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Some questions on ship building and using.

Hello all,

I have some questions of ship construction:

1. Is there a way to fix a weapon on a hardpoint without turrets, Always pointing in the same direction?

2. The benefit for multiple weapons on a turret for vehicle is an additional die of damage by additional weapon. I don't see a rule for that in Ships, we can add up to 3 weapons on a Ship turret, but I don't see the benefit on damages. Did I miss a rule?

3. All the ships that serves as example seems to be made to fight agains ships with no armor, they do from 1 die to 3 die of damages. For example, imagine 2 system Defense Boat (p.331) fighting each other (Don't ask for the logic of having them fight one another, they are the only ships with armor rating, so I use these for my example).

If these 2 vessels fought one another they would probably fight until the operators dies of old age or bordom. If one shoots at the other and does maximum damage with the 3d8 Beam laser, they do 24 points of damages. 2 dice are removed for the AR, so 8 points of damages are then left and the rest of the AR, 12, is plentiful to remove the last 8 point of damages. Am I wrong in the way I understood the rules? Am I missing some rules that one of the ships could use to do more damages, or are they really designed to bully no AR ships?

4. If a ship is not using the weapons, could the EP requirement be transfered to the propulsion system and, thus, improve the Agility?

5. I heard that the construction rules are similar to an older one from a previous Traveller edition. Are there some sites with ships built with previous rules. What I need here is a point of reference to see how more military enclined ships might be built. (Or t20 based ships if they already exist).

Thats all for now. I look forwards to your replies.
Originally posted by Beholder:
Hello all,

I have some questions of ship construction:

1. Is there a way to fix a weapon on a hardpoint without turrets, Always pointing in the same direction?

2. The benefit for multiple weapons on a turret for vehicle is an additional die of damage by additional weapon. I don't see a rule for that in Ships, we can add up to 3 weapons on a Ship turret, but I don't see the benefit on damages. Did I miss a rule?

3. All the ships that serves as example seems to be made to fight agains ships with no armor, they do from 1 die to 3 die of damages. For example, imagine 2 system Defense Boat (p.331) fighting each other.

If these 2 vessels fought one another they would probably fight until the operators dies of old age or bordom. If one shoots at the other and does maximum damage with the 3d8 Beam laser, they do 24 points of damages. 2 dice are removed for the AR, so 8 points of damages are then left and the rest of the AR, 12, is plentify to remove the last 8 point of damages. Am I wrong in the way I understood the rules? Am I missing some rules that one of the ships could use to do more damages, or are they really designed to bully no AR ships?

4. If a ship is not using the weapons, could the EP requirement be transfered to the propulsion system and, thus, improve the Agility?

5. I heard that the construction rules are similar to an older one from a previous Traveller edition. Are there some sites with ships built with previous rules. What I need here is a point of reference to see how more military enclined ships might be built.

Thats all for now. I look forwards to your replies.
1 - The rules as given don;t allow for fixed mounts. I imagine that it won;t be long until someone comes up with some - I don;t need them for MTU, so I haven;t

2 - Multiple weapons gives you the choice of either firing different times or firing them as a battery. Battery weapons give you bonus to hit and damage

3 - SDB's slugging it out with beam lasers will be hunting for that crit that ignores armour. Or they will stack their lasers as a battery to increase damage or they will mount the odd fusion gun (d20 damage *5 on a crit)

4 - yes - it is common to design a ship that can jump an extra agiity when running away (assuming that you don;t max your agility - always an option for mil ships)

5 - See thread in "todays updated topics about a 50 ton fighter - it seems fairly reasonable)
Originally posted by The Mink:

2 - Multiple weapons gives you the choice of either firing different times or firing them as a battery. Battery weapons give you bonus to hit and damage
In the rules at page 278 of T20 they say that ships with more than one turret may use batterie fire, is it the rule you were refering to?

Originally posted by The Mink:

3 - SDB's slugging it out with beam lasers will be hunting for that crit that ignores armour. Or they will stack their lasers as a battery to increase damage or they will mount the odd fusion gun (d20 damage *5 on a crit)
Right, didn't thought of that one.

Originally posted by The Mink:

Thanks for the reply
Originally posted by Beholder:
Hello all,

I have some questions of ship construction:

1. Is there a way to fix a weapon on a hardpoint without turrets, Always pointing in the same direction?
Best bet would be to refer to the Vehicle build rules, specifically the fixed or Casemate weapon mounts. Another take would be to simply note that those weapons were in a fixed mount, give the arc the weapons cover, and just treat the mount as nonmobile, even if the build notes say that it's in a turret.

2. The benefit for multiple weapons on a turret for vehicle is an additional die of damage by additional weapon. I don't see a rule for that in Ships, we can add up to 3 weapons on a Ship turret, but I don't see the benefit on damages. Did I miss a rule?

3. All the ships that serves as example seems to be made to fight agains ships with no armor, they do from 1 die to 3 die of damages. For example, imagine 2 system Defense Boat (p.331) fighting each other (Don't ask for the logic of having them fight one another, they are the only ships with armor rating, so I use these for my example).

If these 2 vessels fought one another they would probably fight until the operators dies of old age or bordom. If one shoots at the other and does maximum damage with the 3d8 Beam laser, they do 24 points of damages. 2 dice are removed for the AR, so 8 points of damages are then left and the rest of the AR, 12, is plentiful to remove the last 8 point of damages. Am I wrong in the way I understood the rules? Am I missing some rules that one of the ships could use to do more damages, or are they really designed to bully no AR ships?
Most of the ships given in the THB are either civilian or will primarily deal with civilian opponents. Since most of the civilian ships are merchants (who generally will not be willing to waste more than one or two tons of their cargo space on heavy, bulky, nonprofitable armor plating or defensive shields that 99.95% of the time they won't need), the weapons given in the designs would usually be sufficient.

4. If a ship is not using the weapons, could the EP requirement be transfered to the propulsion system and, thus, improve the Agility?

5. I heard that the construction rules are similar to an older one from a previous Traveller edition. Are there some sites with ships built with previous rules. What I need here is a point of reference to see how more military enclined ships might be built. (Or t20 based ships if they already exist).
That older source is the LBB Rulebook 5 - High Guard, and one of the better sites I've found is Freelance Traveller - The Shipyard

Thats all for now. I look forwards to your replies.
Simon Jester
Ok, after much research, I will answer my own questions:

1. Nothing to add, the answers here were straight forward

2. I just understood that the whole rule for this is explained in the post text of the turret weapon table. So for those of you, who could have been slow to understand (like me :D ), here goes:

Each additional weapons on a turret add to the amount of weapons needed to reach the damage USP. The USP rating of the weapons determines the number of die to roll for damage, USP 3 = 3d of damage (note that the die to use are explained in a table on the previous page of t20 for the weapon types used) and the USP rating also determine the number of bonus to add to the attack roll, as stated in the combat rules, in the attack roll bonuses ( note that the USP rating is explained in the text but is not part of the attack roll Formula).

If you have more than one turret with the same type of damage, you add the number of weapons in the turrets to determines the USP rating of the "batterie" of turret as explained in the turret weapon table.

3. The answers here were vey helpful.

4. Explained in the what to do with extra EP section in advanced combat.

5. Nothing to add here.

Thanks to those who answered.
Originally posted by Beholder:
Hello all,

I have some questions of ship construction:

1. Is there a way to fix a weapon on a hardpoint without turrets, Always pointing in the same direction?
The Solomani are traditionally fond of doing this, and I suspect somebody will soon port over the corresponding rules from Classic Traveller.

