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Star Trek Hand Phaser conversion

I know, its horrifying to consider crossing Trek into the Traveller universe, but it'll throw my players for a loop:)

So, any suggestions on how to convert the 16 power settings of stun, disrupt and disintegrating damage to D20/T20 terms? I am quite familiar with the FASA, LUG and Decipher Trek rules, as well as a Hero 5th edition versions and a D20 version (based on T20 rules at http://trekrpg.info/home.php4 )... however, I wanted some fresh ideas from the active minds of our forum.


For that matter, what of antimatter weaponry (i.e. photon and quantum torpedos) in this Traveller universe. TL18?
Trek in Traveller?


That having been said, phased-energy weapons (PEW's), matter transmission, and spacetime warping devices are beyond the limits of current Imperial technology, which is TL15. Traveller Canon dictates that these concepts are beyond TL20, and are therefore 'impossible' in the Traveller universe.

Why worry about a 'stun' setting when there are e-beam 'stunners' available? Why worry about a 'kill' setting when a laser carbine/rifle can kill just as easily? Why worry about a 'disintegrate' setting when plasma weapons are available?

Of course, anybody is free to mutate their own Traveller universe into whatever form they choose. But if you want to play 'Star Whatever', then why not just play THAT game?

While it would be nice to have an 'all-in-one' weapon, it's initial cost should be in the hundreds of kilocredits, require a unique power source, and be tedious and expensive to maintain - 'PEW-1' allows you to fire a 'phaser', but 'PEW Maintenance-1' would allow you to actually understand its operation and repair it in the field.

"Phaser, Shmazer - hand me another grenade, willya?"
Originally posted by ImperialOne:
So, any suggestions on how to convert the 16 power settings of stun, disrupt and disintegrating damage to D20/T20 terms? I am quite familiar with the FASA, LUG and Decipher Trek rules, as well as a Hero 5th edition versions and a D20 version (based on T20 rules at http://trekrpg.info/home.php4 )... however, I wanted some fresh ideas from the active minds of our forum.


For that matter, what of antimatter weaponry (i.e. photon and quantum torpedos) in this Traveller universe. TL18?
I'd probably use the settings as detailed in the TrekRPG download document.

The CT TL charts make Antimatter power TL17. The MT technology gave something similar to the antimatter warhead missile as late TL16 or early TL17.

My suggestion is, if you are really interested in doing a crossover is to get GURPS Prime Directive and GURPS Traveller. Using the same system (almost) may make doing the conversion to D20 a whole lot easier.
"I know, its horrifying to consider crossing Trek into the Traveller universe..."

I'd prefer selling my younger sister into a lesbian brothel before doing such a thing. If you must you could always treat a FMGP-15 as a hand weapon. Half the dice for stunning power. [e.g applies 3D for stunning against Endurance. Of course on ST [the old one I used to watch] the phaser never failed to stun...

[Not that there is anything wrong with lesbians or brothels....just wouldn't want my sister to be in one until she was at least 25. Call me old fashioned.]
phased energy is way way byond current traveller tech level, its a intire science and industry on its own if it were....and if they had warp technology, the entire economy and political and socail structure of the galixy and Impereium would change, as travel would be quick and easy.
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

Since I've been using Traveller rules for quite some time to actually run Star Trek adventures, I could post a Classic Traveller rendition of all the various Phasers (Phaser I, II, Rifle). If you want it, give me a "hell yeah".

From there you should be able to convert.
Warning: forebrain censor has shut down from fatigue products...

Does anyone have the Traveller stats for a wand of magic missiles? :rolleyes:
Call me a heretic, but the d20 Warp doc looks pretty cool from the casual glance I have taken so far... :D

It looks like a good start if you want to use Star Trek and T20.

Originally posted by Uncle Bob:
Warning: forebrain censor has shut down from fatigue products...

Does anyone have the Traveller stats for a wand of magic missiles? :rolleyes:
1d4 damage per missle, ignores armor? (Don't have my PHB handy so this is based off of AD&D memories)

hehe You know I had to do it!

Well, Ah s'pose Ah'm glahd ta know thaht theah's ah Stah Trek RPG out theah. Mahybe Ah'll take ah look-see ahnd yuse it... (Fake Southern US accent, done by someone who has no idea how to...

What about a missile pack?

Sticks his nose back out of it, wondering if Hunter is a Star Trek fan...
I think the really tough part would be translating the Star Trek fight music into Traveller terms:

Da da da da da da da. Bom bom bom bom bom bom --- da da da da da da --da da da. Bombombom bom bom bom - da da da.

I bet 1000 quatloos on the newcomers.
Originally posted by secretagent:
[Not that there is anything wrong with lesbians or brothels....just wouldn't want my sister to be in one until she was at least 25. Call me old fashioned.]



Here's a question:

When I could have a weapon that will fire accurately down the length of a ship corridor, will punch holes in most wimpy ship-type walls, and will allow area effects and autofire (and can fire more often than once every so often), why would I want a phaser again?

I've always thought a team of raiders armed with old fashioned rapid fire slug guns and grenades would have taken most ST vessels in rapid fast time. Without even the obligatory mind-probe/invasion of the senior officers!
Originally posted by hunter:
1d4 damage per missle, ignores armor? (Don't have my PHB handy so this is based off of AD&D memories)

hehe You know I had to do it!

If by "Had To" you mean "Made Little Effort To Resist" then yeah... ;)

Wasn't it D4+1 per missile? And what would a Brooch of Shielding be? (*grin*)
... Star Trek in Traveller terms... AD&D in Traveller terms... must resist Zhodani mental assault... saving versus spell plus wisdom and racial adjustments... NOOOOOOOOOO!

hello dave
what are you doing?
i feel my mind fading awy
wud u lyk tu her a nw sng dv?

daisy dazy guv mi y r ans r
ImperialOne wrote:

"I know, its horrifying to consider crossing Trek into the Traveller universe, but it'll throw my players for a loop

Mr. One,

Well, as long it is for a good cause and messing with players is always a good cause!

"So, any suggestions on how to convert the 16 power settings of stun, disrupt and disintegrating damage to D20/T20 terms?" [snip]

"... however, I wanted some fresh ideas from the active minds of our forum."

Well, for your 'disintegrate'(1) settings, TNE had a laser 'powered' by chemical charges. The RC could build most of it but needed to import a few of the final bits from the Hivers. You could have a hand weapon that used chemical cartridges stored in a clip or revolving chamber, higher settings used more/larger cartridges.

For the 'stun' or 'disrupt' settings, the PC's in the CT double adventure 'Divine Intervention' had sonic stun carbines as techno-gimmicks. If you stretch things a bit, your cartridge laser handgun could use what ever energy its cartridges produce to project a field like those sonic stun carbines. Think of your Traveller-ized phasers as a 57th Century version of the LeMat revolver.


It is your session and your campaign. If you and your players like it, do it. 'Nuff said.

"For that matter, what of antimatter weaponry (i.e. photon and quantum torpedos) in this Traveller universe. TL18?"

Canon background information concerning Imperial research stations specifically mention anti-matter research. In 'Kinunir', the belt in the Shionthy system is purportedly made up of 'contra-terrene' matter and the system is Red Zoned for that reason. I'd say that, if your campaign requires it, your PCs could face or get their grubbies on various antimatter weapons, especially missile warheads.


1 - When ever someone mentions a 'disintegrator' I get the giggles. The scene in 'Duck Dodgers in the 24 and a Half Century' wherein the hero is wearing his 'disintegration proof' vest gets me every time.
kaladorn wrote:

"Here's a question: When I could have a weapon that will fire accurately down the length of a ship corridor, will punch holes in most wimpy ship-type walls, and will allow area effects and autofire (and can fire more often than once every so often), why would I want a phaser again?"

Mr. Barclay,

[Doing my best Horshack impression]

Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! I know this one! They use phasers despite a lack of autofire, area fire, penetration, accuracy, and all the rest because phasers look KEWL! Am I right?

"I've always thought a team of raiders armed with old fashioned rapid fire slug guns and grenades would have taken most ST vessels in rapid fast time. Without even the obligatory mind-probe/invasion of the senior officers!"

A mob of modern day Sumatran pirates aboard an inflated zodiac could go through one of Star Blecch's 'Star Fleet' vessels like green corn through a goose. I've never been impressed by either Blecch's infantry or ship tactics. I had the misfortune of watching a DS:9 episode set on a hellhole planet somewhere which featured infantry 'tactics' that Ramses' troops at Kadesh would have thought were primitive. One WW1 trench mortar could have smeared the pajama wearing 'Star Fleet' idiots or their moronic Gem Hadar(sic) 'Aliens Of The Week With Plumbing Supplies Glued To Our Faces' opponents. Hell, forget the mortar, a dozen guys with pointy sticks could have done the job.

What's more, my sainted granny could have taken over any one of the myriad Enterprises with half a den of Cub Scouts, firearms or no firearms, as Blecch's 'Star Fleet' types have apparently forgotten how to fight even hand to hand.

Of course the Blecchies' excuse for all of this is that 'Star Fleet' is not a 'military organization'. After all, why would a cruiser that is tasked to 'boldly go where no man has gone before' have a freakin' Day Care Center aboard? It seems the 'fleet' in 'Star Fleet' refers to how quickly the ships can bug out.

Watching Star Blecch for some pointers about hi-tech, far future, infantry and ship combat is akin to watching the Three Stooges for suggestions on how to fix plumbing or work as dentists. The only difference being that the Stooges are far more realistic.

Larsen E. "Shemp Fever!" Whipsnade
salamander wrote:

"Good shooting, Col. Whipsnade."

Mr. Salamander,

Thank you sir. One does try.
