• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

T20 in Des Moines, IA

We have an established weekly T20 game running on Monday nights. The crew is small, and in need of additional staff to help pilot their new 600-ton Explorer class ship (home-grown design) through the troubled times of the Rebellion.

Current game has 4 full-time players, one of whom typically joins via conference phone. Group ranges in age from 26-38, all with mixed experience in Traveller. We are seeking 2-3 additional players to fill out the game (and cover when 1 or 2 can't make it for various reasons).
Move it to Massachusetts. We're more populous, so much so that we're populousy.
Originally posted by Jame:
Move it to Massachusetts. We're more populous, so much so that we're populousy.
Thanx for the tip. The seafood is certrainly better out there.

But then agin, your tax rates aren't. They call it Taxechusetts for a reason.

And Iowa is the best place for corn-fed steak, not to mention a FANTASTIC Traveller game on Monday nights.
((gotta keep this on topic))