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T5 Playtest


SOC-14 1K
What kind of folk are you looking for to do this?

What kind of time commitment should potential playtesters expect?

What's going on so far?

Any big stuff coming down the pipe soon?

How much does it cost to get in?

Anything else I forgot to ask?
I can only answer one of your questions:
How much does it cost to get in?
$12 for a year long subscription to the moot, which will give you access to all the playtests on file at the moment.
You can always pay more for your membership to get a higher noble rank, but you don't have to.
Here's the link.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
I can only answer one of your questions:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />How much does it cost to get in?
$12 for a year long subscription to the moot, which will give you access to all the playtests on file at the moment.</font>[/QUOTE]...annnd a 10% discount on all purchases through QLI! :D
Look at all the posts down there...

They're having fun, aren't they?

Wonder what they're hashing over?
When there's something to work on, Traveller5.com will also host playtest. For free.

In the Moot's T5 playtest area, the current hubbub is somewhere around 90% heat and noise. At least there's interest...
You're not talking about Mal are you Rob?
Originally posted by kaladorn:
You're not talking about Mal are you Rob?
I must admit, he's nice to have in the wintertime, though by no means the sole contributor.
If you mean the current "playtest" in The Moot forums all you need is to buy a patent of Nobility*

My fancy way of saying a subscription, as noted above by Sigg

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
$12 for a year long subscription to the moot, which will give you access to all the playtests on file at the moment.
You can always pay more for your membership to get a higher noble rank, but you don't have to.
Here's the link.
And of course your subscription also gets you a 10% discount on all QLI purchases as a bonus.

If you mean a possible free and open playtest on FFE's site I guess you'll just have to watch this space for developments
Considering the ammount of varients Traveller has had in the past, I think the best thing that could be done would be to do something similar to what Alderac does with the Legend of the Five Rings setting. All of their recent books have had stat blocks for both the d20 varient, and their own d10 rules. The informative flavor text only needs to be written once. Let's newer players who are more comfortable with d20 play that way and get used to the world, but let's fans of the original system continue to play that without duplicating too much effort.
So when T5 comes out does that mean all QLI stuff will need to be triple statted??!?!?!???? (ie: for T20, CT and T5)

It's not that i'm moaning, but imagine triple statting GA-1's starships section
. It was bad enough converting all those CT ships to T20.
Let's worry about completing the T5 playtest before we worry about QLI's "to triple-stat" or "not to triple-stat" decisions.

Personally, though, given the what is apparently coming in the mechanics area, I doubt there will be triple-stating (not even counting the prohibitive space reqirements).
Nope, I can't see triple statting either. I doubt it would be necessary, anyhow. But what do I know.

Jeff, the current skirmishes are over the alien race creation system.
Ok, I'm sort of newer to Traveller. It was one of those games my cousin always talked about, but we never ended up playing. But I've been getting sick of DnD, so in my quest for a new game, I picked up the Gurps Traveller book. Reading it, and wandering into the boards, I've begun looking at the T5 playtest stuff. I love Gurps supplements for the amount of information they provide, but I rarely use Gurps for an actual system.

So as an outsider, the biggest problem I see is that there is so much material for Traveller, but it's in how many different formats? CT, MT, TNE, T4, GT, T20? As someone new, where do I start? It's mind boggling.

But as I've said, my experience with L5R is that the dual stat supplements was the best thing Alderac did for their game. It means I don't have to buy the same material twice. If I buy a book about the Crane Clan, I can use it as is, no obscure and difficult to read conversion charts. I don't have to worry about picking between the version for d20, or the version for d10. When it comes to supplements, I don't have to pick a system, I buy an L5R book, and it works. Most of the material in a supplement (the few main core rule books are system specific,) is flavor text anyway. Instead of making 2 or 3 books that descrive the Hiver Federation, you can have just one that will work for any Traveller game you might choose to use.

Obviously, you can't fully support all the variations of traveller, but you can do a lot to make it easier. There's a Universal Task Description someone linked to in another forum. Keeping something like that in mind helps a lot. If in an adventure, it is a difficult task to pilot through an asteroid field to the rebel base in T5, then we know it is a DC20 for T20, and a +3 in Gurps, etc.

So I guess if a supplement is 90% ship statistics, it makes more sense to publish that in a system specific book. But then again, is a book full of statistics a good supplement these days? I would rather read 6-8 pages about hiver ship design philosophy and history, followed by a couple pages of sample Hiver ships, than have a book full of pre-made ships.

Being a newcomer, I don't know where the division between systems is in a company ownership perspective. I know Gurps is of course through SJ games, but I'm betting they would be very cooperative in adding stats for the other systems in side-bars. Gurps books have always been pretty light on statistics, high on informative text.

Anyway, I'd like Traveller 5 to do well. I mentioned I was interested in running a traveller game to the university rpg club, and the only person that had even heard of the game was the old-timer who comes. I'm 27, so besides him I'm one of the oldest people who comes to club. They are the next generation of gamers, and they are all playing DnD 3.5. It's not me that you have to sell T5 to, but them. I'm not scared off by Hexidecimal stats and complicated ship building procedures. But I've played a lot of games in my time, and remember when there were games that weren't d20.

Sorry for rambling, but I hope this helps give something of an outside perspective.