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System/Repair RPs?


SOC-14 1K
In the description of the Miracle Worker and Jury Rig feats, the DC reference RPs that I believe means Repair Points. Could someone point to where RPs are defined?
As this post appears to have been forgotten I am bumping it up, taking the opportunity to expand on the original question.
There appears to be at least two systems for repairing damage. Feat descriptioon such as those for Jury Rig, Miracle Worker and Damage Control use repair points, while the text on pages 168 & 169 mention a different system where the feats give bonuses. It appears that the system on pages 168 & 169 is the one to use, and the feat descriptions are from a previous incarnation of the rules.
Most likely the feats need redoing. I am surprised that no one else has bothered to question this irregularity.
Hello Alan Millen,

This has been brought up before, shortly after the THB was introduced. What appears to have happened is that with the flood of errata this one slipped through the cracks.

Originally posted by alan millen:
As this post appears to have been forgotten I am bumping it up, taking the opportunity to expand on the original question.
There appears to be at least two systems for repairing damage. Feat descriptioon such as those for Jury Rig, Miracle Worker and Damage Control use repair points, while the text on pages 168 & 169 mention a different system where the feats give bonuses. It appears that the system on pages 168 & 169 is the one to use, and the feat descriptions are from a previous incarnation of the rules.
Most likely the feats need redoing. I am surprised that no one else has bothered to question this irregularity.