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T20 Players/Referees in Sydney, Australia


Hey guys, just wondering if anyone else on these boards is from old Sydney town. Looking for some potential T20 games ... I can be contacted at falkaynATfalkayn.com.
Originally posted by solar_shipping:
I am based in western suburbs (around Paramatta area).

I yet to have T20, but I have every version of traveller, so if you are looking for a game, keep me in mind.
Thanks mate - I'm at Waitara which is a short drive up Pennant Hills Rd from Parra. I'll drop you a line via email.

I got into Classic Traveller waaaaay back (but gave all my books, deckplans etc. away - damn!). I also was into MegaTraveller, gave TNE a miss, and then got T4 (signed copy no less).

Any others out there?
It's amazing what you can catch when one fishes around Parramatta River innit!

I was originally exposed to Traveller waaaaay back in the late 70's and the Ye Olde Parramatta Gamers Club was where I had some of my most memorable games - including the initial Striker boxed set and Martian metals 15mm Trav figures.

I used to own most of the LBB's and a few GW (post 40K), FASA, and Judges Guild products for Trav. I have also ref'd many Megatrav and TNE games but gave/sold the lot away about 8 years ago. I have only recently seriously considered returning to the RPG scene as my main interest over the last few years has been 15mm WWII. I sorta lost interest and hope in the RPG industry as a whole when GDW folded but I must say I am impressed with what I have seen of T20 and have already pre-ordered the book - I am also considering running GRIP:Traveller sometime in the future. ;)

The current gaming group is located mainly around the Liverpool area, one of which is an avid Twilight 2000 fan and loves to play Trav, but we also have a regular who lives at Parramatta (when work allows).

I am currently waiting for T20 to arrive before I consider running anything but if you have Friday and Saturday nights free let me know and we'll try and organise something. Email me at tony_28@iprimus.com.au.

Tony :cool:
Originally posted by Tone28:
I am currently waiting for T20 to arrive before I consider running anything but if you have Friday and Saturday nights free let me know and we'll try and organise something. Email me at tony_28@iprimus.com.au.

Tony :cool:
I'll drop your a line sometime. Thanks for replying.
Originally posted by The Mink:
North Sydney.

Happy to travell to out to the Perimeter.

Three is enough for a game. My Email is themink@neworldaccess.com - that will get to me.

I'll be down in Canberra all of next week.
Ooh, positively round the corner. I'll email you about doing lunch sometime. As I live somewhere under that large smoke plume to Sydney's north, I'm going to make sure I'm close to home (and wife and child) for the Christmas Fire Season.