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So ebay is nice

Had some spare cash lying around, so I figured, what the heck. Courtesy of ebay, I have a Megatraveller box set (so I dont have to borrow anymore), as well as the Traveller TNE and MM's Traveller (T4?) coming to me.

Just need a copy of GURPS traveller and Im complete (dont play D20 much)

Yes, I get obsessive about gaming stuff... have 3 versions of Runequest on the shelf, and I like all of them equally

I cant be the only one though. ?
I think we last counted my inventory at 35 crates of games. 6 crates of which are various versions of Traveller, with many spares.
Guess what just happened?

I was outbid, YET AGAIN, on GT Behind the Claw.

Nothing newsworthy, but I was in the lead until 10 secs before closing... and was outbid not by one but BY TWO PEOPLE SIMULTANEOUSLY. Both of whom must have entered their bids within those last ten secs.

&52.66 plus shipping.

Madness, I tell ya.
Some of the OoP Traveller prices on eBay get a bit ridiculous, and the bidding on certain items can be brutally cutthroat, but there are some real bargains to be had at times if you're persistent and a little lucky.
I know... I got tons of stuff for fairly little, including a near mint Fifth Frontier War for under 50 bucks, the pride of my little collection.

But when it comes to BtC everyone agrees they must go apeshit. It's like an unwritten consensus. There's an ebay store that's offering it for $170.

BtC isn't even particularly good. It's simply that it's all we have, that SJG's print run was way too small, and that so far they've refused to make it a pdf.
Originally posted by ChipH:
Could they not just make another print run of BtC?
That's probably prohibitive costwise.

I've never seen it, but I've read that BtC has a lot of errors in need of fixing, too - any G:T fans out there who can verify this?
Originally posted by Rhialto the Marvelous:
Guess what just happened?

I was outbid, YET AGAIN, on GT Behind the Claw.

Nothing newsworthy, but I was in the lead until 10 secs before closing... and was outbid not by one but BY TWO PEOPLE SIMULTANEOUSLY. Both of whom must have entered their bids within those last ten secs.

&52.66 plus shipping.

Madness, I tell ya.
Sounds like snipers from this side of the pond. Blame it on the exchange rate. 52 USD is about 26 GBP and new rulebooks can fetch those prices on the high street over here, so it's no big deal. I'm buying one or two things from the states just now.

(It wasn't me, BTW) ;)
Originally posted by Blue Ghost:
Or, as the girlfriend of a friend on another BBS calls it; "nerd ⌧."
I keep all mine in THREE large moving boxes when not in active use (separated by category and game (1 Fantasy, 1 SF and 1 Traveller).

Nerd ⌧ is EXACTLY RIGHT as we are often embarrassed to show it to others...
Originally posted by The Shaman:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by ChipH:
Could they not just make another print run of BtC?
That's probably prohibitive costwise.

I've never seen it, but I've read that BtC has a lot of errors in need of fixing, too - any G:T fans out there who can verify this?
</font>[/QUOTE]The word on the street is that they published a draft instead of the final edited version.
You might check used bookstores every now and again. I picked up a used copy of Behind the Claw for $8 at a Half Price Books some time back. Maybe I should go visit ebay... ;)

Nerd ⌧, I like that. No, wait, that means I have lots of ⌧ in my basement...

The trick with ebay is to always be on the lookout. I got a WEG star wars book for around $25 when it normally went for around $50-$70. Somehow we were meant to be... aaaah. er, um... what ⌧? LOL
I've personally bought a copy of Grand Survey off of eBay for 20.00, it was listed as "Dungeons and Dragons Book."

That kind of thing happens, too. Or people bid so high on the first copy of something the next two things in line go for peanuts.

And, there are a lot of shill bidders out there that jack up the price, and 5 minutes after the auction ends, the seller is saying, oh the last guy backed out, but you can have it for 1.00 less...(after his shill has bid it way past what it is worth.

I tell those people to urinate up a rope.
Especially can be cutthroat on original Traveller art. Had to sell my artwork along with most of my Traveller collection to pay for my eye surgery. Most of the art sold for less than I paid for it-but that's life. I've got a small fund a got for Xmas for bidding but I've keep it within limits. And I always bid for stuff that needs work-like most of my ship minis.
Have to stop that though. Have to have an implant in my lower jaw & insurance won't pay for it.
Originally posted by Merxiless:

And, there are a lot of shill bidders out there that jack up the price, and 5 minutes after the auction ends, the seller is saying, oh the last guy backed out, but you can have it for 1.00 less...(after his shill has bid it way past what it is worth.
I always suspected that the majority of eBay sellers have shills or bots working for them to jack up the prices.
I think that most ebay sellers are on the up and up. I'm sure that there are some people who have shills or bots trying to jack up the prices, but I've never felt that I've run across them for anything that I've purchased.

I have run across people who will come in and snipe at the last minute (or second), but that's it.
