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T20 Cybernetic rejection & cyberkacks


Are their any actual rules for how the brain inplant cyberjack functions? The teaser put into the cybernetic equipment table in T20 doesn't say much.

It would be quite easy, given the detailed rules for computers & computer programs, to come up with some rules to cover the cyberjack.

I would, however, like to know before doing this if cyberjacks were present in any previous versions of Traveller? and if the authors of T20 are likely to detail rules for the cyberjack in later suppliments? After all, I wouldn't want to stray too far from cannon, or tread on anyones toes (or do a lot of pointless work when the rules may already exist out there).

Another, slightly related question:
What does rejection of an implant actually do?

T20 mentions that if you fail your saves, the implant is rejected. How does this work exacly, What are the game mechanics for such an event?
I'm not sure about Traveller, but traditionally in Cyberpunk fiction a cyberjack is merely a means to access and control a computer using your brain. Rather than having to actually type commands using a keyboard, or by manipulating a mouse or other controller with your hands, you simply think the command and the computer executes it.

So there really wouldn't be any rules for the use of a cyberjack. The computer, with all of its processing power and storage capacity, is still just a standard computer outside the users' body. The rules in the T20 book for computers all still apply.

The only thing that might change, is that the time required to accomplish some simple tasks might be speeded up, since a cyberjack connection is supposed to allow the user to work faster. So, for example, a simple search of a data base could take place in less time using a cyberjack since the user could make his choices faster. But a download of a file would take the same amount of time. Your not increasing the speed of the computer, just the user.
All reasonable suggestions so far.
However, I am considering something a little more specific. To quote the T20 entry:
"Allows the user to act as a living computer and able to interface with computer systems and run software within their heads....There is also the risk of frying ones brain while jacked"

So I guess I am looking at something that can go a little deeper than a "traditional" Datajack, more a J Mnumonic-turn your brain into a wetware computer type deal. Many of the programs already listed in the T20 rules for computer use (particularly server, Master, Library Data, and language modules)would be very useful to players as programs resident in the brain. So what is really needed is a method for determining cost for converting greymatter into Data storage & PP capacity. Also dissadvantages of playing computer tech with the brain (computer virus's, energy spikes, not to mention the side effects of dedicating or replacing large portions of your CNS to make way for computer space. Does replacing your brain with a computer turn you into an idiot calculator? How would it affect a character with psionics?)

I am kinda hoping previous versions of traveller could answer some of these questions.
But if you think of an answer all on your lonesome please send em in folks, all ideas are appreciated.
McWraith, are you familiar with shadowrun? If you can you might want to look at their jacking rules.
Some of the things include dumping, where you pull the plug while you are jacked in causing Stun. And diffrent attack programs that attack your headware and programs that attacks the user directly.
I am at work right now, but when I get home I can see how easy/hard it would be to convert some of the rules over to traveller.
McWraith: There is a d20 game/rules book called Digital Burn. It is a set of cyberpunk d20 rules made to be compatible with d20 Modern. Since it is d20, it would probably mesh pretty easy with T20 as well.

I looked at the book in a game store once, but didn't buy it because I don't foresee our T20 game going in a cybernetic direction. But it looked like a pretty good option for those wanting heavy cybernetics in their game. It's received decent reviews, too, on various Internet gaming sites. You might check it out, see if it covers what you want to do.

Here is the company's website: Living Room Games