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T20 demo at Austin game day Jan. 24


SOC-14 1K
EN World posters are holding a game day on Jan. 24 at Dragon's Lair in Austin. I'm going to be running a T20 demo. If anyone is interested in playing in the demo, or in any of the other games being offered, just post on this thread to reserve a spot.
I'm there! Please sign me up for a spot on the T20 demo! I've run a number, so now it'd be fun to play in one.

Hehehe. I can handle that.

Looking forward to meeting with you and doing some T20 gaming.

Yes, but currently there are only two players signed up -- you and Mark (Ian). Two others who had signed up have had to drop out. It is at 4:15 p.m.

At the same time, there is another sci-fi space adventure game being offered. It involves pirates investigating a possibly derelict colony ship. It also only has two players signed up.

Since you and Mark are both already familiar with Traveller, I was wondering if instead of me running a demo for the two of you, the three of us might play in the other game, and be pirates. Arrrr!

It doesn't matter to me. I can run my game with just two players. I'm not sure how parts of it would go.
I will bow to your greater wisdom. While I would prefer to play T20, if the game doesn't make, I know I will enjoy playing pirates with you guys in a FTF game.

I did start spreading the word a bit today, in the hopes that it might drum up some interest from other gamer friends of mine. We'll have to wait and see what happens, though.

Looking forward to it,
Well, we picked up another Traveller player today. Yah!

It will probably be a game-time decision. If enough people show up to play Traveller, we'll play that. If not, and there's room in the other game, we'll slip in there.