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THB Layout Problems


I have T20 Lite but I haven't bought the THB. I've read a fair amount of reviews on it and the only complaint that came up repeatedly and concerned me was regarding the layout.

I know Hunter Gordon has seen some of these complaints but he seemed dismissive of them, so I'm wondering if any of the complaints and issues are being addressed, and if so, which ones?

A couple issues that seem big to me at the moment is the fact that it was mentioned that the Prior History and Character Generation chapters weren't right next to each other. Is that going to be fixed (ie Prior History following character generation)?

The other one was the apparent waste of space in the weapons section. The best analogy I can think of is that it was described to be laid out like the AD&D 2nd Ed Monster Manual instead of like the D&D 3rd Ed Monster Manual. From the sounds of it doing a 3e style layout would probably cut 20 or so pages. Even if it still costs the same it'll be easier to carry around.

Anything else that I haven't mentioned regarding the layout that is being changed for a future revision (not counting Errata).

On a side note I'd like to know if Psionics will be done as a prestige class in the future. One of the reviewers mentioned that it was originally planned but then canned because of space issues. It isn't a big deal to me but it would be handy if I decide I want to play a Babylon 5/Excalibur campaign or if I want to do a Vell-Os string in an Escape Velocity: Nova campaign.
Hello migo,

Welcome to the boards. The 2nd printing has not changed the basic lay-out from the 1st printing as far as I can tell. The Weapons section is part of the Technology and Equipment Chapter 11 of the book and can be found on pp. 199-208. Counting the pages Weapons only uses 6 two-sided pages, actually five 2 sided pages the first page holds half a column of text. However, I would recommend barrowing a friend's copy of THB before buying into the reviews of others. I feel that the THB is easier to carry around than CT, MT, TNE, T4, and GURPS Traveller at this time, which won't be long until the number of supplements will equal the other four variants of Traveller.

Originally posted by migo:
I have T20 Lite but I haven't bought the THB. I've read a fair amount of reviews on it and the only complaint that came up repeatedly and concerned me was regarding the layout.

I know Hunter Gordon has seen some of these complaints but he seemed dismissive of them, so I'm wondering if any of the complaints and issues are being addressed, and if so, which ones?

A couple issues that seem big to me at the moment is the fact that it was mentioned that the Prior History and Character Generation chapters weren't right next to each other. Is that going to be fixed (ie Prior History following character generation)?

The other one was the apparent waste of space in the weapons section. The best analogy I can think of is that it was described to be laid out like the AD&D 2nd Ed Monster Manual instead of like the D&D 3rd Ed Monster Manual. From the sounds of it doing a 3e style layout would probably cut 20 or so pages. Even if it still costs the same it'll be easier to carry around.

Anything else that I haven't mentioned regarding the layout that is being changed for a future revision (not counting Errata).

On a side note I'd like to know if Psionics will be done as a prestige class in the future. One of the reviewers mentioned that it was originally planned but then canned because of space issues. It isn't a big deal to me but it would be handy if I decide I want to play a Babylon 5/Excalibur campaign or if I want to do a Vell-Os string in an Escape Velocity: Nova campaign.
If only I had a friend with a THB. Last I checked it wasn't available at my LGS.

Is there an Index and TOC I could download/read somewhere? Considering it isn't a White Wolf product that should be useful.
Evening migo,

Sorry to here that there isn't anyone about that you can barrow a copy of THB from. There might be something in a thread posted somewhere here on which Wizard of the Coast core book, AD&D latest edition, D20 Modern, and/or Star Wars. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the thread.

I have had a little more time to think about the points made in the original post about moving the Prior History next ot the basic character generation sequence. THB basically ported Classic Traveller (CT) into the D20 system. If you recall character generation in CT follows a similar form and since THB is a D20 system Hunter and MJD combined the two systems' character generation sequence.

Finally, I'll try to find the thread that might provide more information, provided of course on whether you or some other board member finds the topic first, and post it here.

Again, sorry I am not able to be more helpful.

Originally posted by migo:
If only I had a friend with a THB. Last I checked it wasn't available at my LGS.

Is there an Index and TOC I could download/read somewhere? Considering it isn't a White Wolf product that should be useful.
I would say that there are some minor issues with the layout of the book. Prior History and Character Generation should have been adjacient chapters, and some of the information is rather burried, but those are (IMO) rather minor.

When you consider the errata sheet is just that - a sheet, it was a pretty good undertaking and shows Hunter and the gang are pretty serious about this.