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T20 Playtest Forum?


Hey all...

I just joined the moot, and now I can get into all the playtest areas *except* the T20 playtest area...how do I get in there, since that's the main reason I joined the Moot?
Welcome to the lofty ranks of the peerage MrMorden, on behalf of the Empire thank you for your support :D

Sorry though, that area was set up so there's a password needed I think, and it's not been changed despite a few asking for it to be opened up to subscribers.
My understanding was that the T20 playtest area was a hold-over from before T20 Handbook was published. Now that it has been published, the playtest area is no longer being used and there really isn't any reason to go there.

But I could be mistaken.
I'd like to get in there to see how some things were decided upon, what was cut out, how did the rules come together, etc.

I would be interesting to find out what went on to put this game together.
Me too Sigg. I was long begging for admission or freedom of information access to those files once the book was out and doing well. Perhaps the worry is it would hurt sales by giving the book away if the playtest files are that complete.
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
My understanding was that the T20 playtest area was a hold-over from before T20 Handbook was published. Now that it has been published, the playtest area is no longer being used and there really isn't any reason to go there.

But I could be mistaken.
I have heard mention in another forum area of a playtest version of the Player's Handbook. This is what I am really looking for...does anybody know where I can find it?

Just go to The Moot section and on the right you'll see the "Committee Chambers" look down for "Traveller's Guidebook" and click the Files link to get it. I think the discussion is mostly done and it's going to print when Hunter is back but the forums are still open if you have questions, or suggestions in case he may still be working on it.