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T20 2nd printing


I'm sure that this has come up before, but can't find the thread. :( So...

How can I tell which printing of T20 is on the gamestore shelf? (Already have the 1st printing, but want a 2nd printing of it for convenience.)

While I'm asking - is the version of T20 sold at the online store 2nd printing or 1st?
Originally posted by Slink182:
I'm sure that this has come up before, but can't find the thread. :( So...
one of those threads
How can I tell which printing of T20 is on the gamestore shelf?
The 2 (1st printing) or the 3 (2nd printing); you could also printout part or all of the corrected errata and check the books ^_^
While I'm asking - is the version of T20 sold at the online store 2nd printing or 1st?
Believe so, since 1st printing sold out quite some time ago.

The 2 (1st printing) or the 3 (2nd printing); you could also printout part or all of the corrected errata and check the books ^_^
This seems to me a reasonable suggestion. You may want to buy another copy of your rulebook if the first one is in bad condition and players spend their time reading it. So you keep the new one for yourself. I did that with DnD, and don't want that players put their greasy fingers (between pizza and coca cola) on my only copy of T20 that I am careful to keep in excellent condition.

But now, if I understand well, not far from now a new version of T20 will be published, with revised rules, new classes, etc. Maybe it's worth waiting for this book?
Originally posted by Slink182:
I'm sure that this has come up before, but can't find the thread. :( So...

How can I tell which printing of T20 is on the gamestore shelf? (Already have the 1st printing, but want a 2nd printing of it for convenience.)

While I'm asking - is the version of T20 sold at the online store 2nd printing or 1st?
If there are any 1st printings still available in stores I would be surprised! The copies we have for sale in the online store are 2nd printings.

The borders in the 2nd printing are slightly different from the 1st. They are lighter in color. You can also look at the credits page (pg 2). In the right text column at the bottom you will see the printing history.

1st printing will look like this:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2nd printing will look like this:
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Originally posted by hunter:
If there are any 1st printings still available in stores I would be surprised! The copies we have for sale in the online store are 2nd printings.

OK, you shouldn't be then. The copy of T20 I picked up 3 weeks ago was 1st printing. A buddy of mine picked up his copy 2 weeks ago (different store, different city) was also 1st printing.

I'll have to pick up a 2nd printing copy just for the corrected text and ch13. Ask me if I'm happy or not.

On the other hand, I'll have two copies for the gaming table - a copy for me and a (not quite as good) copy for the players.
I'd hide the 1st printing away somewhere if I were you ;) . It may well be worth a lot more than cover price to an ebay collector in a few years time.
When are we going to see a 3rd printing? In all seriousness, I would wonder if we could ever see T20 in a third press run. I was very happy to see the first one until the errata started coming in...

The second printing still had errors, but, far fewer but no significant change in terms of the insides. So I look forward to a 3rd edition completely revamped and errata free...sometime in 2007, just in time for the 30th anniversary of Traveller...
Printings are not the same thing as editions. The 2nd printing was just that. A new printing to get the book back in stores and at the same time correct some of the errata. I'd much rather have the player's book (Guidebook?) out long before any substantial changes are made to the Traveller's Handbook which is already very useable regardless of printing. T20 doesn't need a 3.5 "change of a thousand cuts" IMO.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
So if there was going to be a second edition what would people want to change I wonder? ;)
A much shorter erratas list for its first print. ;) :D

Sorry, just couldn't resist...
Interesting topic. Lets just hope the new Gateway book doesnt have as many errors both (spelling and rule). Ive just listed a topic RACIAL TABLE on the gateway forum. I cant find a racial table for the new races in the pdf, hopefully i missed it.