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Sophont Encounter tables

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
Not sure what section to put these in, but here are some Sophont encounter tables just in case you want to add some flair to an encounter. These tables are set up for probabilities - the larger the number of dice, the more likely the number will come out at an average. Thus, the Humanity table can be adjusted for certain parts of the Imperium: -2 for Spinward areas, +2 for areas toward the Solomani Sphere. I haven't figured out the Major Alien one yet.

Let me know what you think,


1 Major Alien
2 Humaniti
3 Minor Alien
4 Humaniti
5 Minor Alien
6 Humaniti

2 Zhodani (Humaniti not found often in Imperium)
3 Vargr
4 Hiver
5 K'kree
6 Aslan
7 Droyne
8 Vargr
9 K'kree
10 Aslan
11 Vargr
12 Hiver

4 Eslyat
5 Xapoqi
6 Murian
7 Orangutani (Uplifted Terran)
8 Huosua
9 Jenda
10 Kokasha (Minor Vargr)
11 Peth
12 Yntsai
13 Chirper (Minor Droyne)
14 Eibokin
15 Hana Saka
16 Dolphini (Uplifted Terran)
17 Gniivi
18 Llellewyloly (Dandelion)
19 Ithklur
20 Danin
21 Muan Gwi (Vegan)
22 Akeed
23 Ulane
24 Shalli

2 Vilani
4 Minor Humaniti
3 Vilani
6 Major/Minor Hybrid
5 Minor Humaniti
7 Vilani/Solomani Hybrid
9 Minor Humaniti
8 Minor/Minor Hybrid
11 Solomani (Solomani Sphere)
10 Minor Humaniti
12 Solomani (True Terran)

3 Sylean
4 Geonee
5 Darrian
6 Cassilldan
7 Iziri
8 Jonkeer
9 Wuan
10 Sylean
11 Answerin
12 Mermani
13 Lamura Teg
14 Bye-Ren
15 Suerrat
16 Halkan
17 Tapazmal
18 Sylean
Allright! Add it to my T&C. Thanks!

(Any wonder that Scout comes up with a perfectly Scout-ish add-in? Gotta love those risky bastards!)

Nice work. However, I have some 'issues' with some of your percentages:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ScoutCadet469:
1 Major Alien
2 Humaniti
3 Minor Alien
4 Humaniti
5 Minor Alien
6 Humaniti

A Minor alien is twice as likely to be encountered as a Major alien? And only 50% chance of encountering a human -- in the Imperium? While this mix might make for fun and interesting encounters, I'm afraid it doesn't seem too likely to me. How about this:

2-3 Minor Alien (8%)
4-9 Humaniti (75%)
10-12 Major Alien (17%)

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>MAJOR ALIEN (2d6)
2 Zhodani (Humaniti not found often in Imperium) (3%)
3 Vargr (25%)
4 Hiver (11%)
5 K'kree (22%)
6 Aslan (22%)
7 Droyne (17%)
8 Vargr
9 K'kree
10 Aslan
11 Vargr
12 Hiver

These percentages don't seem quite right. Aslan and K'kree encounters equally likely? Here's a percentage mix that seems better to me:

2- Zhodani (3%)(17%)(--)
3-4 Vargr (28%)(39%)(11%)
5 Droyne (11%)(17%)(6%)
6 Vargr
7-9 Aslan (42%)(22%)(42%)
10 K'kree (8%)(3%)(14%)
11+ Hiver (8%)(--)(28%)

-2 DM Core/Spinward, +2 DM Rim/Trailing.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>HUMANITI (2D6)
2 Vilani
4 Minor Humaniti
3 Vilani
6 Major/Minor Hybrid
5 Minor Humaniti
7 Vilani/Solomani Hybrid
9 Minor Humaniti
8 Minor/Minor Hybrid
11 Solomani (Solomani Sphere)
10 Minor Humaniti
12 Solomani (True Terran)

First the obvious: this table isn't numbered in order. Which is correct, the numbers or the order? Either way I feel like there's too big a percentage for Minor Humaniti -- I'd change the two central entries (in the 6&8 positions, listed as 5&9) to Vilani/Solomani Hybrid. After all, canon tells us that's what most people in the Imperium are. Also, I'd make Minor/Minor hybrid less likely, since that seems like a pretty rare occurance.

Anyhow, I don't mean to be overcritical or seem like I'm picking this apart. Overall I think it's a very good idea, and it's always easy to look for faults after someone else has gone ahead and done the actual work.
Ooops. Yeah, I noticed this morning that the numbers on the Humaniti table were messed up. Here's the corrected copy with the Hybrid change:

2 Vilani
3 Minor Humaniti
4 Vilani
5 Major/Minor Hybrid
6 Vilani/Solomani Hybrid
7 Vilani/Solomani Hybrid
8 Vilani/Solomani Hybrid
9 Minor Humaniti
10 Solomani (Solomani Sphere)
11 Minor/Minor Hybrid
12 Solomani (True Terran)

The main table is set up that way because most of the Major Races other than Humaniti are located outside the Imperium. But there are a lot of Minor Races – tons more than I’ve listed here. Here are some expanded adjustments, tho:

2 Major Alien
3 Humaniti
4 Humaniti
5 Minor Alien
6 Humaniti
7 Major Alien
8 Humaniti
9 Minor Alien
10 Humaniti
11 Minor Alien
12 Minor Alien

I like the adjustments to the Major Race table for Spinward and Rimward, but I didn’t realize that the Aslan would be so numerous in the Imperium. Also, would there be that many Hivers? Maybe we could expand the table more. Here are the new adjustments:

2 Zhodani (Humaniti not found often in Imperium)
3 Vargr
4 Vargr
5 Droyne
6 Vargr
7 Aslan
8 Aslan
9 Aslan
10 K’kree
11 Hiver
12 Hiver

Now the Minor Race tables I’d like to figure out for Spinward and Rimward adjustments, but the web page I found them on didn’t have locations for most of them, just descriptions – and I picked the more interesting descriptions, so I really only know that the Dandelions and the Eibokin are Spinward, and the Uplifted Terrans and the Vegans are Rimward, with the Ithklur being a Hiver slave race. I was also wondering if I should add more Syleans to the Minor Humaniti table. Any help here would be great! I didn’t think you were being overly critical – I did ask for the help – please find the faults. : ^ ) And thanks for the vote of confidence Gats’!

Thanks for all the great ideas and changes!

Here are some more changes to the Major Alien table:

MAJOR ALIEN (3d6) (+2 Rimward / -2 Coreward-Spinward)
3 Zhodani (Humaniti not found often in Imperium)
4 Vargr
5 Vargr
6 Droyne
7 Vargr
8 Droyne
9 Vargr
10 Vargr
11 Aslan
12 Droyne
13 Aslan
14 K’kree
15 Aslan
16 Hiver
17 K’kree
18 Hiver

Let me know if that works better.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ScoutCadet469:

Now the Minor Race tables I’d like to figure out for Spinward and Rimward adjustments, but the web page I found them on didn’t have locations for most of them, just descriptions – and I picked the more interesting descriptions, so I really only know that the Dandelions and the Eibokin are Spinward, and the Uplifted Terrans and the Vegans are Rimward, with the Ithklur being a Hiver slave race.


4 Eslyat
5 Xapoqi
6 Murian
7 Orangutani (Uplifted Terran)
8 Huosua
9 Jenda
10 Kokasha (Minor Vargr)
11 Peth
12 Yntsai
13 Chirper (Minor Droyne)
14 Eibokin
15 Hana Saka
16 Dolphini (Uplifted Terran)
17 Gniivi
18 Llellewyloly (Dandelion)
19 Ithklur
20 Danin
21 Muan Gwi (Vegan)
22 Akeed
23 Ulane
24 Schalli

The Schalli are in Old Expanses, are aquatic, and are not discovered to be sentient until sometime between 1100 and 1200 (specific date depends on timeline).

The Eslyat are from WAY Spinward, being the dominant race in the Vanguard Reach.
The Murians are from Trojan Reach.

Dunno offhand about the Xapoqi, Huosua, Jenda, Kokasha, Peth, Yntsai, Hana Saka, Gniivi, Danin, Akeed, or Ulane, though I've heard several of those before...

[This message has been edited by GypsyComet (edited 21 September 2001).]
Okay, we have what, 5 or 6 domains? Which means I'll have to make the same charts for Minor Humaniti, too. 12 cross-referenced charts. Unless we just do Spinward, Coreward, and Rimward and the Humaniti's in those areas. I'll have to wait until I get some more time to work on this, I think.



Romance by Fusion Torch: "He held her close and whispered, 'Though light years may come between us, my love, I shall always cherish the night when I kissed you on Uranus.'"