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T5 Char Gen


SOC-14 1K
Rolled stats 84659C...

My homeworld is LoTech(4-6), Starport C, and Lopop, so I pick up Survival-1 for free. [I like this homeworld system a lot better than the MT one.]

Went to university and had no problem getting through thanks to my SOC. Stayed in school to get the PHD... mainly because my EDU stat was so high. I couldn't figure out what major fit the character concept, so I took what the table gave me: Language-2, Geology-1, Instruction-1, Law-1, Computer-2. Call it a PHD in Resource Management? I used my high EDU stat to cut my time in school short. (I picked up Honors at the University, BTW.) [Learning the eductation system was tedious....]

>> The waiver rules are unclear: "A prereq for a degree cannot be waived?"

I became a noble and picked up Carousing-1 and Fencing-1.

Term 1: I was knighted.
Str +1, Edu +1, Forgery-1, Grav Craft-1

Term 2: Injury! (recovered) Elevation to Soc D.
Athletics-1, First Aid-1, Sword-2

Term 3: Elevation to Soc E.
Dex +1, Int +1, Pistol-1, Admin-1

Mustering out... I'm going for the yacht all the way so I choose to take +1 on my rolls for having rank E. [This rule is unclear.]

Edu +1, TAS, Int +1, Low Passage

Doh! Didn't get the yacht!

Failed my aging roll hard! Str -1, Dex -1, End -1.

[The rules were all hard to follow. I decoded them by flipping between the summary page, the rules, and the example characters.]

Now what...

A dead broke Marquis that's... out of work? What's he doing Travelling the frontier? Does he get spending cash?

The thing about the original 6 CT careers is that you didn't have to have a fully realized universe for them to play in. I have to go a lot deeper into the setting/background to understand what my nobel is going to be up to.... (I remember teaching a friend GURPS Traveller and my heart stopping when he picked the Corsair template. Now what? You have to understand the ecology of piracy for that to work... not exactly something Traveller canon has gone out of its way to clarify.)

Sword, Computer, and Language are my best skills.... Hmmm.... A much more colorful character than effective. I end up netting 8457CE. Things more or less fit together, though. How to knit him into the setting, though....
1) What rules did you work off of for this, Jeffr0? The ones from way back? (Cause I had real trouble understanding those....)

2) The guy has a DEX-4, and he learns Sword?! :eek: I would think it would be a priority to keep him away from all sharp objects!
These look like the same ones that are still posted on the T5 site. Is there a new version floating around?
Not that I know of. Those are the ones I had trouble following....
Those are the rules. And they are more like a collection of notes in various compilations than a finished document, that's for sure. I end up picking out three of the pages and the careers, and trying to avoid the rest.

I'm rather impressed that he has SOC E. I don't think we managed to get anyone past SOC C, because the -DM kicked in seriously. Doesn't that make him a Duke, meaning he either runs a subsector, or is in the ruling family of a sector? If so, then rest assured he must have family resources.

Ah, might "only" be a count. Since Marks and Counties involve governing worlds, I presume he will be working in the diplomatic underbelly of politics. He really ought to work on his Dex and Fencing skills...

Hm. On the other hand, isn't Cutlass a Strength-based skill? In that case, it looks like he could be a shoo-in for Vice Admiral The Right Honourable Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, famous for the Napoleonic Wars.

Or Sir Francis Drake... check this out.


Lots of material for adventure here, including:

  • learning sailing skills at an early age</font>
  • starting career as master of a small ship</font>
  • sailing a colony to new frontiers with the assistance of a relative</font>
  • learning about rival exploitation along the frontier</font>
  • bad encounter with rivals, and decision to thwart them wherever possible</font>
  • staging a mass attack with various enemies of said rivals, and capturing one of their prize "silver trains" (i.e. a major tradewar win)</font>
  • signed truce forces him to re-vector</font>
  • a commission to 'circumnavigate the globe'</font>
  • exploits gain popularity at expense of rivals</font>
  • war breaks out between rivals and homeland</font>
  • "singe the beard" of rivals (pre-emptive strike)</font>
  • finally defeating the "spanish armada"</font>
Thinking this past weekend...

I was looking at the tables... Down shift the rolls as -1 DM on the muster out tables....

This gets him a one hex estate.

His name is Higgins. ;)

I may have missed this: "because the -DM kicked in seriously"
Just so long as hist estate isn't died to Duke Masters' local estate for the housekeeper with him droning on in his memoirs.... ;)