Some tasks I wrote for MT for clearing port, fueling, etc:
To Link With The Local Traffic Control Grid, Easy, Commo, Int, 15 seconds. A catastrophic result may lead to collision. This task becomes Routine in Type A Starports due to the volume of traffic.
To Undock From A High Port, Routine, Pilot, Dex, (time increment varies with starport and pop levels). Base time increment is 2 minutes, add 2 for Type A Starport, subtract one for Type C, Add (POP UWP DIGIT-7) (possibly zero, but not negative) to the result to get the final time increment (e.g. - Pop 9 StPrt A means base 2 plus 2 plus 2 more for a basic increment of 6 minutes). This task is not terribly taxing on the drives and so does not suffer the annual maintenance penalties.
To Fuel From A Star Port, Simple, Engineer or Mech, Edu, (time by tankage). Refueling time will depend on tank size and flow rate. Typical high volume pumps can deliver 40 to 60 kiloliters per minute. Special Heavy Duty High Volume Pumps (military use mostly) can deliver up to 200 kiloliters per minute.
To Dock With A High Port, Routine, Pilot, Dex, (time increment varies with starport and pop levels). Base time increment is 3 minutes, add 2 for Type A Starport, subtract one for Type C, Add (POP UWP DIGIT-7) (possibly zero, but not negative) to the result to get the final time increment (e.g. - Pop 9 StPrt A means base 3 plus 2 plus 2 more for a basic increment of 7 minutes). This task is not terribly taxing on the drives and so does not suffer the annual maintenance penalties.
Note that the undocking time and docking time really just reflects issues such as how long you are kept in the local grid and how slow they make you approach, likely longer and slower with bigger ports. This assumes you don't make a "Hasty" attempt or request some sort of expidited clearance.
This will just give an idea how Starport Type might play a role in gameplay and those sorts of notes might be itneresting to include.