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Solo Games


Has anyone got any thoughts/ideas on playing solo games they would like to share. I use a series of simple flowcharts to generate events, expenses, encounters etc. Some published adventures also run solo. My current game centres round the Free Trader 'No Strings Attached', currently stalled on Belizo/Rhylanor.
I'd like to see some "official" solo adventures. Granted, they are never as good as a group adventure, but for some of us who have the odd schedual that doesn't allow regular group sessions, it makes a good "fix."

On the other hand, it is fairly easy to modify most adventures for solo play - you just have to be honest with yourself (Would my character really know that?).
I really have problems with solo play, though my good buddy back home used to run 'solo games' for just me some evenings, and they were a lot of fun... his games where very much based on espionage and mystery novels, so the format worked very well, so this is a shout out to the Boonster who was the best Traveller ref I had.
Originally posted by Brass-Jester:
I use a series of simple flowcharts to generate events, expenses, encounters etc.
Would you be interested in sharing your flow-charts? Perhaps they could serve as the basis for an 'official' set of charts around which people could supply specific solo adventures (kinda like the Odd Jobs section of CoTI).
Originally posted by Brass-Jester:
Has anyone got any thoughts/ideas on playing solo games they would like to share. I use a series of simple flowcharts to generate events, expenses, encounters etc. Some published adventures also run solo. My current game centres round the Free Trader 'No Strings Attached', currently stalled on Belizo/Rhylanor.
I was always fond of the asteroid mining from Best of JTAS.. it made for a lot of solo, and some few group, gaming.
Originally posted by MichaelL65:
I'd like to see some "official" solo adventures. Granted, they are never as good as a group adventure, but for some of us who have the odd schedual that doesn't allow regular group sessions, it makes a good "fix."

On the other hand, it is fairly easy to modify most adventures for solo play - you just have to be honest with yourself (Would my character really know that?).
I really used to enjoy the old Tunnels and Trolls solo adventures from Flying Buffalo. Granted, this was an entirely different form of gameplay.

Basically, you are given a story background (and sometimes a pregenerated character), and then offered a series of choices, like "To go east down the corridor, go to paragraph 54; to go west, go to paragraph 76". Of course, that's an over simplification, but as MichaelL65 stated, it was a good "quick fix" and something of a novelty. I don't know if anything like this was even done for Traveller.
Originally posted by Aramis:
I was always fond of the asteroid mining from Best of JTAS.. it made for a lot of solo, and some few group, gaming.
I bought Best of JTAS mostly for that article and the robots article.

If you can find it on e-bay, GDW did a box set called Beltstrike. This was a campaign setting and detailed treatment of belt prospecting. The prospecting rules seems to have evolved from the JTAS article.

Belter games I found were great solo adventures.

Another CT supplement was a third party book that dealt with Startown encounters. These tables were excellant in determining what happens to the PC(s) during a nightout. Besides encounter tables there were sections detailing NPC stats, bars, and adult beverages and entertainment.
[ quote ] [originally posted by Smiling DM] Would you be interested in sharing your flow-charts? Perhaps they could serve as the basis for an 'official' set of charts around which people could supply specific solo adventures (kinda like the Odd Jobs section of CoTI).

If anyone is interested then e-m me and I'll send you a copy of one of the basic charts. They don't do all the work for you, the idea is that they act a a prompt to make you think. Expenses for example, somewhere near to the start you always have to pay upkeep. I fix this at Cr10 x (Soc squared) [sorry, can't find how to do superscript.]The reasoning is that the higher your Soc the more (on average) you'll spend. I know that there are always exceptions (but even Howard Hughes rented entire hotels even though he dressed in rags.) The chart also allows for Patron encounters, rumours, brushes with the law and creatures etc...etc. More, specialised, charts can be made as desired ( Mission on Mithril runs as an excellent solo game, with the help of a chart, so does Across the Bright Face
Originally posted by bobbycondo:
Basically, you are given a story background (and sometimes a pregenerated character), and then offered a series of choices, like "To go east down the corridor, go to paragraph 54; to go west, go to paragraph 76".
TSR published a few similar to that for the original D&D game (not AD&D). You had pre-generated characters, but it was usually easy to insert your own. Choices were somewhat limited, but you could often play out alternatives.

They were well done, in my opinion. They played out the scenario pretty close to what would happen in a normal game, and were far more than just a "Choose Your Own Adventure" story(Although, TSR did publish their own line of books like that as well).

It would be nice if Traveller adventures could be done like that. Maybe an ocassional Traveller's Aide?
Originally posted by JohnDSt:
brass-jester - how do we get in touch with you?
pass the charts over....

Thanks for the interest in the charts. Lets see if this works;

Off-Time Flowchart: Chart 1 c. Brass-Jester 2002

1. Start. Assemble Characters
Go to (2) Upkeep

2. Sell Cargo, pay Ship costs, pay Crew wages. All characters pay Cr10 x Soc2 for upkeep, clothes, etc.
1-2 (3) Buy Equipment
3-4 (5) Healing
5-6 (4) Sell Equipment

3. Buy Equipment. Each PC may buy 1 item or group of related items of equipment
1-2 (4) Sell Equipment
3-4 (5) Healing
5 (7) Event
6 (3) Buy Equipment

4. Sell Equipment. PC’s may sell any surplus equipment and/or curios they have collected. Equipment may be sold at 50% of base cost, curios etc. throw 9+ to find a buyer then negotiate.
1-3 (3) Buy Equipment
4 (5) Healing
5-6 (6) Event

5. Healing. Recover Wounds or pay for Medical Aid. May also purchase medipacks, drugs etc.
1 (7) Event
2-3 (10) Seek Patron
4-6 (8) Options

6. Event. Roll on Event Table. Events may affect the whole group, or just an individual. Some have long-reaching effects, see Table for details.
1-3 (8) Options
4-6 (9) Healing

7. Event. Roll on Event Table. Events may affect the whole group, or just an individual. Some have long-reaching effects, see Table for details.
1-2 (8) Options
3-4 (10) Seek Patron
5 (12) Expenses
6 (3) Buy Equipment

8. Options. May take any Action, initiate new project, take a job etc.
1-2 (11) Hear Rumour
3-4 (13) Buy/Sell Equipment
5 (10) Seek Patron
6 (14) Encounter

9. Healing. Recover Wounds or pay for Medical Aid. May also purchase medipacks, drugs etc.
1-3 (13) Buy/Sell equipment
4-5 (11) Hear Rumour
6 (8) Options

10. Seek Patron? (Choose or Roll 1D: 1-4 = Yes 5-6 = No)
If Yes, generate Patron and go to Chart #3
If No, or when Chart #3 finished, go to (11) Hear Rumour

11. Hear Rumour. Roll on Rumour Table with appropriate mods.
1-2 (8) Options
3 (14) Encounter
4-5 (9) Healing
6 (13) Buy/Sell Equipment

12. Misc. expenses. An unforeseen expense that must be paid. Roll 1D:
1-2 Cr100
3-5 Cr1 x Soc2
6 Cr5 x Soc2

1-3 (14) Encounter
4-6 (16) End

13. Buy/Sell Equipment. Group may buy/sell as much equipment as is desired.
1 (14) Encounter
2-6 (16) End

14. Encounter. Group may encounter NPC’s, Law Enforcers or even creatures.
1-2 No Encounter
3 Law Enforcers. Throw Law Level+ to avoid
4-5 Roll on Encounter table and check reaction
6 Animal. Roll on Animal Encounter Table for area

1-4 (15) Healing
5-6 (16) End

15. Healing. Recover Wounds or pay for Medical Aid. May also purchase medipacks, drugs etc.
Go to (16) End

16. End. Either repeat cycle if a further week on planet is necessary, else roll for Cargo availability, passengers etc.

Chart #2 Selling Cargo
Throw for availabilty of Broker; DM’s Streetwise, Bribery, Admin

Broker-1 5+
Broker-2 7+
Broker-3 9+
Broker-4 11+

On a throw of 12 (exactly) then there is no broker available this week, PC’s must cycle through Chart #1 and try again next week, or sell without a Broker.

Chart #3 Patron
1. Roll Patron
2. Generate Stats (if required), plus tags etc. See NPC creation.
3. Generate mission (or select one,) decide if PC’s will accept it (or roll 1D 1-3 = Yes 4-6 = No)
4. Return to Chart #1 (10)
Events Throw D D

11 Meet NPC
12 Meet new PC (a way to introduce new characters)
13 Legal encounter, throw Law Level+ to avoid
14 Gambling. Win Cr100 x (2D + Gambling)
15 Misc. expenses. Pay Cr50 x 1D
16 Receive a message from….

21 Patron encounter
22 Random encounter
23 Hear Rumour
24 Get involved in a brawl (fight it out)
25 Shot at by accident (throw 10+ to be hit)
26 Meet NPC

31 Opportunity to buy exotic item
32 Close relative dies (who?)
33 Inherit Cr100 x 3D
34 Weapon jams irreparably, is useless (pick at random, could mean sword breaks etc.)
35 Legal encounter, throw Law Level+ to avoid
36 Opportunity to buy property (may be worth rent etc.)

41 Hear some news about….
42 Opportunity to make TAS application (open entry)
43 Receive information about…
44 Meet NPC
45 Robbed/burgled. Lose 50% of possessions (divide into 2 piles, roll randomly for which one was lost.)
46 Mistaken identity (roll reaction)

51 Meet alien or group of aliens
52 Civil disorder on planet (why?)
53 Planetary event (volcanic eruption, earthquake, giant asteroid strike etc.)
54 Hear rumour
55 Patron encounter
56 A piece of equipment breaks down and needs to be fixed.

61 Papers/documents not in order. (xref Exit Visa)
62 Complication with cargo (sb)
63 Special charter (transport to…, act as bodyguard to…., etc.)
64 Asked to carry message
65 Gain a Contact or Favour owed by NPC (who, why and what)
66 Offered Illegal weapon/Black market goods/drugs etc.

Complication with cargo; There is a potential problem with any cargo that will be picked up in the End Phase. Once cargos are generated, throw for each, 9+ to have a potential problem. Then roll for where the problem is, this end or at the destination. If this end, then roll 1D to see what it is. If the destination, then do not roll until PC’s get there!

1. Needs special import/export licence (see (8) Options.
2. Damaged.Real value reduced by 10-30%
3. Offensive stench will permeate LS system and make passengers unhappy
4. Hazardous cargo, throw 12+/day in transit to leak/explode and damage cargo area
5. Customs believe it is contraband and cargo is impounded
6. Shipping manifest was wrong and half/double (roll) agreed amount has arrived

This is a basic chart, it can be expanded/added to as you wish to suit your game. Post any queries.
Originally posted by MichaelL65:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bobbycondo:
Basically, you are given a story background (and sometimes a pregenerated character), and then offered a series of choices, like "To go east down the corridor, go to paragraph 54; to go west, go to paragraph 76".
TSR published a few similar to that for the original D&D game (not AD&D). You had pre-generated characters, but it was usually easy to insert your own. Choices were somewhat limited, but you could often play out alternatives.

They were well done, in my opinion. They played out the scenario pretty close to what would happen in a normal game, and were far more than just a "Choose Your Own Adventure" story(Although, TSR did publish their own line of books like that as well).

It would be nice if Traveller adventures could be done like that. Maybe an ocassional Traveller's Aide?
</font>[/QUOTE]You're right...those AD&D mini-books were great fun. They were geared toward a younger audience, but I found them to be a nice diversion occassionally.

I would like to add my voice to MichaelL65's...this would be a nice addition to the fiction TAs.
Originally posted by Brass-Jester:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JohnDSt:
brass-jester - how do we get in touch with you?
pass the charts over....

Thanks for the interest in the charts. Lets see if this works;

. . charts deleted for brevity . .

This is a basic chart, it can be expanded/added to as you wish to suit your game. Post any queries.
</font>[/QUOTE]Thanks for the charts - I am now eagerly looking for a whole in the weekend chores to try them out.
Originally posted by Brass-Jester:
Thanks for the interest in the charts. Lets see if this works;
Thanks. Besides solo, this could also work in those situations when a nice random encounter or problem is needed.
The flow chart is pretty good, if basic. Has anyone tried the old game, The Fantasy Trip by Steve Jackson? It is a basic game, micro game format, with programed moves, If you go left go to paragraph 22. If you loot the monster, go to Paragraph 89. It was quite fun. Other solo adventures are the traveller computer games. Still dust it off and play ocassionally. But character generation can get outrageous. It's hard to go broke when you have a guy with skill broker 11.

In the end, Murphy will rule
You can expand the charts to add as much detail as you want, depending on what you're doing. For example, under 'Options', one of the things suggested is 'get a job.' I drew up a list of jobs eg:
1. Shuttle Pilot Avail 9+ Needs Ships Boat-1 min
Pay Cr600 per week
2. Labourer Avail 5+ Pay Cr50 per week
3. Waiter/Fast food outlet Avail 6+ Pay Cr60 per week + Cr5 per level of Steward held
These were based around the planet that the PC was on at the time.
Then roll to see what is available at the local Jobcentre that week, if character takes it then move to the following sub-chart:

A. Pay upkeep (4 weeks worth)
1 Event
2-6 Wages

B. Event
1 Get a pay rise(!)*I know this is a bit unlikely but it livens things up* +D6 Cr per week
2 Meet NPC
3-6 Roll on usual Event table
Go to Wages

C. Wages: collect 4 weeks worth of wages
1 Quit job? (Yes or No)
2-6 Throw 2 (exactly) to be made redundant, receive 1 weeks pay as a payoff. If not, return to A.
If made redundant then start again on main chart at Start.

It adds something when you can look at Belizo's new starport passenger terminal and say 'I remember helping to build that back in xxxx.'

Great stuff Brass-Jester :) Reminds me of my old 'Undead' solo games using that old SJG ruleset. I use a lot of En Garde! structures in my solo games, thought I'd post a bit about it here.

I use a few extra necessities like Companionship (I don't specify if this is female, male, or just friends, ok?) which if a character does not partake in once a month then their SOC suffers. I have fun drawing up a list of female and male companions, and add a few bits of flair to each (beauty, wealth, influence, special interest/hobby) so there is a bit of colour and choice of companion. I then either (depending on how much detail I am using) see which NPCs are around or just roll dice to see who competes with the PCs for companionship, with resulting Duels or Grudges likely if a Stand-down (more likely for SOC superiors, some loss of SOC if stand down to inferiors).

I also include Writing Tasks into my charts & tables, so that every now and again I have to write a News Bulletin, News Flash, TV Programme, Random Caller, Political Incident, Local Flavour, etc for inclusion in the solo game. I find it helps me break out of staleness as I usually record less and less detail the longer I play. Having to come up with the plot of the latest blockbuster film storming the planet system is a good way of refreshing my ideas.

I rely a lot on Factions as well. Factions have Influence ratings and these go up and down according to events. Sometimes I go into more detail and rate Factions in terms of their Power (number of people), Funding (assets and money), Influence (how many influential people belong to faction), and Public Opinion (what people think of the Faction if it is not a secret organisation).

I like to create the trade routes and merchant ships for a subsector, and then I create a series of NPCs from various systems, who I record on one sheet of paper. I keep a ring-folder with each system having one divider, and once a week in game time I update all travel of ships and people (one jump = one week).

I write up the events in my solo games as much as I can just for my own amusement. I started playing this way one time when I was ill for a month when I was a kid, and I kind of got hooked. It's introverted, it's selfish, it's nerdy.... and I love it!

I have often had a go at solo Trillion Credit Squadron, improving on the rules etc, but I usually grind to a halt on that one. I haven't lost sight of the goal however - to program a TCS client so I can play it to my heart's content :)
I hadn't thought of incorporating En Garde ideas like that. Thanx a lot, you've given me a whole lot more thinking and designing to do!
If you can possibly find it, there was an old game put out by Heritage/Dwarfstar Games in the early 80's called _Star Smuggler_. which was a solo "roll dice and go to paragraph XX" type game. Rather fun game, and I would imagine that you could adapt it pretty easily to use with Traveller rules. Unfortunately, rather hard to find now.

No, you can't have my copy.

Originally posted by Ron Vutpakdi:
If you can possibly find it, there was an old game put out by Heritage/Dwarfstar Games in the early 80's called _Star Smuggler_. which was a solo "roll dice and go to paragraph XX" type game. Rather fun game, and I would imagine that you could adapt it pretty easily to use with Traveller rules. Unfortunately, rather hard to find now.

No, you can't have my copy.

Or Barbarian Prince, by the same company. Only difference was that there was a board with events that occurred depending on the hex you ended up in (read rule xxx and follow the instructions, which usually said to run event xxx). Also, Barbarian Prince actually had rules for modifying the prince himself, but with a small amount of work you could actually turn it into a full-blown random character generation system.

*whispers*...and NO you can't have my copy either. I had this game new, lost it a long time ago only to find another copy used for a buck. The box was so badly damaged I used a plastic VCR case, scanned the remnants of the box into my computer, cleaned up the images and made a sleeve that looked like the box.