 1,
Property: none Credits: 30000

Name: Frank McGinty Imperial human male
Home World: Regina / Spinward Marches
63ABE9 age: 38 apparent age: 38
Career: Emergency Rescue medic Pension: Cr14000
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Grav Vehicle - 7,
Laser Weap - 0, Medical - 2, Leadership - 1, Survival - 1,
Property: none Credits: 30000
Another contribution to the dump.

Just other folks:

Name: Agugam Kirkamikakhu Imperial human male
Home World: Lunion / Spinward Marches
777865 age: 38 apparent age: 38
Career: Construction Worker Pension: Cr10000
Construction – 4, Leader – 1, Robot ops – 1, Vacc suit – 1, Brawling – 1,
Computer – 0, Grav vehicle – 0, Snub Pistol – 0,
Property: Tools (10k worth) 2 low passages, 2 mid passages, 2 high passages Credits: 31000

Name: Sissy Kagumish Imperial human female
Home World: Regina / Spinward Marches
3B9855 age: 20 apparent age: 20
Career: Citizen worker .5term
Admin – 1, Jack-of-trades – 1,
Property: none Credits: 0

Note: Regina government license clerk.

Name: Britney Arshugiipaar Imperial human female
Homeworld: Arba / Spinward Marches
CDB858 age: 34 apparent age: 22
Career: Entertainer
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 1, Paint/Sculpture - 1, Blowgun - 0,
Energy Weap - 0, Song - 2, Bribery - 1, Carousing - 7,
Forgery - 1,
Property: None Credits: 0

Name: Ap Diluuku Imperial human male
Home World: Horosho / Spinward Marches
6AB7A6 age: 24 apparent age: 24
Career: Rogue/trouble shooter
Rank: E2 (Army Infantry E2 ret.)
Awards: MCUF, Purple Heart, Combat Ribbonsx3,
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Cmbt Rifleman - 1, Heavy Weap - 1,
Handgun - 2, SubMG - 0, Streetwise - 1, Demolitions - 1,
Liaison - 1,
Property: 1mid psg Credits: 0

Name: Gani Ishugani Imperial human male
Home World: Regina / Spinward Marches
777956 age: 38 apparent age: 38
Career: Religious Order Pension: Cr10000
Rank: worshiper[church worker]
Philosophy –3, Liaison – 1, Grav vehicle – 2, Streetwise – 1,
Property: 1 High Passage, 3 Mid Passages, Religious Paraphernalia Credits: 35000
From the ISS Ursula Traveller online RPG site:

Name /Rank : PO3 Vhargh Status: NPC
Race: Vargr (imperial)
Height: Approx 5’11”
Weight: 82Kg.
Fur: Black (as in Black Forest German Shepherd)
Eyes: Dark Brown.

Position: PO3 Vhargh is the Electronic Warfare/Comms specialist for Lawn Dart-1, and as such works with the following personnel: PO2 Sasha Terrel (the gunner/co-pilot/ NPC), and LT Geoff Hawkins (PC), the pilot/ FLT officer. All three are considered part of FLT crew for Ursula.

Description: Vhargh is a swaggering atypical Vargr, who plays up his “piratical past”, before his stint with the Imperial Navy. Is fond of the phrases “ARRR”, and “matey”, and always trills his r’s in exaggerated fashion. Generally found in his unisex jumpsuit aboard.

What is known: Vhargh is on the end run of his term of ‘service” for the penal Navy unit. He was convicted nearly 4 years ago of falsifying documents for supplies aboard the Destroyer “Victorious” in the 212th Fleet/Jewell subsector, SM. (Petty racketeering). Vhargh is cheerful, and upbeat, having only three months left to serve(90 days, or returns to regular service/ or musters out on 150-1105). Vhargh was recently stung by a Fulacin arachnoid that had crawled into the LD-1 landing gear recess, and was saved by the timely medical measures of Dr Hartley S. James (PC).

Name /Rank : CPO “Shorty” Status: NPC
Race: Human (imperial)
Height: Approx 4’10”
Weight: 80Kg.
Hair: red (fading to silver, and balding)
Eyes: pale sky blue.

Position: CPO “Shorty” is a fixture of the Ursula, having served aboard her since before her career as a commerce protection ship began five years ago (1100), when she was another one of hundreds of bulk carriers plying the Glisten-Pax Rulin run. He is the ship’s mechanic/repairman.

Description: “Shorty” is, as his name implies, short. He is not a heavy Gee worlder, however, he does have dwarfism. Freckled even to his pate, fair skinned, and going on 52, he has a slight paunch, but can still wriggle in LS ducts, and other places folks wouldn’t dream of going. Speaks galanglic and profanity fluently. His hands are calloused, and frequently skinned or scabbed from working in places a robot is normally sent. Chews tobacco (he quit smoking years ago) on the job, never spits. Has tattoos on his forearms: (left arm), an asteroid map of a particularly dangerous belt (adv. Hook); (right arm), an IN tat of the ISS Voroshilev BB.

What is known: “Shorty” is a former Belter, turned to being a mechanic of starships, and has the rank of Chief Petty officer Imp Navy , Active Reserves. Carries a power extender wrench, that he refers to, and talks to as “Mister wrench”, at all times.(can extend from .75 m long to 3m long). Likes to grab a dram from Mike (PC) the Steward’s hip flask. Knows every inch of this ship like the back of his stubby rough hands. He is also Chief of Damage Control during battle. If he likes you, he picks on you(jibe wise). If he doesn’t, he ignores you.

What is not Known : “Shorty” was given a life sentence to Ursula for manslaughter, 2nd degree. Due to his exemplary record, and witnesses in his defense, Imperial Navy magistrates commuted his sentence to life served here, rather than on a prison world. “Shorty” is among the most highly decorated sailors aboard.

Name /Rank : PO2 Sasha Terrel Status: NPC
Race: Human (imperial)
Height: Approx 5’10”
Weight: 65Kg.
Hair: Red (titian)
Eyes: Yellow**.

Position: PO2 Sasha Terrel is the Gunner/co-pilot for Lawn Dart-1, and as such works with the following personnel: PO3 Vhargh (the EW/Comms/ NPC), and LT Geoff Hawkins (PC), the pilot/ FLT officer. All three are considered part of FLT crew for Ursula.

Description: Sasha Terrel looks like she’s from a heavy Gee world (but is not), wears her unisex jumpsuit cinched tight, unzipped to show strategic cleavage. Her hair is usually in a single frenchbraid. Wears no make up. Has full sensuous lips, and a few freckles across her nose.

What is known: Sasha has 28 days remaining on her “service-term” with Ursula as a penal crewperson (96-1105) of a 4 year term for repeated “fraternization violations” , hence her reputation as a promiscuous member of the ship. She has a husky, some may say, sexy voice, with a Terran Louisiana accent (think Rogue, X-Men here). She is on a daily regimen of meds by the ship’s Dr to keep her from her “darkside”.

What is not Known: Sasha joined the Navy in order to escape Corporate goon squads from SuSAG, LIC., eight years ago, when she and other athletes in college volunteered for a new “performance enhancement drug”. This PED, turned out to be a new form of combat drug SuSAG was working on. 98 of the 100 test subjects died. SuSAG has the other one(hidden). Sasha is on the run. She was altered, with a permanent increase in her strength, constitution, and dexterity (although it lowered her wisdom and intelligence as well), changed her eye color DNA, and her behaviour patterns (the nymphomania).

More to follow! Thanks Plop101! Great idea. ;)
More of the ISS Ursula NPC crew:

Name /Rank : LTCDR Sulidopolis (“Sully”) Status: NPC
Race: Uplifted Bottlenose-Dolphin
Height/length: 2 meters’
Weight: 175Kg.
Hair: NA
Eyes: Black

Position: LTCDR Sulidopolis (“Sully”)is on the bridge crew, at the Helm station. As such, is part of the Bridge crew under the CO, CPT Roger Winston (PC), the XO CDR Eakehia (PC), and WEAPS, LT Felix Markov (PC). He is also the Astrogator.

Description: LTCDR Sulidopolis (“Sully”) is always in his waldo suit on station, and for relaxation gets out into one of the more open cargo pods, and turns of the CG to “swim” to keep toned up. Although of one of the smaller sub species of uplifted aquatic mammals from Terran extraction, Sully is quite intelligent. And almost always has his voder on (strapped beneath his larynx ventrally). Having no jumpsuit, his weapon sidearm is usually mag clamped to his waldo suit, and is DNA coded to him, the standard Navy issue “Staple-gun” snub auto pistol.

What is known: LTCDR Sulidopolis (“Sully”), he prefers shrimp and other fresh shellfish from the galley, and Mike Rourke (PC) accomodates his diet, making sure its thawed., though he subsists on fish mainly. He and Sushi (PC), share the same CGB for their zero-Gee “exercise”. He is a bit confused as to why he can’t see her after her memory episode on the bridge, and hopes she gets better soon. He is a natural astrogator, from a family (pod) reknowned for it. He sees no onus in serving on Ursula, despite its being a penal ship, he is getting to do what he has always dreamed of, travelling the stars! His homeworld is Sufren/Diaspora sector.

What is not Known : LTCDR Sulidopolis (“Sully”) collects Underwater creature “songs”, and has a large collection, including those of Terran whales.

Name/Rank: GUNS /Gysgt Hunnekh Vekstriin Status: NPC
Race: Human (Vilani/Imperial)
Height: Approx 6’3”
Weight: 105Kg.
Hair: Crew cut short, black
Eyes: pale sea green.

Position: GUNS /Gysgt Hunnekh Vekstriin is the master of the Ship’s Troops, and NCOIC of the Marine Gunners. As such he is seconded to WEAPS, LT Felix Markov (PC), and to CPT Roger Winston (PC), to repel all attempts at boarding, and mutiny.

Description: “Gunny” Vekstriin is a tall, muscular man, with a square jaw, and machine like precison when he walks, brought about by years of being a NCO. He is a heavy Gee worlder. He scowls a lot, and almost never smiles. Has one tatoo, of the Capitol Imperial Army Cavalry Regiment. He is about 48 T-years in appearance (though being full Vilani, maybe older). His uniforms are always clean if not pressed. Carries a longbarreled magnum revolver on left hip (“Revolver’s never jam”), and six speedloaded cylinders on the right hip.

What is known: “Gunny” Vekstriin is a former ex-Imp Army First Sergeant. He is also member of the Mercenaries who follow CPT Joshua McCaen (NPC). He is a ruthless, sociopathic SOB who gets the job done, brooks no excuses, and sees a job done correctly as the standard—not something to promote a sophont for. He is “on loan” freelanced out for this job, and although this isn’t the Merry Widow, he intends to carry out his contract to the letter of the law. He came aboard with the challenge that anyone in his section who wanted to kill him was welcome to try. Three did. There have been no takers since.

He has a professional respect for Mike Rourke (PC), from some mission in their mutual past (2-3 years ago). Has shot a penal crewmember in the foot (LCpl Higgins-NPC) for being asleep in his turret position and gotten crossways of DR Hartley S James (PC). He has no close personal friends. The closest he has to “talking buddies” onboard, are Mike Rourke, Shorty (NPC), and SSG Donise Donyaati (NPC), his second over the troops/gunners.

What is not Known : Hunnekh Vekstriin has a secret hobby: Ornithology. In fact, under a nom de guerre, he has written several books on rare avian life-forms here in the Marches to the Imperial Adubon Society. CPT McCaen, even Mike Rourke, have no idea.

Name /Rank : SENSORS/PO3 Erik Kaminski Status: NPC
Race: Human (Sword Worlder)
Height: Approx 6’
Weight: 92Kg.
Hair: Straw Blonde
Eyes: Brown

Position: PO3 Erik Kaminski is on the bridge, at the Sensors/Comms station. As such, is part of the Bridge crew under the CO, CPT Roger Winston (PC), the XO CDR Eakehia (PC), WEAPS, LT Felix Markov (PC), and Helm/Navigator LTCDR Sulidopolis (NPC).

Description: PO3 Erik Kaminski is a lean tallish fellow with a blonde moustache-goatee. (neatly trimmed),. Appears a relaxed, tanned male human, with a deep laugh, and always smiling. Has large powerful wrists and hands. Often relaxes in the ship’s makeshift weight room/gym on the far side of the Cargo hold past the low berths. Mild mannered, polite.

What is known: PO3 Erik Kaminski and is a former SDB Navy man himself from the Sword Worlds who left his homeworld for the Imperium after a blood feud, Joined the Navy. His previous experience got him swiftly promoted but his past caught up with him at Tionale, when a Swordie merchantship with the feuding clan attacked him and his two mates on liberty call. Serving a 4 year term for excessive violence (ASLT/Battery) that crippled for life six of their twelve attackers. Has 12 months to serve remaining. Among the ratings, no one picks a fight with him. He does not smoke, dip or chew.

What is not Known : PO3 Erik Kaminski has a rare disorder: in physical combat, of going berserk. Erik has not been diagnosed, but is aware of his condition, and so seeks a peaceful resolution first in confrontations lest “the monster gets out.”

More to follow...
More from the Ursula's crew:

Name/Rank : WEAPS/PO3 Inanna Ivanova Status: NPC
Race: Human (Imperial)
Height: Approx 5’9”
Weight: 62Kg.
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: grey green

Position: PO3 Inanna Ivanova is on the bridge, at the WEAPs station. As such, is part of the Bridge crew under the CO, CPT Roger Winston (PC), the XO CDR Eakehia (PC), WEAPS, LT Felix Markov (PC), and Helm/Navigator LTCDR Sulidopolis (NPC)., and workls hand in glove with PO3 Erik Kaminski (NPC).

Description: PO3 Inanna Ivanova is a slender, above average looking female human. She wears her hair short, but in a feminine fashion. Is typically found in her Imperial navy jumpsuit uniform.

What is known: PO3 Inanna Ivanova is a former SDB Navy gunnery officer, reduced in rank for adultery with the husband of a married rating. Her experience got her posted to the CIC of Ursula, and is serving an eight year term (up on 240-1110). She has a predatory smile, and a wicked laugh with an alto voice. Second only to Terrel in ship’s scuttlebutt, though her performance has been amongst the best aboard. The alternatives of an Imperial woman’s prison are far more grim than life here. She is wary of any relationships since then with men, and immerses herself in work.

What is not Known : PO3 Inanna Ivanova had a child from the liaison, that is in ex-vitro storage, back at the Regina subsector Imperial Naval Hospital. She intends to raise the child when she gets out, with her 20 years.

Name /Rank : LT Hideki Arisaka Status: NPC
Race: Human (Imperial)
Height: Approx 5’6”
Weight: 70Kg.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown

Position: LT Hideki Arisaka is a (an Ace) fighter pilot, ex-Imperial Navy, now a mercenary pilot, under the SSI, Mercenary company of Fulacin/SM.

Description: LT Hideki Arisaka is a short Solomani Asiatic male human. He is clean shaven . Is typically found in his Mercenary Black jumpsuit uniform, and carries a shoulder rig holstered 9mm machine pistol. Wears a ballistic weave Pilot’s jacket (TL-14).

What is known: LT Hideki Arisaka is a former Navy FTR pilot (officer), who saw his career ended for lack of hostile action, and too many routine patrols. Off duty, can be found amongst the other SSI crewmen, namely his fellow pilot Imadra (NPC), and the FTR mechanics, Bergen, Konstantin, Koniev, Yaarbro (NPC’s). Has had one term with SSI, in the Vargr extants, and is in the middle of his second. His FTR, nose art named “Kurosawa’s Revenge”, has twenty-six kills on it. His personal lifestyle preferences are unknown.

What is not Known: Hideki Arisaka, he is Fascine’s wingman.

Name /Rank : LT Imadra Fascine Status: NPC
Race: Human (Imperial)
Height: Approx 5’8”
Weight: 65Kg.
Hair: auburn
Eyes: Steel grey

Position: LT Imadra Fascine is a (an Ace) fighter pilot, ex-Imperial Marine CAS, now a mercenary pilot, under the SSI, Mercenary company of Fulacin/SM.

Description: LT Imadra Fascine is a good- looking female human. She wears her hair mannishly short. Is typically found in her Mercenary Black jumpsuit uniform, and carries a shoulder rig holstered 10mm snub pistol, and a Marine commando blade strapped to her right leg. She is very tomboyish, and has the FTR pilot confidence/ aura of

What is known: LT Imadra Fascine is a former Marine FTR pilot (officer), who saw her career dead ended for reporting her CO’s like of women marines on their hands and knees, preferably under his desk, to IN JAG. Off duty, can be found amongst the other SSI crewmen, namely her fellow pilot Hideki Arisaka (NPC), and the FTR mechanics, Bergen, Konstantin, Koniev, Yaarbro (NPC’s). Has two terms with SSI, in the Vargr extants. Her FTR, nose art named “Grey Lady Death”, has twenty-nine kills on it. Her personal lifestyle preferences are unknown.

What is not Known : LT Imadra Fascine, enjoys killing corsairs and pirates, and has been sent here to “cool off”. She thinks getting to shoot up the enemy (in space) and getting paid for it in real credits is better than “down on the deck sorties”, where any native with 25 hours of training can knock your multimillion credit FTR down with a 5kcr TAC missile.

more to follow... ;) Thanks Plop101!
Another load for the Dump.

A couple others and a professional.

Name: Shid Mimmigen Imperial human male
Home World: Regina / Spinward Marches
8B5565 age: 36 apparent age: 36
Career: Artist 4.5 terms
Painting – 3, Gambling – 1, Persuasion – 2,
Property: Credits: 96000

Name: Michelle Kazuri Imperial human female
Home World: Regina / Spinward Marches
7B8B82 age: 26 apparent age: 26
Career: Athlete
Ice Skating – 4, Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Interview - 1, Laser Weap - 0,
Property: 1 Highpassage Credits: 120000

Name: Andy Uragon Imperial human male
Home World: Mora / Spinward Marches
2887B7 age: 43 apparent age: 43
Career: Bureaucrat
Rank: O6 Director Pension: 12000
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 2, Linguistics - 1, Laser Weap - 1,
Carousing - 2, Interrogation - 1, Tactics - 1, Leadership - 1,
Instruction - 1, Admin - 2, Brawling - 1, Legal - 1,
Persuasion - 2, Jack-o-Trades - 1,
Property: Watch (value 50), Credits: 160000
More for Dumping.


Level four broker
Name: Kashu Isagakama Imperial human male
Home World: Regina / Spinward Marches
8846AB age: 38 apparent age: 38
University grad
Career: Merchant Megacorp Sales office
Rank: O4 1st Officer
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Admin - 1, Broker - 4,
Legal - 1, Trader - 3, Leadership - 1, Psychology - 1,
Handgun - 0, Vacc Suit - 0, SubMG - 1, Gambling - 1,
Carousing - 1, Liaison - 1, Pilot - 1,
Property: Low Passage, Credits: 65000

Level three broker
Name: Nina Lidarzugi Imperial human female
Home World: Emerald / Spinward Marches
577BD7 age: 26 apparent age: 26
University honors grad
Career: Merchant Megacorp Sales office
Rank: O3 Broker
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Admin - 1, Broker - 3,
Trader - 1, Handgun - 0, Vacc Suit - 1, Gambling - 2,
Streetwise - 2, Brawling - 1,
Property: none Credits: 50000

Level two broker
Name: Aiko Kiligi Imperial human female
Home World: Natoko / Spinward Marches
4A68C6 age: 26 apparent age: 26
University grad
Career: Merchant Sector-wide line Sales office
Rank: O3 Broker
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Admin - 1, Broker - 2,
Legal - 1, Trader - 2, Handgun - 0, Vacc Suit - 2,
Property: none Credits: 10500

Level one broker
Name: Davin Alumdarar Imperial human male
Home World: Arba / Spinward Marches
A77B67 age: 22 apparent age: 22
Career: Merchant Free Trader engineering office
Rank: O2
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Rifleman - 0, Vacc Suit - 0,
Engineering - 1, Broker - 1, Leadership - 1, Bribery - 1,
Property: none Credits: 10000
Another load for the Dump.


Name: Lonis Lampers Geonee male
Home World: Lagna / Massilia
CC7924 age: 46 apparent age: 46
Career: Belter Prospecting Co Pension: 14000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Laser Weap - 1, Vacc Suit - 2,
Prospecting - 1, Trader - 0, Turret Weap - 1, Survey - 1,
Ship Tactics - 1, Screens - 0, Pilot - 1, Small Blade - 0,
Streetwise - 0, Zero-G - 1, Carousing - 1, Gambling - 1,
Brawling - 0, Leadership - 0,
Property: Credits: 100000
Seeker (40 year loan), Weaponx2, High Passage, Middle Passage,

Name: Osto Burin Imperial human male
Home World: Efate / Spinward Marches
66A667 age: 20 apparent age: 20
Career: Belter Single-Handed
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Leadership - 1, Laser Weap - 0,
Vacc Suit - 2, Turret Weap - 1,
Property: none Credits: 0

Name: Duonnette Gimmini Imperial human female
Home World: Arba / Spinward Marches
BC6952 age: 22 apparent age: 22
Career: Belter Informal Group
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Vacc Suit - 3, Research - 1,
Laser Weap - 0, Gambling - 1, Recruiting - 1,
Property: none Credits: 0

Name: Jara Ilgud Imperial human female
Home World: Arba / Spinward Marches
659673 age: 22 apparent age: 22
Career: Belter Informal Group
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Vacc Suit - 3, Research - 1,
Laser Weap - 0, Gambling - 1, Pilot – 1,
Property: Seeker (40 year loan), Credits: 0

Name: Francene Kariss Imperial human female
Home World: Arba / Spinward Marches
899C75 age: 19 apparent age: 19
Career: Belter Informal Group
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Vacc Suit - 3, Research - 1,
Laser Weap - 0, Forward Obs - 1,
Property: none Credits: 0

Name: Johnny Miigaki Imperial human male
Home World: Arba / Spinward Marches
A34747 age: 22 apparent age: 22
Career: Belter Informal Group
Grav Vehicle - 1, Computer - 1, Vacc Suit - 3, Brawling - 1,
Laser Weap - 0, Small Blade - 1, Recruiting - 1, Streetwise - 1,
Property: Laser Carbine Credits: 0
More for the Dump.


Name: Arvin Kushin
Homeworld: Arba/Spinward Marches
A692A9 age: 39
Career: farmer Pension: 10000
Grav Vehicle - 0, Computer - 2, Vacc Suit - 1, Rifleman - 1,
Brawling - 1, Electronics - 0, Farming - 3, Wheeled Vehicle - 1,
Theology - 0, Biology - 1, Song - 0, Mechanical - 1,
Robot Ops - 1, Handgun - 0,
Property: Gauss Pistol, Low Passagex2, Credits: 30000

Name: Moma Gashillgi
Homeworld: Arba/Spinward Marches
856667 age: 56
Career: farmer Pension: 18000
Computer - 1, Vacc Suit - 1, Brawling - 1,
Dance - 1, Farming - 1, Shotgun - 0, Broker - 1,
Herding Animals - 1, Survival - 1, Theology - 0, Biology - 1,
Air/raft - 1, Mechanical - 1, Dagger - 0, Robot Ops - 1,
Property:Shotgun, Low Passage, Credits: 62000
More of the "motley" Crew of the ISSUrsula

Name /Rank : WEAPS/PO2 Alistair Tarrin Status: NPC
Race: Human (Imperial)
Height: Approx 6’
Weight: 90Kg.
Hair: Dirty blonde
Eyes: Blue

Position PO2 Alistair Tarrin is an MFD operator, primarily for missiles. As such, is part of the gunnery crew under WEAPS, LT Felix Markov (PC), and works hand in glove with PO3 Innanna Ivanova (NPC), and his immediate super, Ensign Burrunsu (PC).

Description: PO2 Alistair Tarrin is an average looking male human. He wears his hair short. Is typically found in his Imperial navy jumpsuit uniform. He seems moody, and preoccupied, but can be persuaded in “off time” to join in a hand of gin.

What is known: PO2 Alistair Tarrin is a former Navy gunnery Rating, reduced in rank for insubordination, even though his actions saved the life of several shipmates in a live-fire exercise. His experience got him posted to the missile bays of Ursula, and is serving a 4 year term (up on 120-1106). He is pleasant enough person, is a bit taken aback by Sushi’s skateboarding in the corridors, but seems a decent fellow.
Admits he, “ has a problem with authority/discipline”. His treatment by the IN JAG has left him with a bad taste for getting athwart the Navy’s laws. Is best summed up as a “jailhouse lawyer”.

What is not Known : PO2 Alistair Tarrin is that he probably would have gotten a reprimenad, had he not told the Judge Magistrate he ,”was an idiot, and was a living waste blister on the Imperial Navy’s backside.”

Name /Rank : WO1Dounette Konstantin Status: NPC
Race: Human (Imperial)
Height: Approx 5’8”
Weight: 70Kg.
Hair: brunette
Eyes: hazel brown

Position: WO1 Dounette Konstantin is a fighter pilot gunner/mechanic, ex-Imperial COACC, now a mercenary pilot, under the SSI, Mercenary company of Fulacin/SM.

Description: Dounette Konstantin is an average looking female human. She wears her hair shorn save for a long topknot braided down her back (to the shoulders). Is typically found in her Mercenary Black jumpsuit uniform, and carries a shoulder rigged holster 10mm autopistol. Wears a colorful series of sari skirts off duty to brighten up her dark outfit. Walks with a languid grace of a dancer.

What is known: Dounette Konstantin is a former COACC FTR gunner/ mechanic. She joined SSI, Mercenary corporation for the pay, and breaks no bones over it. Off duty, can be found amongst the other SSI crewmen, namely her fellow pilots Dyrik Bergen, Imadra Fascine, Hideki Arisaka (NPCs), and fellow Gunners/ mechanics, Koniev, and Yaarbro (NPC’s). Has had two terms with SSI, in the Vargr extants, and is in the middle of her third. She flies with Imadra Fascine. Her personal lifestyle preferences are unknown.

What is not Known: Dounette Konstantin, she left a promising career in the Rhylanor Sector capital ballet troupe, ten years ago.

Name /Rank : WO2 Hadlii Yaarbro Status: NPC
Race: Human (Imperial)
Height: Approx 6’
Weight: 90Kg.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue

Position: WO2 Hadlii Yaarbro is a fighter pilot gunner/mechanic, ex-Imperial Marine CAS, now a mercenary pilot/gunner, under the SSI, Mercenary company of Fulacin/SM.

Description: Hadlii Yaarbro is an average looking male human, with a gung ho attitude about shooting weapons (starship types, small arms, etc), and acts like a yokel from the sticks(complete with Terran southern accent). Is typically found in his Mercenary Black jumpsuit uniform, and carries a shoulder rigged holster Laser pistol-14. Is generally spending his free time keeping his weapons systems up to par, or the engines, like Sergei does.

What is known: Hadlii Yaarbro is a former CAS FTR gunner/ mechanic. He joined SSI, Mercenary corporation for the pay, and breaks no bones over it. Off duty, can be found amongst the other SSI crewmen, namely his fellow pilots Dyrik Bergen, Imadra Fascine, Hideki Arisaka (NPCs), and fellow Gunners/ mechanics, Konstantin, and Koniev (NPC’s). Has had three terms with SSI, in the Vargr extants, and is in the middle of his fourth. He flies with Hideki Arisaka. His personal lifestyle preferences are unknown.

What is not Known: Hadlii Yaarbro, is a lot smarter than he looks, or acts, and uses that to his advantage whenever he can.
Three of our not so shiny examples of Ursula's crew:

Name /Rank : WEAPS/PO1 (E4) Kwazi Cheng-Tze Status: NPC
Race: Human (Sol-Imperial)
Height: Approx 5’7”
Weight: 80Kg.
Hair: Black, Straight
Eyes: Black

Position PO1 (E4) Kwazi Cheng-Tze is an Sandcaster(screens) operator. As such, is part of the gunnery crew under WEAPS, LT Felix Markov (PC), and works hand in glove with PO3 Innanna Ivanova (NPC).

Description: PO1 (E4) Kwazi Cheng-Tze is an below average looking Asiatic male human. He wears his hair short, and has numerous tattoos from wrist to shoulders (Yakuza). Is typically found in his Imperial navy jumpsuit uniform. He seems inscrutable, and watches things more than he speaks. Something faintly reptilian and cold about him.

What is known: PO1 (E4) Kwazi Cheng-Tze is a former Navy gunnery Rating, reduced in rank for Blackmail, Extrotion, ASLT, and racketeering aboard the ISS Tigress. His experience got him posted to the Sandcaster turrets of Ursula, and is serving a 20 year term (up on 120-1120). He is a hard core criminal, and very oily and insinuative, charismatic in a snake like way. An “Instigator”, but never gets his hands dirty aboard here. Has some unarmed experience from college days, and uses it to bully those weaker then himself. Thinks Vekstriin (NPC) is an ogre, but one he can take if he can get three more chaps to distract him, and toss his ugly gaijin arse out an airlock.

What is not Known : PO1 (E4) Kwazi Cheng-Tze , has taken over the blackmarket on ship with Chief Riggins now out of the picture. He also has a secret stash of hand held blades scattered in the ship (and not in his room!).

Name /Rank : WEAPS/ABS (E3) Urdu Dohlmann Status: NPC
Race: Human (Imperial)
Height: Approx 5’11”
Weight: 87Kg.
Hair: Black, curly
Eyes: Brown

Position ABS (E3) Urdu Dohlmann is an MFD operator, primarily for Lasers. As such, is part of the gunnery crew under WEAPS, LT Felix Markov (PC), and works hand in glove with PO3 Innanna Ivanova (NPC).

Description: ABS (E3) Urdu Dohlmann is an below average looking male human. He wears his hair short, with a mousy moustache. Is typically found in his Imperial navy jumpsuit uniform. He seems cheery, but preoccupied, and can be found in “off time” getting more sleep time in than is humanly possible.

What is known: ABS (E3) Urdu Dohlmann is a former Navy gunnery Rating, reduced in rank for petty theft, malingering, and an awol or two. His experience got him posted to the Laser turrets of Ursula, and is serving a 8 year term (up on 120-1110). He is pleasant enough person, when chatted to, but is a two faced back biter and whiner.
Thinks Vekstriin is an ogre, but will never face up to him, nor anyone. He is as close to being an air thief as can be without being legally dead.

What is not Known : ABS (E3) Urdu Dohlmann killed two women on his awols ashore, in District 268 subsector on two separate planets. He is a stalker, and a coward. He hasa shiv stashed in a dead end conduit in the hall outside his room. He is more clever than he looks.

Name /Rank : ENG/ABS (E3) R’Zara Kfengoughk Status: NPC
Race: Vargr (Imperial)
Height: Approx 5’4”
Weight: 67Kg.
Fur: Brown and Black (Ger. Shepherd)
Eyes: 1 Brown/ 1 Blue (pale)

Position ABS (E3) R’Zara Kfengoughk is an ENG rating, primarily for M-drives/ Life support systems. As such, is part of the ENG crew under Chief Susan “Sushi” Craye (PC), and works hand in glove with CPO (E7) Shorty (NPC).

Description: ABS (E3) R’Zara Kfengoughk is an below average in height Vargr female. She has a a scar from a burn. Is typically found in his Imperial navy jumpsuit uniform. And her ears are notched (a Vargr pack mark). She walks with a slight limp (her left leg was not well set last time it was broken). She lived in fear of the former Chief Riggins (a racist) and is unsure of the new Chief’s sanity.

What is known: ABS (E3) R’Zara Kfengoughk is a former Navy Depot worker rating, reduced in rank for grand larceny (sold off some “excess hardware to a vargr corsair she was “dating” who turned out to be IMOJ!). Her experience got her posted to the ENG dept.of Ursula, and is serving a 15 year term (up on 120-1120). She is unused to acts of kindness ,and expects betrayal from everyone. Shorty, who is erving a life sentence is the only human she obeys with alacrity. She is sullen and silent to all others.

What is not Known : ABS (E3) R’Zara Kfengoughk , really had accepted bribes for selling off what she did, IMOJ did a body swap when they captured the corsair, and an Imp Vargr agent took his place. She has been abused, and kicked, lied to enough she is ready to snap… Vhargh thinks she’s nuts, and this rejection is precipating her next move…

What ship type is the Ursula - its not a type S unless the IISS is stacking crew 3 deep now?

More crew from ISS Ursula..

Name /Rank : LCDR Dyrik “Iceberg” Bergen Status: NPC
Race: Human (Imperial)
Height: Approx 6’6”
Weight: 115Kg.
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue

Position: LCDR Dyrik “Iceberg” Bergen is a (an Ace) fighter pilot, ex-Imperial COACC, now a mercenary pilot, under the SSI, Mercenary company of Fulacin/SM.

Description: Dyrik “Iceberg” Bergen is a tall Nordic looking male human. He is clean-shaven. Is typically found in his Mercenary Black jumpsuit uniform, and carries a shoulder rigged holster 10mm autopistol. Wears a ballistic weave Pilot’s jacket (TL-14). Wears Aviators sunglasses, chews gum (think Val Kilmer, only taller from Top Gun). Is a quiet, tall man with big fists. Has none of the arrogance associated with pilots his caliber. Methodical, and meticulous in all mannerisms.

What is known: Dyrik “Iceberg” Bergen is a former COACC FTR pilot (officer), who saw his career ended for lack of hostile action. He had no wish to become a planetary transport pilot, so he joined SSI, Mercenary corporation. Off duty, can be found amongst the other SSI crewmen, namely his fellow pilot Imadra Fascine, Hideki Arisaka (NPCs), and fellow Gunners/ mechanics, Konstantin, Koniev, Yaarbro (NPC’s). Has had three terms with SSI, in the Vargr extants, and is in the middle of his fourth. His FTR, nose art named “Widowmaker”, has thirty-nine kills on it. His personal lifestyle preferences are unknown.

What is not Known: Dyrik “Iceberg” Bergen, is a practicing master of Zen philosophy. He is completely at one with his craft, skill, and killing pirates & corsairs for money. He is unmoved by bloodshed, having divorced himself from such thoughts before each mission., hence the handle “Iceberg”. Bergen is of Answerin stock, a minor race (Vland sector) that knows no Fear, and views it as a mental (but treatable)disease.

Name /Rank : WO1 Sergei Nikoleivich Koniev Status: NPC
Race: Human (Imperial)
Height: Approx 6’1”
Weight: 98Kg.
Hair: brunette
Eyes: sea green

Position: WO1 Sergei Nikoleivich Koniev is a fighter pilot gunner/mechanic, ex-Imperial Marine CAS, now a mercenary pilot/gunner, under the SSI, Mercenary company of Fulacin/SM.

Description: Sergei Nikoleivich Koniev is an average looking male human, with a big hearty laugh, and smile. Is typically found in her Mercenary Black jumpsuit uniform, and carries a shoulder rigged holster 10mm autopistol. Is generally spending his free time keeping his weapons systems up to par, or the engines.

What is known: Sergei Nikoleivich Koniev is a former CAS FTR gunner/ mechanic. He joined SSI, Mercenary corporation for the pay, and breaks no bones over it. Off duty, can be found amongst the other SSI crewmen, namely his fellow pilots Dyrik Bergen, Imadra Fascine, Hideki Arisaka (NPCs), and fellow Gunners/ mechanics, Konstantin, and Yaarbro (NPC’s). Has had three terms with SSI, in the Vargr extants, and is in the middle of his fourth. He flies with Dyrik Bergen. His personal lifestyle preferences are unknown.

What is not Known: Sergei Nikoleivich Koniev, is married, but childless. He sends his pay back to his homeworld to help his brother with nine kids, to look after their aging parents.

Name/Rank: SSG Donise Donyaati Status: NPC
Race: Human (Imperial)
Height: Approx 5'9"
Weight: 68Kg.
Hair: red
Eyes: brown

Position: SSG Donise Donyaati is the number two NCOIC over Ursula's 14 man marine/ship's gunnery complement, under the iron rule of Gunny Vekstriin(NPC).

Description: SSG Donise Donyaati is an Attractive looking female human, with a big smile, an a positive attitude. A complete opposite to the sour Vekstriin personality wise,thought they are both PT fanatics. Has enough bearing not to laugh at some of the antics she sees, and lets the men sort their fights out. Likes showers(the fresher) after a particualr gruelling PT session. Is typically found in her Imperial Marine jumpsuit uniform, and carries a 10mm autopistol on her right hip (being lefthanded). wears no makeup, and no jewlery. Sports an Imperial Marine Commando tattoo on her left shoulder. Has scars on her muscular legs from shrapnel (AP mine)

What is known: SSG Donise Donyaati is a health nut, a damn fine Marine, and an expert marksman. She is doing a tour on Ursula as a rehabilitation, from a previous mission she narrowly survived (her left leg and right foot have been regenned). She and Vekstriin knock heads when it comes to the PT program and how to squeze it in with all the other goings on aboard ship.

What is not Known:SSG Donise Donyaati's parents died poor and ill health on her hi pop Industrial homeworld. The spectre of their deaths as two more meaningless lives amongst billions haunts her.
hey folks....couldnt we just "Dump" Cleon the Mad in here??... good spot for em....nows there a real "character" for ya....mangy ol dog!! :D :eek:
Originally posted by RichardP:

What ship type is the Ursula - its not a type S unless the IISS is stacking crew 3 deep now?

ISS URSULA is an Ursula-[/i] class freight tractor TL-D (an RS Dean design I found on Antony's Banners site), but instead of hauling a pair of 1ktn CP-1000's, or even smaller modules. Her base crew is 32.
with msl modules, and fusion gun maodules, her crew comes to 54 (14 Marines). Now she's up to 60.

we have an online game goin on msn.com under the Name ISSUrsula@groups.msn.com
its free, and we haev Ursula done up by T20 stats there.(sans her extra guns)-the stock store bought version that is..

Five more folks for the Dump.

SPA Personel:

Name: Julie Imigashi Imperial human female
Home World: Regina/Spinward Marches
577285 age: 26 apparent age: 26
Career: Starport Authority 2terms Branch: Passenger Service
Rank: worker
Carousing – 2, Liaison – 2, Ships Boat – 1, Navigation – 1, Vacc Suit – 1,
Steward – 1, Computer – 0, Wheeled Vehicle – 0,
Property: Credits: 8000

Name: Count Igby Kolaren Imperial human male
Home World: Regina/Spinward Marches
3286DE age: 42 apparent age: 42
Career: Starport Authority 6terms Branch: Administration/Customs/Security Pension: Cr12000
Rank: Supervisor
Computer – 1, Admin – 5, Liaison – 4, Brawling – 1, Carousing – 3, Wheeled Vehicle – 0,
Handgun – 1, Gambling – 1, Legal – 1, Jack-of-trades – 1, Leader – 1,
Property: 2 bar chits, 1 snub pistol, 1 sword Credits: 9000

Name: Festus Gashkon Imperial human male
Home World: Regina/Spinward Marches
8755A8 age: 38 apparent age: 38
Career: Starport Authority 5terms Branch: Ships Services Pension: 10000
Rank: Chief Engineer
Engineering – 4, Vacc Suit – 3, Grav Vehicle – 1, Shotgun – 1, Electronics – 3, Liaison – 1,
Gravtics – 1, Blade – 1,
Property: Blade Credits: 30000

Name: Francetta Imirar Imperial human female
Home World: Regina/Spinward Marches
5C6967 age: 38 apparent age: 38
Career: Starport Authority 5 terms Branch: Freight Handling Pension: 10000
Rank: worker
Grav Vehicle – 2 Recruiting – 2, Forgery – 2, Liaison – 1, Streetwise – 1, Carousing – 1,
Wheeled Vehicle – 0, Vacc Suit – 1, Computer – 0, Brawling – 1, Dagger – 1, Handgun – 1,
Property: Dagger, 3 Bar Chits Credits: 13000


Name: Collete Darmour Imperial human female
Home World: Regina/Spinward Marches
5985C7 age: 22 apparent age: 22
Career: Servant [hotel maid]
Steward – 1, Carousing – 1, Persuasion – 1, Computer – 0, Wheeled Vehicle – 0,
Property: 1 Highpassage Credits: 5000

Maybe more later.