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Spaceship pictures site

Hi all,

Anyone knows of a good databank of drawn, 3d rendered or any other kind of space ship pictures?

It could be useful for this Section of the forum.

PS: This thread could be made sticky also, as an always present reference.

Originally posted by Beholder:
A good one I just found :

I never trust a site that make IE ask me if I want to download something from the Gator Corporation.

(As an aside, I wish that instead of IE giving a checkbox to always trust a provider, it would give a checkbox to always reject a provider.)
Originally posted by daryen:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Beholder:
A good one I just found :

I never trust a site that make IE ask me if I want to download something from the Gator Corporation.

(As an aside, I wish that instead of IE giving a checkbox to always trust a provider, it would give a checkbox to always reject a provider.)
</font>[/QUOTE]Probably why he said this-

"Due mainly to the annoying popups that this server has introduced this site is moving to:

http://www.omcp.com/starship "
An awful lot of Starship images can be seen here:


A lot of Star Trek and Star Wars which may not be of any use but also a lot of original stuff.
Many are work-in-progress but there's also a 2D and finished gallery section.

Kevin's site is, IM not-HO, somewhat light on drwaings, but those that there are are well drawn - I think I could find some use (a patrol cruiser, small cargo vessel or scout and pure scout come to mind immediately). Jesse deGraf's site is definetly worth a look (I especially like the custom ship, and does anyone have stats [both in Traveller and GURPS] for a _Fiery_ class escort?). There was, once upon a time, both Shadowcat's site and the "Official" Imperial Navy Website, but both seem to have disappeared.
Originally posted by Jame:
(I especially like the custom ship, and does anyone have stats [both in Traveller and GURPS] for a _Fiery_ class escort?)
A Fiery class escort is, fundamentally, a Gazelle with hard welded drop tanks. The only other difference between them is that, since the tanks are integral, the overall ship is streamlined.

For actual stats, just look at the stats for the Gazelle with tanks attached in your favorite Traveller system.
Here are a couple of my own:

My ground-up redesign of the humble classic Traveller 100 ton Scout/Courier:


I'm building the entire interior of this craft with the intention of eventually doing floorplans and animations etc...
You can follow the work-in-progress on sci-fi-meshes but you'll need to sift through the thread for later, improved images.


Next is my interpretation of a two-part ship from Nick Bradbeer's site: The 100 ton Rhino-Hunter


Pictured is the 50-ton Rhino Dropship. You can read more about this model at my site:


The page includes deckplans and an animation of the ship plus links to Nick's original writeup and stats for TNE.



PS - Ted, when're you going to get round to finishing that Free Trader? I absolutely LOVE it!
Originally posted by Fulminata:
Wow, nice stuff. I have to say I like your proposed layout for the D20 book better than what was produced (not that I think they did a bad job)
Thanks for the compliments. I'm so glad that you like the work I've done so far.

Originally posted by Beholder:
I am sorry I didn't put your link in my first post, you made some impressive rendering and yes, your d20 wish list would have been extremelly great if it were take in consideration.
No problem at all. I would have been surprised if you even knew about the stuff I did. Thanks! It seems like folks tend to like the layout that I did for that prototype. Wouldn't it be great if we could have something like that in a LBB format! Maybe T5 someday.

Originall posted by Scarecrow:
PS - Ted, when're you going to get round to finishing that Free Trader? I absolutely LOVE it!
I'm hoping to dedicate some time back to the Free Trader soon. I've been working on some pretty cool stuff lately that I hope to show off in the near future. I'll keep you posted. Love that Rhino Hunter you designed. Very cool! BTW, can you email me when you get a chance? ted@tedlindsey.com

Originally posted by Scarecrow:
Here are a couple of my own:

My ground-up redesign of the humble classic Traveller 100 ton Scout/Courier:


I'm building the entire interior of this craft with the intention of eventually doing floorplans and animations etc...
In my T20 campaign the players needed a racing yacht, something fast and small, to help their cover as the professional crew who just take the racer where the owner needs it.

When they saw the pictures of your Scout/Courier they were unanimous that this was it! It was especially nice to be able to show them the inside (although they are dying for deckplans!).

Any chance of one of them without the 3I/IISS markings?
These are fantastic! I just hope the new designs will make it into TNE Mk II, as the filler between the dark and the lighter images, we need to see things we have never seen before...

MJD & Hunter sign these men up for active service!

No deckplans as yet. If you look through the thread though, you'll see a bigger, similar image to that one with no markings atall. On page 2 or 3 I think.

I'll maybe get some deckplans sorted soon, though they'll be placeholders until the proper ones are done. It'll essentially be a CT 100 ton Type-S, so I'm not sure if they'll be any use to you.

Hey Scarecrow, this is a 100 ton ship!?!?

I have to say that I am surprised, I am pretty new to Traveller(d20) and my players formerly had a 400 ton Corvette and are about to have a 800 ton destroyer. How big would it be compared to you scout. (for those who would be surprised at me letting PC's have a 800ton ship, I am playing with these rules in dragonstar and the players are in the navy and playing the command crew of the ship )

I saw the human beside the ship on the other site and have to say that the ship you made is the size I thought a 400ton ship would be
If you're looking for a sense of the size of Traveller ships in "real world terms", I'd suggest this site:
What Is Tonnage?

For example, a WW2 destroyer is about 600 tons in Traveller terms, and a modern Los Angeles-class submarine is about 500 tons.