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Speculative Traders


Having been inspired by Liam, and the discussion on adventuring starships, here is a design for a starship that is setup to do speculative trading on the fringes of the Imperium/Known Space.

Krondark's Wave - Lanthium Petal Class Speculative Trader
Designed by: Falkayn

800-ton Hull (Flattened Sphere) - Streamlined
AC: 13 (10 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 1 (TL-13) SI: 205 Initiative: 2
Starship Size: Medium Cost: 361.878 MCr (452.347 MCr without discount)
Model/7 (PP: 57/13) Computer Avionics: Less than 1,000-ton Sensors: System Wide Communications: Long Range (Maser)
Cargo: 160.0-tons Extra Ship's Stores: 16 person/weeks of Luxury Stores, 56 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
Annual Maintenance = 36.188 KCr (18.094 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 9.047 KCr/Month (90.47 KCr per year)

Jump-3 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-3)
Acceleration: 2-G Agility: 2
Power Plant: TL-15 Fusion (60 EP output, enough fuel for 8 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-13, 7hrs per 400 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 1,175kph Cruising = 3,525kph Maximum = 4,700kph

Hardpoints: 7
1x Single Mining Laser Turret TL-13, +2 To Hit, 2d6 (20/x1), Range: 15,000km
4x Triple Popup Pulse Laser Turret TL-13, +4 To Hit, 4d10 (19/x2), Range: 45,000km
2x Double Sandcaster Turret TL-13, +3 AC, Ammo: 40 sand canisters

Ship's Vehicles:
1x 5-ton vehicle hangar
1x 40-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
1x 10-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn

Accomodations & Fittings:
18x Single Occupancy Stateroom (18 People)
4x Emergency Low Berth (16 People)
2x Standalone Fresher
1x Laboratory (2 Scientists)
1x Sickbay (2 Patients)
1x Autodoc
4x Airlocks

Crew Details:
1x Pilot
1x Astrogator
3x Engineer
1x Steward
1x Medic
7x Gunner
4x Passengers

Designed for frontier exploratory trading, the Lanthium Petal class speculative trader is not really optimised to make an easy profit. Instead it has been designed with an eye to keeping its crew and cargo safe in potentially hazardous circumstances. To that end it carries armor, extra agility and a hefty laser armament, much of it hidden in popup turrets.

Unfortunately, the drawback is the very high energy requirements, which have been met using a state-of-the-art TL-15 fusion powerplant. The powerplant accounts for a quarter of the ship's cost, but is deemed well worth it when balancing extra cargo space versus safety features.

The crew have separate staterooms, and an extra four staterooms are set aside for high passengers, or more likely, senior merchants, negotiators and salespeople. A laboratory is supplied for immediate analysis of local products, and a mining laser gives the flexibility to perform a small amount of prospecting.

The ship is streamlined, and can thus land on most worlds without difficulty. Space is supplied for a slow pinnace, to enable in-orbit cargo loading, but some crews replace this with a faster pinnace, to give greater in-system speed when time is of the essence. An air/raft garage is also supplied. For safety reasons, a 10-ton lifeboat is included, as are emergency low berths for all of the crew and 2 passengers.

The ship is designed to operate for up to 8 weeks without refuel or stores replenishment, and has fuel scoops and purification plants to enable wilderness refuelling.
Sure, I'm willing to have a wild stab.

Could you post/send me the run down of component masses (for example the mass of the bridge, compared to the sick bay/lab which I assume are taken out of bridge allowance.)
I like it, It's sort of a more practical merchant cruiser. More trade oriented than the Leviathin class with all those multiple drives and such that they crammed in. My players always used the leviathin as a corsair and armed it to the teeth. Your ship is more practical...thanks for sharing it with us!
Originally posted by veltyen:
Sure, I'm willing to have a wild stab.

Could you post/send me the run down of component masses (for example the mass of the bridge, compared to the sick bay/lab which I assume are taken out of bridge allowance.)
I was going to do this today, but left the spreadsheet at home ... grrr. I'll see if I can get a chance to re-do it today. FYI, the sickbay and lab are NOT part of the bridge tonnage, but separate items.

Originally posted by selunatic2397:
I like it, It's sort of a more practical merchant cruiser. More trade oriented than the Leviathin class with all those multiple drives and such that they crammed in. My players always used the leviathin as a corsair and armed it to the teeth. Your ship is more practical...thanks for sharing it with us!
Thanks! I was looking for something I could give to my players for a merchant campaign, and kept an eye on the economics whilst I did so.
Component Tonnage
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Area Tons
------------------ ----
Bridge 20
Computer 4.6
Jump Drive 32
Jump Fuel 240
Maneuver Drive 40
Powerplant 30
PP Fuel 60
Purification Plant 10
Armor 32
1x Mining Laser 1
4x Popup Pulse 8
2x Sandcaster 2
40 Sand Canisters 2
Air/Raft 5
Slow Pinnace 40
Lifeboat 10
18x Staterooms 72
Emerg Low Berth 4
2x Extra Freshers 1
Laboratory 8
Sickbay 8
4 Airlocks 9
Cargo 160</pre>[/QUOTE]
I think I've worked out why I normally don't use curved designs.

The deckplan should be on it's way.
Originally posted by veltyen:
I think I've worked out why I normally don't use curved designs.

The deckplan should be on it's way.

Thanks for the deckplan, but whilst working out what I wanted to change on it, I got inspired to try my hand at one myself. I was given some help by Michael Taylor and then spent most of this weekend doing the deckplan (my first Traveller deckplan!).

You can see it here:
Lanthium Petal Deckplan

Design Notes:

* Supplementary key: F=Fresher, L=Equipment Locker, AL=Air Lock, SR=Stateroom, MD=Maneuver Drive, FP=Fuel Processor.

* Bulkheads and inner walls are thinner in my plan than in the key (my fault for not following Michael's excellent key design).

* The 4 popup turrets are shown retracted, with faint lines indicating their deployed positions.

* The mining laser is mounted under the bridge area.

* The sandcaster turrets are on the top and bottom, the top one is accessed from the corridor between the emergency low berths, the bottom one is accessed from the corridor leading to the Jump drive.

* Engineering areas are accessed via air locks in case of contamination/decompression.

* The engineering areas are connected via a ceiling/floor hatch. This is mainly to enable easy evacuation to the lifeboat if necessary, but also provides easy access to all engineering areas.

* The main cargo airlock can deply a ramp to reach ground level (not shown).

* Fuel tanks are joined via iris valves to make it easier to move between them for maintenance (especially of the fuel processors).

* The air/raft garage has a door in the ceiling that splits open to allow entry/exit.

* The personnel and cargo doors to the pinnace hangar are designed to match a standard pinnace that docks nose first.

* Sample shipping containers are shown in light grey in the cargo hold. The layout is inefficient, but as a spec trader you won't always be carrying Imperial standard containers of goods anyway.

* There are more bridge positions than strictly required, but this allows the ship's master to sit in on the bridge, or for a gunner to control a battery of turrets from there.

* I cheated as little as possible, however some of the staterooms are unusually shaped, and there is slightly less fuel tonnage shown than is required (but it's only 5-10 squares).

The hardest part of the design process is working out the initial shape. When I had done that it was easy (although it was originally 3 times the required size - I had to shrink it). Most of the design points (separate crew/passenger areas) I had always wanted to see in a deckplan, so they were easy to remember to add in.
Hey ... I'd be open to seeing a Bryan Gibson drawing of the ship too!
OK guys, the deckplan is updated. I've added in lifeboat and pinnace and have a cusntom design for the pinnace I'll post later (basically 2 crew, streamlined, maser comms, 3G and 31.1 tons of cargo).
Lanthium Petal Deckplan

I'm really not good at sketching, so I'd prefer someone talneted (Crow? ;) ) have a go. Imagine a flattened disk, with a bit sticking out the front and square funky stuff at the back.
^ That's awesome Angus! I particularly like the containerized cargo modules and the pop out turrets.
Dear sweet jesus! The fuel!!!!

I was just messing about, scribbling some deckplans (nothing to show sorry) and some block volumes and there's more fuel than there is ship! Well not quite, but there is an awful lot of it.
That's something that's always bugged me about Traveller ships. They're all fuel and no engines (especially CT) - whereas when I draw my ships I like to make them all engines and no fuel =)

Anyway, as for your deckplans - nicely drawn. very clear and crisp. I'm not keen on the broad, flat disk idea - but that's up to you. the only problem I really have with them is that the layout feels a little randomly scattered. I'm not against asymmetry in ship designs, but there's no real feeling of rhythm or mode to the layout. The elements just seem squeezed into available spaces.

Originally posted by Scarecrow:
Anyway, as for your deckplans - nicely drawn. very clear and crisp. I'm not keen on the broad, flat disk idea - but that's up to you. the only problem I really have with them is that the layout feels a little randomly scattered. I'm not against asymmetry in ship designs, but there's no real feeling of rhythm or mode to the layout. The elements just seem squeezed into available spaces.
Well, largely that's because I started with the disk idea and then stuck everything inside! ;)

I did try to be symmetrical, but then you realise that loading cargo would be easier if the cargo bay wasn't split by the pinnace hangar, and you probably want to load on one side of the ship only (easier to control security).

I wanted some sort of buffer between the engineering sections and the staterooms (less noise/vibration) and so used fuel/lifeboat for that. The lifeboat needed to be close to the 4 passenger staterooms, hence it's position, and the emergency low berths are safest where they are in the middle of the fuel volume (given the fuel is mostly water).

The popup turrets aren't symmetrically placed and that bothered me, but I figured you might want a design where getting rid of the popups left you with usable space, so left them as is.

The design minimises the number of long, useless corridors (aka 'firing ranges'
), but there are still one or two. Masswise the fuel distribution between decks balances itself out, but without cargo you might be a little starboard heavy due to the jump drive, but not enough to worry about. :rolleyes:
Lanthium Thorn Class Pinnace
Designed by: Falkayn

40-ton Hull (Cylinder) - Streamlined
AC: 13 (13 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 0 SI: 82.5 Initiative: 2
Starship Size: Small Cost: 14.922 MCr (18.652 MCr without discount)
Model/2 (PP: 35/12) Computer Avionics: Less than 600-ton Sensors: Close Range Communications: Close Range (Maser)
Cargo: 31.1-tons
Annual Maintenance = 1.492 KCr (.746 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = .373 KCr/Month (3.731 KCr per year)

Acceleration: 3-G Agility: 2
Power Plant: TL-13 Fusion (2 EP output, enough fuel for 1 weeks)
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 1,175kph Cruising = 3,525kph Maximum = 4,700kph

Accomodations & Fittings:
2x Small Craft Couch (2 Crew)
1x Standalone Fresher
1x Airlock

Crew Details:
1x Pilot
1x Engineer

Designed to fit the Lanthium Petal class speculative trader, the Thorn pinnace has a mix of good performance (3-G acceleration) and cargo room 31.1 tons. Because sometimes secrecy is important, it is equipped with Maser comms to match its mother ship (and a correspondingly enlarged computer).

Despite it's name the Lanthium Thorn class are unarmed, as much to make a good impression as anything else (fitting popup turrets to a smallcraft was considered overkill).
Originally posted by Falkayn:
Well, largely that's because I started with the disk idea and then stuck everything inside! ;)
Snip - explanations...

Fair enough. I noticed after I posted that the ship was a flattened Sphere configuration, so I take my complaint back.

Originally posted by Scarecrow:
Fair enough. I noticed after I posted that the ship was a flattened Sphere configuration, so I take my complaint back.
That's OK, it made me re-think out what I was doing, always a healthy thing to do. Besides, I welcome feedback, especially when it's from someone who can do the whole shebang in terms of design, deckplans and then 3D rendering.