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Starship Programs: Load-Outs, New Programs


SOC-14 1K
Yes, I changed the title of the Topic.
04/17/2005--2350 MST
Old Title: Program Load-Outs for Capital Ships

While posting a question about which model of computer was found onboard Jame's Type-H Freighter, a random computer question popped into my mind.

Has anyone actually detailed the list of CT:Book 2 programs used onboard a Capital Ship?

I ask because when I look at the list of programs available in CT:Book 2, it doesn't look like there are enough programs to fill up a Mod 9 computer.

Model 9/fib, 40/90, aboard a Tigress. Note: The applicability on interaction of some of these programs for HG2 combat isn't known to me (I'm pretty sure it isn't defined).

  • Navigation: 1
  • Jump-6: 6
  • Generate: 1
  • Manuever/Evade-6: 6
  • Anti-Missile: 2
  • Manuever: 1
  • Anti-Hijack: 1
  • Library: Imperial Military: 1
  • Gunner Interact: 1
Not all of that will be running during combat, but still, this list, even in CPU, takes only 20 Spaces. Jump-6, Navigate, and Generate won't be running in most combat, and so that drops it to 12 Spaces.

Others and I have speculated that massed fighter squadrons would require a computer program in CPU to handle the data-linking (which, I think, should require interaction through the ship's communication system, which would have to have sufficient channels to handle it; which goes to my other discussion in the playtest forums about wanting revised handling of communication systems aboard starships . . . but that's another story); and that program would also, of course, have clients running aboard the fighters (who would also need a communication system capable of handling it).

Other possible programs.
  • A program for massed battery fire.
  • A fleet command program to allow admirals to use their Fleet Tactics skill to affect initiative.
  • A program to facilitate Ship Tactics.
  • Programs to operate the meson screen, nuclear damper, and black globe (if any).
  • A program to operate the spinal mount.
  • A program to run damage control? (Eh, maybe not.)
  • CT:Book 2 allows an ECM program to explode incoming missiles. Allowing that to jump to HG2 opens up all sorts of possibilities.
  • Comms ECM: A program to run onboard ECM to suppress enemy communications channels.
  • Sensors ECM: A program to run onboard ECM to suppress enemy EM sensors.
  • A program to manage landing operations for large numbers of small craft (maybe several of increasing ratings and capacities).
  • Mass Targeting-1: Track and Engage up to 1000 Targets. Space 8, MCr50.
  • Predict: Does this jump to HG2?
  • Double Fire: Does this jump to HG2?
  • Anti-Hijack Military Ship: Space 2, MCr2
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The nearest LBB2 program load out for a capital ship would be:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Prgram name spaces
predict 5 2
gunner interact 1
target 1
select 3 1
multi-target 4 4
launch 1
double fire 4

maneuver/evade 6 3
return fire 1
anti-missile 2

total combat 23

maneuver 1
jump 1-3 6
navigation 1
generate 1
anti-hijak 1
library 1

total 34</pre>[/QUOTE]The use of some of thes programs is abstracted into the computer rules in High Guard combat e.g. anti-missile and ECM for missile defence.

I agree that there are a lot of gaps, but as it says in LBB2:
Player-characters can, and should, seek out new and different computer programs to assist them in the use and performance of their spacecraft.
I like your list of extras, to which I would add:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">program name spaces MCr effects
predict 6 4 12 +4 to hit
predict 7 3 14 +4 to hit
predict 8 5 16 +5 to hit
predict 9 4 18 +5 to hit
battery 1 1 1 links two turrets
battery 2 2 2 links up to five turrets
battery 3 3 3 links up to ten turrets
m/evade 7 4 7 -6 to be hit
m/evade 8 5 8 -7 to be hit
m/evade 9 6 9 -8 to be hit</pre>[/QUOTE]These are all restricted military-use-only programs.
Well first I think the computer/program model was really geared to small ships (less than 1,000T) and computers (Book 2 only went as high as model/7 don't forget). Trying to apply it to capital ships will present problems, er, oppurtunities ;)

I like Sigg's Battery programs idea. I did something similar to help fill capacity (and drain funds). I reasoned that a battery required it's own copy of each of the Gunner Interact, Target, and Launch if required/desired. It never occured to me to add a Battery program to manage it all.

And I would make it in addition to the way I did it because I'm evil

Another few house rules changes were:

  • Different levels of Anti-Hijack (just add up the # of such programs installed for DM's)</font>
  • Qualifiers for the Library program. Subsector at 1 space and MCr0.1, Quadrant (4 Subsectors) at 2 spaces and MCr0.2, and Sector at 3 spaces and MCr0.3 and of course you'd have to buy updates once in a while (more Cr drained away).</font>
  • Entertainment programming at 1 space and MCr0.1 per package. Packages vary: popular media, classic media, interactive media. With varieties for Regional (about 1/4 of a Subsector), Subsector, Quadrant, Sector, Domain, and Imperial. Handy for keeping passengers entertained.</font>
  • Research programming at 1 space and MCr1.0 per scientific disicpline. For use mostly on Lab Ships, one per lab recommended. Basically an advanced Library specific to the type of science. Might also be found on Scout ships.</font>
  • ECM and ECCM in different levels. Level 1 being 3 spaces and MCr4.0 and adding 1 space and MCr1.0 per added DM.</font>
  • Salvo Fire granting an effect similar to Double Fire but for missiles and sand. Allows launching up to three missiles or cannisters per turret in the ordanance launch phase. Space 6 and MCr6.0 for the program and no penalty for using it. Used with missiles you get more to hits and used with sand the effects stacked.</font>
  • And the Multi-target series which I allowed as multiple installations if desired. For example two Multi-target 2 programs would function as Multi-target 4, being half the cost and 1 less space, however each one would require it's own set of Predict, Selective and Anti-Missile programs so it would cost more and take more space if they were wanted. One of the ways this would help is allowing you to have a bigger point defense screen (in excess of 4 multiple targets) so you could better protect against massed Fighter attacks and Missile salvos.</font>

That's about all I can remember. I know there were a couple other player/PC written programs but the specifics are lost.

I should also note that I did the software budget differently. The MCr times model number always seemed too low. So I allowed the software budget to equal (at different times) half the hardware cost or the full hardware cost.

I think half works best for civilian ships. That makes the budget the same for the model/1 but allows more programming for the higher models, including the bis versions having a small edge.

A software budget equal to the hardware cost is plenty for most military ships.

Oops forgot a biggie

  • Transponder Spoofing to make your computer broadcast an alternate profile. Used by the IN to lure pirates and pirates to lure traders. Space is 1 and cost is MCr1.0 per profile for the IN. Pirates will either write their own or steal an IN version ;)</font>
Oh, I forgot.

1) Computer Security 1-6 (by TL): Protects a computer vs. hacking via anti-virus, firewall, and other techniques. Must be purchased at a specific TL. It cannot run on computers of lower TL than the software's TL. It it less effective against hacking attempts using hacking software of higher TLs.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Rating Space MCr
1 2 .5
2 3 1
3 5 3
4 4 5
5 5 10
6 3 15</pre>[/QUOTE]
You only listed Jump 6. My understanding is that you would need all the jump programs if you have a jump 6 capable ship. The others would occupy a few more spaces in storage.

I like the idea of intertainment packages, but then you would need something to limit passengers access to the computer, so you could add a utility program that controls access.

When I was in the navy, we had a ship's news paper. Doing that with a computer terminal is a standard Science Fiction fixture, so add the program(s) to produce and display that type of information (obviously not needed for small ships, but handy for large numbers of military troops or crew.
Hmm, yeah a ship intranet program. Good one Andy! So what, maybe a space 1 MCr0.1 per (#) crew? What would be a good number? 50? 100? Let it have a personal area for each crewperson for limited data storage. I like.
Originally posted by Andy Fralix:
You only listed Jump 6. My understanding is that you would need all the jump programs if you have a jump 6 capable ship. The others would occupy a few more spaces in storage.
Given that my example was the Tigress, I have no idea what I was doing writing down Jump-6. Should have been Jump-1, 2, 3 programs. Oops.
The following would, unfortunately, radically alter the way starship combat worked. But I thought the idea was interesting enough.

Intrusion 1-6: Run on one vessel's computer, using the communications systems to attempt to access another vessel's computer using computer expoits to bypass whatever defenses the target is using. Completely illegal for non-governmental use, it is an Imperial Crime to even possess the software.

Rating   Space     MCr
1        3         5
2        6         8
3        9         12
4        12        16
5        15        20
6        18        25
Must be operated by a sophont with at least Computer-1 (may not be used untrained or with JoaT).

Roll 2d6 + Instrusion Rating + Computer Skill versus 2d6 + Computer Security Rating + Computer Skill. Subtract the target Computer Model from the attacking Computer Model and apply as a DM. Other DMs may apply.

More than one Intrusion program may be run simultaneously, but each requires a separate operator. Each additional attacker grants the primary attacker a DM based on the difference in Ratings of the two Intrusion Programs (subtract the Secondary from the Primary Rating to determine the Difference). Adding additional attackers beyond the second has little effect.

Secondary   Successive
            Attacker    Attacker
Difference  DM          DM
0           +3          +1
1           +2          +1
2           +2          0
3           +1          0
4           +1          0
5           +1          0
More than one Computer Security program may be running simultaneously, and each must be bypassed separately.

If an intrusion attempt is successful, the attack now has limited but fairly useful access to the target computer. The attacker may issue the following orders; shut down any system (shutting down the target computer or power plant ends the intrusion attempt) except life-support, start up any system except the jump drive, examine any non-secure file or database.

The attacker may attempt deeper access, but this requires a new attack with -2 DM to attempt to bypass the root-level defenses. If this second attack is successful, the attacker may issue any command at all, including opening all airlocks and irises, overloading the powerplant, random jump, or examine all secure files or databases (does not help decrypt them).

There should be an additional section to this describing how both the attacker and defender must have open communications channels for this to work, and how running additional attackers requires even more open communications channels for both the attacker and defender. Except that communications systems aboard current starships don't have defined communications channels.

I also haven't covered multiple vessels attacking or multiple vessels assiting in defense (which would require more communications channels, oh boy!).
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Hmm, that would fit perfectly in a late MT - TNE - 1248 setting.

It could even pop up occasionally in an earlier era...

Thanks Chris
Diagnostics: Whenever the ship experiences problems or damage, this program allows anyone with a skill appropriate to the affected area of the ship to make a skill roll at +2 DM to immediately determine what the problem is without having to search the ship or examine obviously affected systems in order to discover what the problem is. Useful in speeding up repairs. (The GM may rule that some damage may render Diagnostics unable to gather the information it needs, in which case it is of no use. This is usually from massive damage or problems with equipment sensors.)

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Space MCr
1 1</pre>[/QUOTE]
Did anybody put a bid in on a Combat Simulations program yet? Running the program allows the gunners of a single battery to simulate fire on a library of targets under a variety of combat scenarios.

How about space 1 (per battery) and MCr0.5

Also a version for the Bridge crew to practice their skills.

Linking all the simulators of course would be included in the simulator programs themselves or maybe there should be a coordinator program.
In CT:Book 2 p. 43, it mentions that high-tech &#147;alternatives&#148; to the normal experience system exist and/or can be invented by the GM.

The following was thought up by me just now. It is not playtested (and is not suitable for all campaigns).

Training: This program is part of a visual-cortex and motor-reflexes learning system. It avoids DNI throughout all versions (as so many beings in the Imperium and beyond are prejudiced against the cybernetic connections required by DNI). It requires special equipment in the form of a special countoured Sensory Couch. Each Training program purchased is specific to one Skill. To train multiple Skills, multiple Training programs must be purchased. Each Training program is only good to help the user train themselves up to the Rating of the program.

Equipment: Sensory Couch: Represents an entire compartment (2 dTons). It is considered to be attached to a local computer, and aboard starships, to the vessel's onboard computer. Cr500,000 + 100,000/TL over 8. The subject using the couch dresses in a skin-tight catheterized bodysuit (without hands, feet, or hood) woven througout will biometric sensors (and at higher TL, sensory force feedback devices). The entire couch is articulated, and is more exoskeloton than couch except that it is permanently mounted to the floor and celing of the compartment it is in. The armrests have articulated gloves to insert hands into, and similar boots to insert feet into, a swing-arm mounted display system that is pulled over the head, and where a display visor is pulled down and pressed against the face (mouth, nose, eyes) with side-attachments that press in on each side to cover the ears. There are a number of straps that an assistant will pull into place to make sure that everything stays snug (both for the user, and for the gloves, boots, and head-sensory assembly).

A user will dress in the suit, climb up into the couch, connect the plumbing tubes, and get the headgear and hands and feet into place, and an assistant finishes strapping everything down.

The user works in-place for 8 hours straight, every day, until the number of hours shown in the chart below are completed. A user may go for up to two days at a time without using the couch and not lose the "value" of any "hours" in their training program. For each day above two that the user must consult the training loss chart to see how many training hours must be repeated. Once the program is complete, the user may raise a Skill one point (for whichever Skill was being trained on). Ten minutes are included at the beginning and end of each session to get into and out of the couch.

The sensory couches are expensive (and the Training programs more so), and are typically operated around the clock.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Rtg TL Space MCr Hours
1 8 1 1 40 (1 wk)
2 9 2 3 120 (3 wks)
3 A 3 6 240 (6 wks)
4 B 5 9 360 (9 wks)
5 C 7 12 480 (12 wks)
6 D 9 15 600 (15 wks)</pre>[/QUOTE]

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Time Repeat
Off Hours
<= 2 dys 0
<= 1 wk 8
<= 2 wks 16
<= 3 wks 24
<= 4 wks 32
<= 5 wks 48
<= 8 wks 72
>= 8 wks All</pre>[/QUOTE]

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Normal Normal
Rtg Cr/Hr Hours Cost
1 Cr300 40 Cr12,000
2 Cr400 120 Cr48,000
3 Cr500 240 Cr120,000
4 Cr600 360 Cr216,000
5 Cr700 480 Cr336,000
6 Cr800 600 Cr480,000</pre>[/QUOTE]Extra hours caused by necessary repeats can raise the prices substantially.

The Training program is typically used by the Imperial Navy, Marines, and Intelligence Services (YTU's versions) to rapidly reskill their most valuable assets.

Civilian use of the system is extensive, especially by those wealthy enough to afford it.

There is a maximum tolerance for using Training programs. Exceeding these limits can cause migraine headaches (sufficiently powerful to cause black-outs), vision damage, balance damage, and renal damage. Each person's tolerance is a little different (an average of EDU, INT, and END). Safe Hours is the maximum number of hours a user can tolerate in the sensory couch per year.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Stat Safe Hours
Avg Per Year
1 0
2 25
3 50
4 100
5 200
6 400
7 600
8 700
9 800
A 900
B 1000
C 1100
D 1200
E 1300
F 1500</pre>[/QUOTE]The permanent maximum number of Skill points that can be acquired through this type of training program is equal to INT x 2 (later raises may increase this capacity; but later losses do not remove any Skill points gained to date).
Hardware Option: Additional Capacity

1 Add. Cap. Unit: 1 CPU and 2 SPACE, MCr3, 1 dTon, + .1 EP. Does not change Model Number of Computer. Up to three Units of Add. Cap. may be installed per Model Number.

Add. Cap. cannot be purchased for bis model computers.

Add. Cap. must be purchased twice (and weighs twice as much) for fib model computers (the "extra" amounts are for the backup system, and the CPU and SPACE from the extra amounts are not useable unless the backup is running).
Hardware Option: Circuitry Firewall

MCr 1 per Model Number, x2 for bis or fib computers.

Adds +2 DM to Computer Security Rolls.
If you don't mind the comment, I would nix the surcharge for the bis and fib computers.

The fib computers are just computers with fiberoptics. What it is running and doing "software" wise should be the same between a fib and a non-fib computer.

For the bis computers, they already have their own inherent tradeoffs. I really don't think they should be double-charged. (Besides that would make a 2bis have a 4 MCr charge, but a 3 only a 3 MCr charge. That doesn't seem right.)

They are treated as their non-bis counterparts for everything but jump potential and program space. It would seem logical to keep the costs of this program similarly structured.
Originally posted by daryen:
If you don't mind the comment, I would nix the surcharge for the bis and fib computers.

The fib computers are just computers with fiberoptics. What it is running and doing "software" wise should be the same between a fib and a non-fib computer.
"fib" computers clearly have an complete "duplicate" set of equipment, all fibre-optic based. The hardware expense attached to the "first" set of equipment must be duplicated on the "second" set of equipment. Technically, it should incur a weight penalty and energy requirement, as well, but I thought it neglible and so I left those elements out.

Originally posted by daryen:
For the bis computers, they already have their own inherent tradeoffs.
I'll take another look the "bis" computers w/regards to circuitry firewalls. Maybe our elusive bis computers will get a built-in advantage . . .
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Hardware Option: Additional Capacity

1 Add. Cap. Unit: 1 CPU and 2 SPACE, MCr3, 1 dTon, + .1 EP. Does not change Model Number of Computer. Up to three Units of Add. Cap. may be installed per Model Number.

Add. Cap. cannot be purchased for bis model computers.

Add. Cap. must be purchased twice (and weighs twice as much) for fib model computers (the "extra" amounts are for the backup system, and the CPU and SPACE from the extra amounts are not useable unless the backup is running).
Check out the thread on revamping computers. This is just what I am trying to get some ideas on how much these things would work & cost