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Well, we're looking at milieu:1000, right?

So, the first question is: when did Styryx die?

All I can find about him is that he was born in 920 and abdicated in 989. At this point, he was 69. In year 1000, he would be 80.

There is a range of life expectancies for Emperors/Empresses, but it is quite conceivable that Styryx could have lived until 90 or more - and still been active!

Why am I talking about this? Well, because a former Emperor with at least some degree of a grudge against those that drove him from power is a natural magnet for intrigue and conspiracies.

There is no reason why he should sit around on Capital either. He might very well choose to retire to his estates in Ley Sector....

Another brief thought: the desire to start milieu:1000 at year 1000 is understandable, of course, but it probably isn't the best year in terms of the setting. Basically, by 1000, it is becoming clear that the Solomani goose is cooked. A few years before, that would not have been the case.

Anyway, I figure that one of the main impacts of the Rim War on the Domain of Gateway would be commerce raiding. And most of the fleet is off at the front...

Yeah, by the way, I like the setting. Well done. Shame about the game system...
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by alanb:
Well, we're looking at milieu:1000, right?

So, the first question is: when did Styryx die?

Don't think canon ever covers that :*>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>There is a range of life expectancies for Emperors/Empresses, but it is quite conceivable that Styryx could have lived until 90 or more - and still been active!

90 - 100 years seems average, but some lived 150+. Still his son Gavin died at 91, so I'd say Styryx would have a natural lifespan of 90 - 100.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>There is no reason why he should sit around on Capital either. He might very well choose to retire to his estates in Ley Sector....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You mean "choose" as in "I choose to retire rather than die in an unfortunate airraft accident"

Yeah, by the way, I like the setting. Well done. Shame about the game system[/QOUTE]

To me rules are pretty irrelevant. Make sure its well written and I'll mine it and plug it into my ruleset of choice.
You mean "choose" as in "I choose to retire rather than die in an unfortunate airraft accident"
I think the choice was "I choose to retire rather than let the contingent of heavilly armed marines shoot multiple holes in my body."

Me: I meant "I choose to retire to Ley Sector" rather than "I choose to retire on Capital". The "I choose to retire" bit was, of course, along the lines of what people were saying above. The "to Ley Sector" might have been voluntary - or maybe not, since having him around on Capital could be inconvenient.

Anyway, do people think that it would be a good idea to have an inconvenient ex-Emperor around? If so, we should duly lobby the Ancients.

It makes perfect sense: canon doesn't cover when he pops his clogs, and there is sufficient evidence that says it is possible for him to be around.

And it is fun.
Originally posted by Andrewmv:
You mean "choose" as in "I choose to retire rather than die in an unfortunate airraft accident"

I think the choice was "I choose to retire rather than let the contingent of heavilly armed marines shoot multiple holes in my body."
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by alanb:
I meant "I choose to retire to Ley Sector" rather than "I choose to retire on Capital". The "I choose to retire" bit was, of course, along the lines of what people were saying above. The "to Ley Sector" might have been voluntary - or maybe not, since having him around on Capital could be inconvenient.

Anyway, do people think that it would be a good idea to have an inconvenient ex-Emperor around? If so, we should duly lobby the Ancients.

It makes perfect sense: canon doesn't cover when he pops his clogs, and there is sufficient evidence that says it is possible for him to be around.

And it is fun.

When it comes to where he retired to, I doubt he got much choice in this either. No sane Emperor would let his disgruntled predecessor stay around Capital (especially if said predecessor was his father).

Problem is that Styryx is an Alkhalikoi (like Strephon) and their family holdings are in Gushemege sector. Mind you, you probably wouldn't want the former Emperor near his potentially most loyal support base either, so sending him to the otherside of the Imperium (Gateway domain) might make sense.
Hmmm, very interesting ideas. Styryx in Ley... I like it. Lets kick this around some more.

I agree, likely they would want him well away from Capital, so 'retiring' him to Ley is quite feasible. As a 'thank you' *COUGH* for his service, the family holdings could have had territories in Ley added to it.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
Hmmm, very interesting ideas. Styryx in Ley... I like it. Lets kick this around some more.

I agree, likely they would want him well away from Capital, so 'retiring' him to Ley is quite feasible. As a 'thank you' *COUGH* for his service, the family holdings could have had territories in Ley added to it.


Well, if you assume that when he abidcated as Emperor he also abidcated his titles in Gushemege in favour of his son (makes sense to remove his connection to a potential powerbase). Then giving him an entirely new title (lets say Count or Marquis, Duke may be too powerful) in an area he traditionally didn't have strong ties too would make sense.

Also there's canon to support the idea that the Archdukes of Gateway have traditionally kept their noses out of Court politics, which is another point in Ley's favour (the Archduke is unlikely to support a bid to restore Styryx).

If he is in Ley, I would also expect there to be a few "minders" nearby. Discrete, but ready to jump in if needed and occasionally needing to be able to work outside official channels (a few good plot hooks right there).
I don't think the Emperor has any shortage of secondary titles or estates to bestow on Styryx. Basically there would be something suitable nearly anywhere in the Imperium - not just in Gushumege.

As far as what a suitable title would be - well, it would have to be appropriate for someone of Styryx's social status on the one hand (he is a former Emperor, and the father of the current Emperor, grandfather of the heir to the throne, etc), without giving him any serious support base for engaging in mischief.

I actually think that a Ducal title could be appropriate - it just has to be associated with the right fief. It might just be an honorary title, or it may be associated with a frontier subsector that the Imperium doesn't actually have much control over.

I think he would have a considerable staff and security detachment - perhaps a battalion of the Imperial Guards, plus a fair number of ships, in addition to a considerable civilian staff. Of course this retinue would include more than a few spies and the odd assassin...

He is still one of the senior nobles of the Imperium even if he is not entirely trusted. Surrounding him with a retinue of loyal followers of Gavin would be the safest approach for Gavin to take, IMHO.