Low-G Vagabond
I have never played with the d20 rule system before and have a question about starting skills. I recently bought the new T20 PHB and the AD&D PHB for d20 reference. Between the two I am confused about starting skills. Im trying to make a Scout and was wondering: if Im 18 years old and I pick Scout as my class, do I receive the starting feats immediately, or only after I have spent my first term and am effectively the age of 22? This question also applies to the skills ( do I have them at age 18 or age 22)?
Another question:
If my intelligence is 12 and I am a human, do I have 10 skill points to start out with ( 4 for 1st lvl + 2 for int. + 4 for human), or do I multiply this by 4 as per the D&D PHB, for a total of 40?
And one more:
Under multiclass restrictions the T20 HB states for Scout's: "Only a character actively working in the Scout prior history may multiclass into the scouts class."
This sentence confuses me, does this imply the character must choose scout at age 18 as his first class, or he can never be a scout? ( it sounds like its saying you have to be a scout before you can be a scout)
Anyway, thanks for any assistance. And im sorry if these questions are lame....if been out of RPGing for many a year and feel a bit confused.
Another question:
If my intelligence is 12 and I am a human, do I have 10 skill points to start out with ( 4 for 1st lvl + 2 for int. + 4 for human), or do I multiply this by 4 as per the D&D PHB, for a total of 40?
And one more:
Under multiclass restrictions the T20 HB states for Scout's: "Only a character actively working in the Scout prior history may multiclass into the scouts class."
This sentence confuses me, does this imply the character must choose scout at age 18 as his first class, or he can never be a scout? ( it sounds like its saying you have to be a scout before you can be a scout)
Anyway, thanks for any assistance. And im sorry if these questions are lame....if been out of RPGing for many a year and feel a bit confused.