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So? How are the Ship rules

I know that this might be an old topic BUT I don't see it in the current list of topics.

Could anyone give me a comparision between the current d20 rules of other games (Dragonstar and Starwars d20 (old and new rules))?

I want to know the differences and how the T20 rules are better.

First, as far as I can tell, DragonStar does not have rules for shipbuilding, so they die right there. Dragonstar ship combat rules were at about the same level as StarWars. Cinimatic only. (I'm not knocking it, thats just what it is. Some like it, others don't...)

As far as the combat rules go, it has a more cinimatic rules set, and an advanced rule set in the same book. Take your pick!

Keep in mind, the ship building rules are not open gaming licence, so you can share ships, but not reprint the rules for building them... I don't know if this means you cannot add more equipment or not and publish it yet... :confused:
I always thought that Dragonstar could be a lot of fun, it's very different from any other Science Fiction game I've seen, with the possible exception of Shadowrun (sorry, that's just what the game reminded me of).

The starship combat stuff in T20 is very detailed, though I'm having problems getting my head around what exactly is meant by 'Drift' and why it only seems to take place backwards...
>>First, as far as I can tell, DragonStar does not have rules for shipbuilding,

True, we have to improvise.

>>As far as the combat rules go, it has a more cinimatic rules set, and an advanced rule set in the same book. Take your pick!


Stephen Herron
>>I always thought that Dragonstar could be a lot of fun,

It is!

>>it's very different from any other Science Fiction game I've seen, with the possible exception of Shadowrun (sorry, that's just what the game reminded me of).

Well, that is not a bad association since Shadowrun is the only one that I remember to ever mix Magic and Sci-fi.... Oh! I remember another one: Mutant Chronicle.

>>The starship combat stuff in T20 is very detailed

Very good, that is What I need for my Dragonstar rules. I bought the book BTW and I like the autofire rules for hand weapons and the Psi, what I read up to now, so in other words, all I read, I liked

Thanks guys.
Dragonstar has a unofficial set of Ship Construction rules:

Apparently Neo is using these rules for Babylon 5 and Farscape as well as DragonStar.

These rules are about the same complexity as the T20 ship design rules but with different focus of details. For example, the DS rules have 6 ship sizes (1-6) but specifiy the hull material (wood, Iron, Steel, Mithrial, etc). T20 has a variable ship size (0.01dtons to 1,000,000 dtons), but an abstract set hull materials. Neo's book also has more stuff because DS, Farscape and B5 all cover different SF tropes, where Traveller has a more consistent (because it's only one universe) set of technologies.

The Star Wars Starships of the Galaxy is somewhat less complex (based upon a view through in the FLGS), being abstract for all stages of the design. The SW design system is faster but less detailed than the others.