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Subscription problem


I just ordered a 12-month subscription online (Friday, 9/27 -- credit dard payment). Since I had already downloaded TA #2 as a bonus for pre-ordering the Handbook, I did not download again.

Now when I log in the E-library says it cannot find my subscription. I really want to get TA #1 as my first "paid" issue.

Any ideas?
Everything looks good on this end. You account is set up under the email address (irishpr) that you mentioned in your email, and it is showing TA2 downloaded with 12 issues remaining.

I had the system kick out your login information again and send it to you. Let me know if you still are running into problems.

Something else related. When I downloaded TA#1 and #2, I could not get them to unzip native in Windows XP professional. I downloaded winzip and used that and it worked fine. It's just odd that I have been unzipping downloads for about 6 monthes now and this is the first problem I had. Hopefully someone else who may be having problems can benefit from this.
Originally posted by CharmQuark:
Something else related. When I downloaded TA#1 and #2, I could not get them to unzip native in Windows XP professional. I downloaded winzip and used that and it worked fine. It's just odd that I have been unzipping downloads for about 6 monthes now and this is the first problem I had. Hopefully someone else who may be having problems can benefit from this.
Now that is odd. I was able to unzip both of these natively in Windows XP Home with no trouble at all. The joys of Microsloth programming quirks.

I hope someone (Hunter?) can help me with this problem.

I had went to the online ordering form to order TA#1 and noticed that you do accept checks. (I am not a CC holder). So I went ahead and printed out the form, enclosed my check for $5 and mailed it to the address given.

That was nearly 2 months ago.

I still have not recieved any word about my subscription. I checked my bank and apparently the check still has not gone through. Could someone please check to see if the check even made it to your office. I want to know if it got lost somewhere so I can cancel the check and start over if need be (Thinking about full subscription). Thanks.

My Info:
William R. Prankard
Check #990.