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Stateroom enhancement: TL12+ Smartbed

TL 12+ Smartbed

This is intended for luxury staterooms, or use planet side in really upscale homes or hotels.

The ‘bed’ is a 2.5m x 2.5 (or larger, in some cases) array of 1 mm across hexagonal rods. Each rod is made of electroactive polymer and can retract to be as short as 1 cm or as long as 1m. At the top end of the rod is a Peltier junction which allows that spot to be heated or cooled.

Sensor arrays are arranged above the bed and in the headboard along with several deep IR projectors and fans. A decent AI monitors them and controls the system and interfaces to the cabin controls, including grav plates. When the user approaches the area, they can either vocally request the bed, or the AI will try to anticipate what they want.

In normal “bed” mode, the rods extend 50 to 75 cm above the floor, depending on the user’s height and stored preferences. Upon their sitting or lying down, the AI uses the sensor array to track their bone position, stress on joints, pressure on the rods, skin temperature and other factors, then decides which rods to raise or lower to achieve optimum comfort. It adjusts the surface temperature of the bed on a rod-by-rod basis, so cold toes are warmed and a hot torso is cooled. If the upper surface of the body is detected to be too warm, the fans turn on and the air directed as needed. If the upper surface is too cool, the IR projectors are applied accordingly. It will also adjust the local gravity to increase comfort - many people have psychological issues sleeping in free-fall, and even more have physiological issues (fluid retention, acid reflux, etc) that prevent that from being comfortable, so this is generally limited to lowering the bed-G to about 3 m/s^2.

Massage functions are available on command, of course. Detection of muscle cramps during sleep automatically triggers this.

Users with handicaps are ‘helped’ out of the bed - the edge closest to their feet retracts slowly to deck level, while other parts help them rise to get out.

The bed also monitors and can recognise many inanimate objects - for example, placing a cup of coffee on the bed will result in the bed making a flat surface with no give that’s slightly larger than the cup.

The 2.5m x 2.5m size is intended to allow any sleeping orientation, and to give some room for forming nightstands for things the sleeper wants nearby.

In the event of an emergency, the bed can lower the user 2 cm above the deck, then raise all the rods around them to their full height, effectively safety-foam-packing them into the bed to avoid them being bounced out by sideway shocks.

During non-sleeping hours, the bed can form as recliners, easy chairs, stools, table and chairs, etc.
Fully retracted, it gives the cabin a much more roomy, open feel.
Floating on a cloud would be my preference.

Mini independently adjusting (anti)gravitational beams.

Many years ago, I got the chance to experience several 10-15 second passes in free fall. (Long, funny story. Ask if you really want to know.)

What I noticed is that when we imagine "floating on a cloud", we don't have the experience to picture what that feels like on various internal organs. We picture it like floating in water, where you're under 1G still but lifted.

I don't think most people would easily adapt to zero-g beds.

Astronauts have sundry fluid retention/flow issues from it. I think that a high Soc starlet would be very displeased to have her face puffy in the morning when she's supposed to be shooting D. M. Cecil's new Tri-V today. ("I'm not ready for my closeup!")
Floating, because you don't want your tushy feeling a material mattress.

Arguably, you could enclose the room in a seventy percent Terran gravity field, long term, or maybe thirty three percent Terran norm, short term.

The mini independently adjusting (anti)gravitational beams, are there to lift your body above ground, and conform to it's shape and movement.

Zero gravity can be achieved easily by tiling your bedroom with gravity plates, without requiring the adjustable beams.
Floating, because you don't want your tushy feeling a material mattress.

Arguably, you could enclose the room in a seventy percent Terran gravity field, long term, or maybe thirty three percent Terran norm, short term.

The mini independently adjusting (anti)gravitational beams, are there to lift your body above ground, and conform to it's shape and movement.

Zero gravity can be achieved easily by tiling your bedroom with gravity plates, without requiring the adjustable beams.

Not floating, because in zero G your testicles feel like they want to go yonder....
I'll so take my tail on a temperpedic over that.
Can I hack the bed so that one or more rods explosively expand to their full lenght to puncture organs?
I pictured the electroactive polymers expanding slowly. In current tech, they don't move that fast at all. TL12, I guess they might move faster... but I have a hard time picturing it being fast enough for a good stab with the blunt end of the rod. I pictured the whole thing as being about as energetic as a massage chair.

I suppose if they were sleeping face down, you might be able to drop their body and cocoon the arms and legs so they can't get up, then extend rods to the nose and mouth and smother them.

You could hack it to randomly push a rod up in various sensitive locations while the victim is just entering REM sleep. Every time they start to sleep. Endless nights of "I thought I slept, but I feel like crap this morning" and they'd eventually snap, make very bad piloting decisions and likely kill themselves.

Or you could vibrate a rod to produce sound. Do it against the skull while they're sleeping and a bedmate wouldn't even notice. You could influence their dreams with that, whispering quietly to them in their sleep, until they slowly came around to the goal you had. Which, I guess, could be extreme depression and suicide.

Honestly, both of those seem more insidious and evil then just stabbing them, and has a higher chance of you getting away with it. It would just take longer.