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T20 and D20 Modern



Probably wouldn't be much point to it, but could Traveller d20 be run using D20 Modern? Judging from the SRD at


it seems that D20M uses classes and jobs, like T20 does, though it doesn't have the prior history/mustering out process obviously.

Would there be any point in doing this though?
From an initial look, D20M is really more D&DM. Precious little has been done to the mechanics to account for the proper effects of things like guns, where the lethality of the wound has everything to do with dumb luck and/or the firer's skill, and nothing to do with how tough the target is...

That and the Illithid Preacher...
Let's see...

Revised damage system. If you take lethal damage that exceed your Con score, you must make a Fort save or your HP will be reduced to -1. If it does not, then simply mark off your current HP. Some guns could on average exceed average Con score. Using Double-Tap (per attack) can increase damage by one die (e.g., a Beretta pistol inflict 2d6, 3d6 if using Double-Tap). A Tough Hero could benefit from getting damage reduction. Of course, the idea of it being lethal makes it sensible to take cover. When using autofire option, basically target must make Reflex saving throw to avoid getting hit. It's more of a saturation effect of spraying bullets in one 10-by-10 area. Again, sensible to take cover.

Class Defense Bonus is added and actually stack (rather than replace as in Star Wars) with armor's equipment bonus.

Starting Occupation adds more class skills to the character plus one feat associated with said occupation. I think this could work with Traveller and its Prior History system, with some tweaks.

BTW, the Modern System Reference Document is available for download. Check it out for yourselves: www.Wizards.com/d20
Originally posted by GypsyComet:
From an initial look, D20M is really more D&DM. Precious little has been done to the mechanics to account for the proper effects of things like guns, where the lethality of the wound has everything to do with dumb luck and/or the firer's skill, and nothing to do with how tough the target is...

That and the Illithid Preacher...
Actually, I was referring to the D20M SRD, not the actual book - the SRD mostly consists of generic d20 rules for the modern setting, and leaves out most of the D&D crossover stuff (which I think is rather lame anyway).

Some of the guns do seem a bit puny, but I guess d20 is aimed at more "heroic" games. Still, they do have the 'massive damage' rule where if you take more damage than your CON score you have to make a Fort save or die.

The bit I love best in the SRD is that it tells you how much damage you take if you get hit by a falling piano! (8d6, if anyone's interested)
What D&D crossover stuff?

What they did leave out are the campaign models rules material: Urban Arcana, Agents of PSI, and Shadow Chasers. They think they should keep it to themselves as their selling points.

In fact, they didn't add the "Moreaus" creature to the MSRD.

(Whatever your opinions of the above campaign models, that is your own. Other gamers have different tastes and preferences that varies from modern-day semi-realism to the bizarre.)

While Wizards have been extremely generous and very quick to release the MSRD, the gamers and designers wondered if some if not all of the campaign-specific prestige classes should also be OGC.
I'm interested in whether the Digital Burn cyberpunk supplement, which is supposed to be completely compatible with D20 Modern, is compatible or not with T20.
If you're asking for a 100% compatibility between third-party products, you probably won't find any unless they say so (e.g., Raw Recruits is a licensed adventure module published by Mystic Eye Games for use with Dragonstar RPG by Fantasy Flight Games; Green Ronin and Pardigm Concept are doing the OGL Interlink compatible product line).

But you should be able to port rules mechanics back and forth with little or no difficulty.

Contact Living Room Games (publisher of Digital Burn):
