As far as I can tell the order of the T2K adventures was as follows:
Players starting in Europe all began with 'Escape from Kaslitz' the path that followed had two branching points, the first depends on which direction the players try to escape from the Kaslitz area, the second is dependant upon the players actions in Krakow.
'Escape from Kaslitz', leads either south to 'Black Madonna' or south east to 'Free City of Krakow'
'Free City of Krakow', leads west to 'Black Madonna', roughly north to 'Pirates of the Vistula/Ruins of Warsaw' or east to 'Bears Den'. (NOTE: While published as part of the 'Return to Europe' series, chronologically 'Bears Den' takes place only a few months (December 2000) after the events of 'Ruins of Warsaw', which runs late August to October 2000.)
From Black Madonna the only real path (As far as I can tell.) is east to Krakow, however from all of the presented scenarios it is possible to either involve the players in 'Going Home' and return them to the United States or contrive their move to the Middle East or Britain.
The pathway in the United States is more complicated; there are four entries, 'Red Star/Lone Star', 'Airlords of the Ozarks', 'Gateway to the Caribbean' and 'Armies of the Night'.
'Red Star/Lone Star' leads either to 'Airlords of the Ozarks' or to 'Urban Guerilla'
'Airlords of the Ozarks' could lead either east to 'Allegheny Uprising'/'Kidnapping' or the players could go to either 'Red Star/Lone Star' or 'Urban Guerilla'.
'Gateway to the Caribbean' was intended as the lead-in to 'Urban Guerilla' but could also lead the players to 'Red Star/Lone Star'
Finally, 'Armies of the Night' leads either west to 'Allegheny Uprising'/Kidnapping' or north east to the 'Last Submarine Trilogy'
The 'Last Submarine Trilogy' leads back to Europe and 'Return to Warsaw'(Sequel to 'Ruins of Warsaw')/'White Eagle' (Sequel to 'Black Madonna'/'Free City of Krakow')
In the Middle East the adventure path is short, there are only two scenarios, 'Shell Game' (Challenge 30) and 'Kings Ransom'.
There is only one published British adventure, 'Sheltie Holiday' (Challenge 43).
Please note that this does not included either 'Satellite Down', or 3W's 'City of Angels', which I have not read.
I hope this is useful.