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T20 to CT starship compatibility

Another newbie question - apologies if its been done to death already.

Just how compatible are T20 starship designs to CT?

I have bought most of the GURPS Traveller stuff that's in print and find a lot of it very useful (particularly Ground Forces and Starports) but just cannot get over the irritation of having yet another set of specs and deckplans for the Suleiman, Beowulf and other common craft.

Originally posted by alte:
Another newbie question - apologies if its been done to death already.

Just how compatible are T20 starship designs to CT?

I have bought most of the GURPS Traveller stuff that's in print and find a lot of it very useful (particularly Ground Forces and Starports) but just cannot get over the irritation of having yet another set of specs and deckplans for the Suleiman, Beowulf and other common craft.

The T20 starship design systems are based on High Guard from Classic Traveller. They are very compatible, but with a few minor differences mostly related to the power plants and energy supplied.
